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I choose number G

I choose neither.
I choose RAPTURE



And how about both

Yeah I pick this one

now that wasn't so hard, was it


No problem!

seriously. there's so many styles to choose from and they pick to recycle the same shit for the sake of a trend. even Hanna Barbera didn't pull this shit.


I'd say they draw it like that just because it's easy to do and looks nice at the same time.

Bean mouth looks 200x better
We all know it to be true


Wrong choice on both counts.


>tfw cartoon versions of meme Sup Forums albums never

Mid 2000's newgrounds vs Modern CN?



Flash vs the eternal bean


This was fucking ugly, why would you pick this out of all the cartoons that have a different style to OP?



Because it it still better. Ugly can be funny.

How about this for mouths?



user, we need to talk.


This. It's simple so it's still easy to draw. It's not a bean or a caterpillar that triggers jaded Sup Forums faggots. It can be more exprerssive than either of OP's.


That is literally beanmouth with an extra line?

I choose this.

The mouth shape isn't the problem. It's the lack of expression in the rest of the face. A smile should reach the eyes.

Looks like something Greg Heffley would draw.

Took me literally 5 fucking seconds.

Mok please

I know you love the thing I've got.

All awful

The only real answer

god, max's faces are just so consistently unappealing. what is his deal?

gross-out is his thing.


I absolutely love it when cartoons do this shit

Same here.

Do better then. And they better not be some fucking weeb shit.

Best one


my man

summa my buses


sucking John K's dick too hard.


I choose right for Weaver's style

i don't like that style of mouth at all
way too cheesy and over detailed

Plebs, all of you.

I suppose you could elaborate on this and word your opinion better but I don't see how it's overdetailed

everybody loves weaver right?


Honestly neither are bad, just gets to the redundant and creatively void after large amounts of repetition by different creators and even networks
Every single one of these are actually just as if not more appealing than both of those.




>not choosing Brian Bolland's realistic teeth


>all the same, no differentiation between canines, incisors and premolars

would fellatio



he's got gay mouth

This is what I was thinking.

Three Angled Blue's mouths

>Canadian animation


Not that guy but it reminds me of something overly friendly and made for Pre-K level children.

>the future's so bright, you gotta wear shades!

I kind of want to watch more cartoons with live action lips now.

The guy is funny. Just because he's wrong doesn't make him less funny.

But holy shit how is it hard to believe gamergate is what gamergate says it is when you can go right to KIA and fucking look at what the evil maleocentric maleocrasy is actually talking about. And yet this kind of douche gladly swallows the line that Russia elected Trump.





This sounds more like Craig and Samuel just doing their own thing instead of as Mr. I and Frozone

>someone expresses the fairest possible dislike of gamergate
you people are exactly like sjws.

>ebil breitbart
>muh gamergate is about literally whos
Yes, this isn't some bullshit post that demonizes and slanders a movement without the basic idea of what it was about.

Kill yourself you retarded kike.

Gamergate are literally nazis, and by literally nazis I mean they go door to door handing out girl scout cookies and demonstrating the Kirby vacuum because that's what nazis do now. I said it so it must be true.

i can do whatever the situation needs
That's the beauty of being able to draw, we can just draw the things we want to see.

what about this? (one on the left)


Personally, I like when they look like this

Shocked I was first to make it


Flex your muscles.

hi Sup Forums

kill mr

go to sleep niko

Fucking bee movie ptsd is kicking in

But best Swans album too

You have to be 18 years or older to post here.

I think he was joking.

Newgrounds face is subjectively more appealing than Calarts face, I don't think there's a discussion here.