Infinity Train is greenlit


I maintain my point that there's no way they can stay on the train for more than one season and keep it interesting.

Oh shit, the lineup for 18 gets better by the week.

So... a miniseries or bust?

False, this can get 10-20 20 minute episodes or even the same amount of episodes as Gravity Falls.

This stuff has mini series written in all of it.
Comple full show with seasons and this one goes to the trash

I'm hoping it gets confirmed as a miniseries as it's rumored. If OTGW is any indication, that'll be better for everyone.

I'm thinking this might be in Russia. The same with Japan.

You could just have it be mostly wacky episodic dimension hopping with occasional plot.

How long are we talking? Something like over the garden wall would be too short. Maybe 10 episodes that are 20 minutes long would be fine.

Man, i can't wait for this series.

Well, Owen Dennis has gotta be doing SOMETHING since storyboarding on Close Enough already ended.

He confirmed himself he wasn't working on it a month or two ago.

When does Sup Forums start hating it.

It needs about 5 eps to sink in as a masterpiece, 2 to "go downhill", one more to become a trainwreck, and the rest of it is hated.

6-8 episodes in when everyone realizes that just like every other full series that teases "mystery and plot" Infinity Train is going to be bogged down by filler episodes and a distinct lack of payoff.

>its good because it has deep lore
There are shows that used to shit concepts like these for every episode. Stuff like this only works for one episode, it's great to wonder and contemplate, but once you're basing an entire series on this then the magic will dissapear pretty much instantly.

Did you guys like the animation / art style? Would you want it to change before airing?

The perfect case study of this is Star vs. and Steven Universe

Star v.
>plot ALWAYS took a back seat to wacky fun in the first two seasons
>continuity was an occasional bonus
>as an overarching plot was introduced it never took itself seriously
>even now plot is seen as a bonus while fun episodes are par for the course
>any theory crafting is done by a small portion of viewers

Steven Universe
>dangled "deep plot" and "magical mystery" over the viewers heads right out of the gate
>set up an expectation for constant plot reveals and now any episodes without them are written off as boring filler
>fostered a community of viewers almost exclusively devoted to theory crafting about where the plot is going and what the answers to the show's biggest mysteries are
>regardless of how it ends the viewers will likely see it as a huge disappointment

her skin needs to be #7c5433 or I'm going to write a 4000 word blog post and release a 28 minute video essay about how Dennis is a fucking racist piece of shit and should be fired so Rebecca Sugar can take over as showrunner.

Screw lore. Any dumbass can give impression of having a lore.

But the main character actually has potential here.

Watch how LOREfags and theorist cucks get to ruin another series’ reputation

nope,something like OTGW would be perfect.

That depends on what kind of plot structure would they use.

Pilot wasn't particularly constricted by train. She could easily hop between settings forever.

Too short fuck off.

When they reveal that the mc is gender queer.

If you cant condense your story's over arching plot into 110 minutes you either haven't written it all yet or you're a long winded writer not suited for short form animation.

If OTGW was made as a full series in the same vein as SU or GF we'd all still be arguing over whether or not Beatrice is a human, where they are, etc. and complaining about bullshit filler episodes.
OTGW will forever be a classic because they got to the fucking point and didn't bore us by dragging it out.

And could you imagine the outcry over the finale? 3+ seasons all for they're kids from the early 80s who had a near death experience

Being fair, Gravity Falls was only two seasons long. If anything, people complain about things being rushed more than anything.

And now star is fucking trash and i don't get how people still see it.

Day 1

Her skin should be #000000 or i'll be mad.

They have to increase the number of the regular characters. But else there is no reason why it shouldn't have 3 seasons.

5 seconds into it airing.

I hated it before I it was announced. Even before I was born.

I'm here for porn.

The art style is pretty bland. I like the premise and the main VA though (Ashley Johnson is one of my favorite VAs) so I'm looking forward to it. I just hope the art gets a bit of a rehaul.

People are already hating, I swear even fucking Sup Forums and Sup Forums have more fun then Sup Forums

You could do something where you get the main character collecting a party, or perhaps there are other people wandering the train. There are some shows that focus a lot around single episodes and have few recurring characters(mushishi, kino no tabi)

Atticus did mention Tulip wasn't first person to visit his kingdom.

I really get a Wizard of Oz vibe from Infinity Train. So her meeting other people trapped on the train seems to be a given.

that's twelve forever

it's definitely "muh calarts" style, but I think it's done well

that is assuming it doesn't get a quality drop for the series

fuk yea

>If anything, people complain about things being rushed more than anything.
GF wouldn't have been rushed if they paced the story out. Despite only being 2 seasons they wasted an insane number of episodes on stuff that was completely inconsequential to the plot.

At least we don't have to deal with fucking console wars.


I love the premise of Infinity Train but the premise alone isn't enough to sustain an entire series. The question is... are the EPISODES going to be interesting?

So what you guys say what would be the best and worst case scenarios on what the show will be like
A obvious best would be it becoming the next gravity falls with its overarching mystery plots and being as or even possibly better then it

>the next gravity falls
gravity falls was shit that couldn't decide if it want to go full on plot or full on fun weekly romps.
It ended up with a rushed plot but also too many filler episodes.

>Best case scenario
10-12 episode miniseries ala OTGW
Fun mystery with good atmosphere that has a well defined story arch.

>Worst case scenario
We get another Steven Universe and the show drags on, insults our intelligence with filler that does nothing to uncover the mystery (which is the main reason people will be watching), and gives off the impression that they have no clue where the plot is heading

Tulip is a shit character

>New pilot comes out
This is awesome! It's so much better than all of the network's current crap and the network is EVIL for not greenlighting it!

>Pilot is revealed to have been greenlit
Hmph! It wasn't that great anyway! The series is going to suck and the network is evil for greenlighting it!

So Victor and Valentino got greenlit as well?

>Best case scenario
>10-12 episode miniseries ala OTGW
>Worst case scenario
>We get another Steven Universe and the show drags on
>insults our intelligence


butthurt fan girl who still thinks Sup Forums is a hivemind

Was it??

Sup Forumstrarians

Different people

I think if the cast grows beyond protag and obligatory comic relief side characters this could become genuinely interesting. Gravity Falls had neat mysteries but it’s the supporting cast that really carried that show.

Did they get rid of (You) or did my IP address suddenly change for some reason?

Nice! The art is... to be succinct, "stinks of CalArts", but I really like the concept.

I'm on the hype train, finally something good to come out of CN besides okko