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Hey, Billy. Billy! The other day I went up to my girlfriend, I said, "Y'know I'd like a little pussy." And she said, "I know! Mine's as big as a house!"

Was this fair for its day, like the crows in Dumbo? I feel like this probably wasn't as bad as it looks.

No, the whole song was racist as fuck.

Technically they're Neverlandians, not real Native Americans.

It was pretty bad.

Oh that's cool, then I guess they can just go around calling black people the n-word and it's okay as long as the setting is fictional!


tumblrite detected. Fuck off back to angry fat lady land already.

I was being sarcastic. They can't fucking do that, idiot.

Not even going to dignify this with a reply.

>Not even going to dignify this with a reply.
Proud of you.

>They can't fucking do that, idiot.

Sure you can. You can do anything in fiction. Sure you might get murdered by pissed of black people but you can do it.

>Not even going to dignify this with a reply.

And yet you replied.

Your face

I mean, an accurate modern portrayal of your average First Peoples tribe would be a bunch of diabetic drug addicts killing hookers and getting drunk at 10 am.

Well that is true. Still pretty tasteless though.

this is not your place and you know it

Not your personal army.

good, now go away, don't come back

How about no?

*huffs gasoline*

Wie wuz one with nature n shieet

If anything, the media is.romanticizing the entire barbarity of these people.

What the hell is going on here?

Most of Sup Forums hasn't seen Peter Pan and is racist.

Yeah, maybe people in Neverland aren't really people but cartoonishly shallow interpretations of them generated by the people who visit there. That explains why there were so many pirates and not a single rape.

I'll defend people's use of "the n-word" because it's funny. not saying nigger but making people think it is comical to me.

>Oh that's cool, then I guess they can just go around calling black people the n-word and it's okay as long as the setting is fictional!
people need to calm the fuck down. Not everything is about them.

How does someone being upset about a creative choice mean they think everything is about them?

>People still don't understand why Native Americans are in a land of lost things

Anyways, what does make the Redman red?

Say nigger you fucking redditor. FUCKING. SAY. NIGGER

Are you the same guy who was freaking out about the use of "people of color"?

This idea of Indian culture being a lost thing of the past is untrue and kind of offensive.

I was watching That 70s Show the other day because it is actually a really good and funny show and I noticed that Fez said "people of color." So the term has been around for a really long time and people are only just now choosing to throw a shitfit about it.

Sitting around on government land nursing alcoholism isn't exactly "Indian" culture.

We'll never know most of the languages and cultures as the tribes and nations were either wiped out by disease before contact was made or they accepted the forced assimilation of Spanish and Portuguese slavery or they were forced out of their territory by the conquest of a stronger people and made the best of what they could with what the conquerors had given to them ration-wise.

Basically the only tribes we know a lot about were expansive enough to survive initial contact for awhile before one of the above happened or fought like hell or already lived some place where it was all "fuck that area is trash."

but nobody cares about the racist portrayals of vikings in cartoons

Peter Pan was written in 1904, I don't know what your impression of reservations would have been back then.

But if that were the case, there'd be ancient Romans, Celts, Kangs, and Huns there among other lost people. And then to have them there and to talk about how they were white too until something happened to them is still kind of racist.

What are some examples and where are the Vikings now?

Like EVERY single cartoon they are in!
And they are in scandinavia, what you, a retard?

That is not a fair comparison, Vikings were murderous pirates and raiders. Whereas the natives were just sitting here before all of Europe showed up.

Look at this raycist shit!

Are you saying Native Americans were not warriors, you shitlord?

>murderous pirates and raiders
Wow, stereotype much?


>Peter Pan was written in 1904
And had the song "Following the leader" which was about group suicide.

happy holidays ;)

Song's still catchy, though.


Then why are you here?

Clearly because it pisses you off.

I'm not thinking of anything racist really. In Peter Pan, we have them talking about why they are red and not white. I'm actually curious about Viking racism and am looking for examples.

Where's that from?

user, think.
Who do you think made this thread?

>I'm actually curious about Viking racism and am looking for examples.
What are you some Rascistologist?

Keep in mind that the vikings discovered America before the rest of the European continent did. They were pretty chill with the native americans.

I'm curious and it should be easy to find examples.

Then go find some if it's so easy. Why use Sup Forums for this when we have a /his/ board?

You need to listen and believe.


>They were pretty chill with the native americans.
That is not how you spell "at war after one of them killed a native that took his axe"

Fuckin' shame what happened to Hawkins, he was a good guy. God damn xenos.

>murderous pirates and raiders.
>natives were just sitting here
The Aztecs were unarguably the most brutal culture ever.

>not a single rape.
With all the little boys and pirates running around and hardly any grown women that may well be the most unbelievable thing in the story.

Vinland Saga. They're treated like the bad guys all the time and two of the most popular characters are openly racist against them.

>What makes the Redman red?

I know you're just being contrary, but I think they actually even had trading posts where the vikings would leave shit they wanted to trade and the natives would leave shit in exchange. It's pretty cool actually

Ironically Vinland Saga is one of the few accurate portrayals of Vikings where they don't have horned helmets.

>What are the 5 civilized tribes and the Iroquois Nation?

Thats just a fringe theory, what the Sagas actually say is that the Vikings had to fuck off in a hurry because they got guerrilla warfared to death

The Cherokee had no written language until western contact.


But I'm not finding any. There was that one movie that might have been a comic where the Vikings are bad guys but the main character was a Viking raised by Indians who saves the Indians. Fuck what was it called?

It's a period piece for adults that captures the real hatred people being invaded by Vikings had for them. Plus it's white on white crime, so the racial aspect of it is less in question.

As a proud son of Venice I find this depiction of the Italian people to be offensive. I demand he be removed from all future releases of the film.
Or at least recolored white, Jesus Christ


Most Native Americans aren't very good people. The tribal leaders sit there getting rich off casinos and government grants and do fuck all for their people.
Even the ones that do don't really DO anything to help. A tribe near me got a fuck-ton of money for the "health" of their tribe. Each adult member got $10,000 to spend on a bed, $7500 for children, and more was coming for massage chairs and hot-tubs later. Do you have any idea how many ended up on craig's list? About 80%. The tribe did nothing at all to stop this other then not allow then to return the beds for cash.

>white is a nationality and not a color
You need better memes, Sup Forums.

No, that's just being racist. You can't claim that most natives are shitty people and therefore don't deserve the sympathy.

i see people still use this word wrong.
Stereotyping in itself is not racism, racism is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another race, not merely different or odd.

The reservation near me does very well with its Casino, they must have a better handle on things because their residential properties are very clean.
Now go into the back country 40 miles or so there is another reservation that took a bad loan from the Apache Nation for a casino that went bust and their land is a fucking mess. Guess it depends on who you know, like most anything.

That's like saying most people aren't very good people because of the shit that happens at higher levels of government.

Never known a bad Injun personally.

No, most of them are shitty because they were given something that could really help them and their children and about 80% of them sold them for money to buy meth.

it's weird because my mother is from the 60's and she still refers to blacks and niggers as "Colored folk" not in a bigoted way but in a descriptive way

Italians race mixed with Moors, that guy's color is correct.

It's become like the word "anti-social". We know what you mean, though the word is used incorrectly.

Where are you getting these percentages from dude?

No, I actually know a lot about the subject. They started with peaceful trading but it spiraled int hostilities after the axe incident and milk trading. The native thought the nordics were trying to poison them (lactose intolerant).

A fun thing about the whole ordeal is what is written about the cow the nordics brought with them. It is just off handedly mentioned that the natives had never seen such a thing before and that it was "of strategic import in defending the settlement"

>Italians race mixed with Moors
And nobody else, according to Sup Forums. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Maybe they already had a bed, didn't need a bed, or just felt that there something more important to buy. I'm sure there were those using it for drug money, but to assume that's what everyone was doing with it is wrong.

>the Vikings are bad guys but the main character was a Viking raised by Indians who saves the Indians. Fuck what was it called?
Which was a shitty americanization of "vegvisaren" a tale about a Sami whose family is killed by some russian tribe of raiders and he becomes their pathfinder

Fun fact.
The Sioux word for horse is literally, "big dog."
Because horses are not native to the north American continent and the natives had never seen one until exposure to horses being brought from Europe, which were of course imported from Saudi Arabia.

This, for some reason Native Americans were prone to disease (even long before the WHITE MAN) and basically every 100 years, entire tribes would just vanish. If you ever study native American culture, you find most of the stories and traditions are very similar. This is most likely because survivors from whatever plague / war / famine that remained would be adopted into a new tribe when they couldn't sustain themselves. Native American culture is funny in that there really isn't a native American culture, just a melting pot from hundreds of years of intermingling. This is especially true in the past 200 years, converts to Christianity, those who adopted western culture, and even more intermingling among tribes basically destroyed any lasting culture native Americans had left. Today we see revivalists, but it's an act, we'll never know the songs, traditions, and mysteries of these religions and cultures, and today all that's left is a stew where everyone, and every new idea, added a new twist to what natives claimed to be their culture.

The wealth of my experience with natives was my cousin marrying one from White Earth (up around Ogema, MN). I never met the guy, but I know that the rest of the family wasn't too keen on him. He was an alcoholic who isolated my cousin from the rest of her family and drank himself to death at the age of ~36. Even when he had a child with my cousin, he was on his bed in the hospital and basically refused to try rehab, so hospital care essentially turned in to hopsice. It doesn't paint a very good picture of the res life for me.

I seem to remember having read that the native american immune system was geared more towards dealing with parasites than with diseases (or viruses/bacteria. I dot know what you call it, I aint no doctor)

And that's offensive because it sets them apart as "non-white" which is like just calling them "those others". Also they've been asking not to be called "colored" so it's disrespectful to keep using your people's preferred word for some other people. It's strange, but "people of color" is the least awkward, most PC way of saying "non-white in a white majority place".

but stereotyping so negatively does show a certain degree of actual racism, doesn't it? in the sense that you used it: "our race is superior to these stupid red savages, so let's all laugh."

Oh my god THANK YOU!

Hey. I just noticed she looks like the Alice in Wonderland queen in Native American cultural appropriation costume

You have a point but can you really blame them for not wanting ALL memory of their past to be forgotten?

Lakota. Not Sioux.

>but "people of color" is the least awkward,
but that sets whites apart as "not coloured" and implies that "them coloured people" are all together. After all, asian and South-american are not colours.

Funnily enough, migrating seals and sea lions might have been a reason there was no native American empires. Every so often, a seal with smallpox would wash ashore, infect whatever coastal area it was in, and cause mass die offs. Infected people would migrate, looking to get away from the plague, and only infect more people. This would happen enough to kill off tribes, but just few enough times to prevent the population from building up an immunity. This is unlike the rest of the world, where they lived in constant filth and disease, and thus built up a vast majority of resistant populations who passed on their genes to the next generations.

My buddies Asian wife (Japanese) refers to herself as "a person of color" as often as she does Asian or Japanese. She's from California (born and raised) and kind of a rude cunt.

Of course they're considered poc

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