So what did Sup Forums think about the latest short Christmas special?

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The ending was great

Is it me or did the animation somehow got a lot better?

>The best CN show is a bunch of shorts
How did this happen
Why are the main shows on the channel so shit

Because they're expressions of commercialism rather than expressions of art.

yeah the animators working are actually pretty talented

I never thought Mexican animators could be this good, let alone make an actual, fun, entertaining series, in comparison to what we have in the US right now.

Fuck, how did they do it?

i think its mostly because the writers and storyboarders of the show are also the animators and have a budget given by CN. They also have a freedom that shows dont have and are able to put whatever they want (cruel humor, disturbing imagery, internet meta jokes) which helps on the tedious work that is animating a scene.
In western cartoons the writers are only storyboard artists and the animation is only done in other countries. To be able to write,storyboard and animate your show makes you able to present your ideas clearly.


who would win a fight blackhat or the warden from superjail?

i think the warden given how he's from an R rated show that's even more brutal and cruel than Villainous.


you are forgetting that if it takes place in the wardens world that would mean that blackhat is allowed to be as R as he wants and if it takes place in blackhats world the warden is limited to no gore or adult themes

in that case black hat wins both ways since he is the devil of the villainous world and would be even worse on the warden world.
Also,the warden wouldnt take their fight as seriously as BH would

>the warden wouldnt take it seriously
this isnt a disadvantage for him

>blackhat is the devil
i dont know about that, he canonically conquers every cartoon network universe but then again the warden takes over earth like its nothing plus he is both magic and a master of robotics while blackhat needs a scientist to make his weapons

hmm thats true.
i dont know.maybe a tie.

if it comes to both destroying each others weapons and a fistfight blackhat would win but then again blackhat wouldt kill the warden but the warden would kill blackhat and its not hard to kill someone in superjail

i dont think you can kill black hat tho. and i think the warden lost a couple of times

What do you think the pilot will be about?

i think something along the lines of Ed edd n eddy meets billy and mandy.
BH corporation tries to sell something to a big villain, and for that they get into shenanigans that involve cruel humor and dark imagery

Christmas came early!


Who's this character anyways?


it's kumamon. he's a cutesy japanese mascot. meant to draw in tourists to kumamoto prefecture. his inclusion in the show was probably a nod to this meme


Alice vs adhd lizard girl

evil meter ,fanfic writer?

Thank you

How many people work on animating Villainous?

The animation quality is too good.

lol is that Chucky?

do you guys prefer sub or dub? i watch whatever comes out first, but i like the dub a little better. you can tell ituriel is having kind of a hard time putting on the accent, but since black hat is some monster putting on classy mannerisms it really fits

Dub, specially fandub.

German, Italian and Russian are pretty good.

I like the Spanish more but it only barely wins out. Also yeah in English it does work in that angle

i dont know actually,but i dont think its a lot of people.