Think of a Sup Forums character...

Think of a Sup Forums character. They're going to be crashing at your place for a few months while they get back on their feet.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dr. Killinger

Knowing him, he'll only need a week.


We're gonna have so much fun!

I can live with this desu

Hope he's okay with the camera I hid in his room.

You know, somebody said they always, always choose Power Girl for these things, so I started doing the same, and so far I haven’t been disappointed or let down.

Why did I think of John Constantine?
I'll be dead in three days, or worse!

Sounds okay tbqh

Doesn't seem to bad, honestly. He'll just need his space for meditation and he can come out at night to train. I say we'd be pretty chill.

I'd have several questions, including how the fuck did he go from USA to here, then also what the fuck did Mabel do this time to enrage him, then how the fuck will I explain that a preteen is in my house now,

That's OK by me. Lunella is a pretty decent kid and it'll give my wife and me practice.

I;m completely satisfied with this

Fuck me, forgot pic

This'll work out.

Stop building bombs you little cunt

You gonna BEE very surprised user

The Korra smut thread was right next to this one on the catalog. So...

I'm pretty damn cool with that.

Superman probably would be out most of the time anyway

Well I'm dead

I'm guessing I'll die suspiciously within a week and leave all my possessions to him via a questionable will.

A few months?

We're not celebrating Hannukah in this household, Spector.

Sounds pretty good to me.

what am I looking at and why do I want to fuck it?

Damn, me too...

Considering how poorly she did, I can't say I'm shocked that she's here.

Shell stay even longer once i make her my wife

>Tommy Monaghan

Well, I'm probably gonna die, but at least I'll get to bro it up with Tommy before I get shot by whoever he pissed off that week

Isnt he the racist character that wrote “congradulations, its a nigger” on a painting of a black nativity?

Claire, from the Cartoon Hangover short the Summoning. Don’t bother watching, it’s just poop jokes and random humor, just fap to her porn.

Well, things are sure gonna get comfy around here.
I'll have to try his cooking. And teach the little caveman metric, I guess.

I really need to start thinking of someone else for these threads...

Yay, sounds fun

>Scott Pilgrim

Im gonna miss her comic, I only bought like 3 marvel comics per month and that's one of them

I guess that's why she needs to get back on her feet

>Dean Venture

Might get annoying at first, but he does the dishes a lot and eventually opens up about how much he hates his father after a night of drinking and old movies. Gets much more chill and happy after that.

when you gonna fuck em?

…need to stock up on Tarn-X…

>My tiny apartment
>Cozy for me, but I never have anyone over cause of how small it is
>No privacy
>Two people would make it feel crowded
>Only thing to sleep on is a queensized bed
O-oh boy....

"Now where could be my couch? Darkseid!"

Would he even celebrate Hannukah? He is the avatar of egyptian god after all...

Oh no

I'm fine with her being here permanently. She could use the peace and quiet.

I always pick Frankie and that works out pretty well for the most part.

I believe you're looking for pic related.

Get it together.

I should brush up on my Latverian cuisine.

>Allison (Al-Ys-Un)
This can only end in disaster.

I can't wait.

Well then, looks like he's gonna gain some winter weight then.
I like my boys chunkay.

Dammit OP....

>have to hide my whiskey in my work locker again
>have start masturbating in the shower again
This sucks

>White Tiger

Oh.....I like where this is going


Oh boy, can't wait for Kraven to bust down my door and fucking kill me because he could smell Spidey in here.

It's probably not going to go well.

I just wish hed shower before sitting on the couch yah know?

he's gonna destroy my house somehow

It couldn't be worse.

or do you?

>Ben Tennyson
Six months later, he's still on my couch, eating my snacks and playing Sumo Slammers while he insists that his job hunt is going great

I’m cool with it. My suitcase and belongings, including my physics textbooks, was just stolen, so at the very least he could help me replace them. Plus, me and Otto are pretty similar, even in tastes, so I bet we’d hit it off.

It’d... actually be pretty cool. Unless he’s in his depressed relapsing-alcoholic mode...

He'll crash on your couch, be gone by the morning and your life would improve dramatically from it.

He's always been a great guest. When is he coming back?

I'm so fucking happy right now.


Why else would he need to do this?

Well, I was reading some stupid edgy depressing fic so uhhh, would that be 9 year old elementary schooler Helga or depressed 19 year old Helga

Looks like I got a permanent roommate.



So is this a divorce situation or...?

>i-it's not what it looks like, officer!

I thought of a few, but I get the satisfaction of knowing they’ll be there for a long time.

Fuck me, im dead

Great. Fucking great. He’s gonna chill in our garage and in a month steal the house from under us.

Absolute nightmare. Everything depends on which persona decides they're at home with me, let alone if he decides to play fucking merri-go-round with his psychosis so I get a taste of every cunt in his brain. I also think he'd be messy and have bad hygene, probably leave bloody moon blades on my tables.

Only upside is that when he got back on his feet he'd probably pay me off with some of his mercenary blood money as thanks.


I think you mean hooves.
The character is Zecora.

He seems like he'd probably just mooch off everything in your fridge, and then destroy your house once he's back on his feet

How can she get back on her feet when she has broken legs?

I’m not against the idea and would appreciate the fashion advice and smoothies, along with the company.

I like you user! The waifuist, a shallow child, in love with the pangs of longing!
But I am the waifu! The tigress-force in the heart of all things!
When you are aroused in your dreams, it is Darkseid that you see!

He would probably stink up the place, but it would be worth it for those comfy late night sci-fi movie marathons.

I'm sure I could lend a hand.

Don't know why they would stay with me.

They would make things comfy though.

Forgot pic.

When someone post some of your old shit art

You fool, She will take your house to space!

>implying he isn't actually there for you.

>then how the fuck will I explain that a preteen is in my house now
Maybe he's on the run from a mad uncle who impersonates government officials and is wanted in several states. Maybe you're his closest relative.

Because he enjoys my company and wants a non-cape guy to be his friend? You don't know me user!

I will NOT be providing burgers.

She'd be a darling the whole time I'm sure, but how exactly is she going to get back into fucking space?

>I do not NEED to stay on your sofa i am simply comendeering it as your princess. In fact I shall take the bed.

I am slightly okay with this

This can only end badly

You better send him back with this for Greg and the gems.


He'd be interested in pre-doom humanity I'm sure.

Burns my house down

...kek. She's fallen out of the meta and actually needs somewhere to sleep.

Will Doc Fate make my house like his tower? I'd love that.

The knowledge wasn't in the tree turbo faggot, he did it to teach Luke a lesson, i.e. the exact thing he said you should do