What cartoon is this?

What cartoon is this?

real life

Looks like an edited pic of the Blood Moon Ball from Star vs

Hillary clinton´s presidency timeline...

>Marco in the badlands is just a retelling of bigsword guy trying to kill guy with long white hair

It's a normal session of the UN.



Sorry user, let me correct your type...
It's a normal session of the (((UN)))

The rugrats hannakuh special

Clinton inaguration speeach

La aberraciòn malévola...

I fucking hate this Sup Forums shit but goddamn did that make me kek


Give me one (1) example of someone in America who actually looks like this.


Oh muf feehilgs!, Is all Drump fault!
It was Hillary turrh!
Get back to reedit kid

La creatura nauseabonda...

This is all Sup Forums, Sup Forums HATES this meme

/r/ing the image where an amerimutt laughs at other countries stereotypes but goes full damage control when people show amerimutt memes at him.

How does it feel knowing trump is single handidly fucking over the country? I say this as someone who hates hilarys guts

La anomalìa pigmentada...