Did frankie ever /ss/ mac? What about pity fucking bloo?

Did frankie ever /ss/ mac? What about pity fucking bloo?

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i hope so

She probably shouldn't stick plutonium rods in her nipples.

She's got to blow off stress somehow.

Why is /ss/ so fucking hot?


we all secretly want to be dominated by an experienced woman

Yes, she needed them cookies

Ha ha, no

>pity fucking bloo

Yes, we've all seen that Zone flash.

Nah she /ll/'d Goo Goo

You know it

She's blowing off a lot more than stress in that bedroom, if you catch my drift.

Do you think Eurotrish would return to Europe nowadays?

Only to be raped in an sexual emergency

Okay, who was wearing the handcuffs.


Only if he gave her enough cookies.




The cookie has little hairs in it. Pube cookie

Someone needs to draw Eurotrish seeing the shit conditions of Europe now.

Is Frankie a tomboy?


>t. literally nobody actually from europe

>Yes, she needed them cookies
At least, that's what Mac tells her.

Because Goo-Goo a shit.

It’s supposed to display motion, as she is waving it back and forth. But your right, it does look like a hairy cookie.

>that chubby tummy
Why cant i have a thicc punk/goth GF who lets me feed her cookies?

Because contrary to most stereotypes, most American women actually take great pride in their physical appearance

Because you're a emotionally stunted man-child, likely even an incel, who jacks it to cartoons to compensate for your lack of a sex life.
Femdom is a subversive fetish that preys on the weakness of lesser men. A man's place is to lead and generate strength whereas the woman's is to serve and provide emotional security.

>A man's place is to lead and generate strength whereas the woman's is to serve and provide emotional security.
you lost me

Mate, real life is not a porn. A girlfriend that lets you feed her is essentially an infantilist

Of course I did, you fucking beta. Find a younger, inexperienced girl and dom the shit out of her if you know what's good for you.

Holy shit, are you me?


because you are a loser who can't be motivated to actually go find fat goth chicks to approach.

It's not my fault every woman I find keeps asking me if I'm into diaper furry taco fetishes. red BULL GIVES ME WIIINGS

>tittymonster Frankie /ss/
Drawfag reporting in

I request some Mac and Frankie smut.

I request chubby frankie like showing her tits in exchange for more cookies

broham you're the one talking like an incel

Mac gawking up at tittymonster Frankie's epic underboob, with Frankie smiling down at him and asking if he's enjoying the view.

Preferably Frankie taking a picture with her biting a cookie while riding on top of Mac.

what the fuck is that?


I do and i try to talk to then but they dont like me or tell me straight up to fuck off. I dont know why people find me so unlikeable.

It's cute the way she gave herself bigger tits

With that I have three theories.
It's either an edipol mother figure that you don't have to feel like a sick fuck for wanting to screw.
The idea of a girl getting really depraved and wanting to push the limits on what's socially acceptable by fucking a kid is arousing.
The idea of a giant woman fucking you, is interesting and exciting as men are very rarely overpowered or physically challenged by usually smaller women.

Personally I get off on all three ideas.


>The idea of a giant woman fucking you, is interesting and exciting as men are very rarely overpowered or physically challenged by usually smaller women.
>TFW i have a fetish for giant and smaller women
As you can see i am a big fan of steven universe for giving into both types of fetishes of body types

Something like this with Mac underneath it, though he has a more nervous expression

>no u

Great counterargument.

Frankie forcefully holding Mac's face right up against her breasts, and it's clear that he's passed out.

Megg, Mogg, & Owl

it worked

No, it didn't.

>The idea of a girl getting really depraved and wanting to push the limits on what's socially acceptable by fucking a kid is arousing.

Same user, yes this is the answer

What does /ss/ mean?


Mac sleeping on top of Chubby Frankie using her tits as pillow after a passionate night of lovemaking

Silly Shenanigans

So, like, drinking him? Like, he's liquid in a cup and she's just sipping away like it ain't no thang?

It's late dave. You should get some sleep.

Mac and Frankie on a date, Mac in a cute little suit, Frankie in her LBD ensemble, perhaps Frankie doing something lewd

straight shota

I don't

I've got too much integrity to sleep at 9:05PM



This too.

I am just lazily scrolling through this folder and finding more Frankie-related vore than I was expecting.


Super Sport

Get out of here with your weird fetishes.


With such a coating of edible lubricant... Is Mac going to try to eat her? That's fuckin' weird.


But yet you post this

My theory is that it hit a very specific note that every boy remembers from puberty. Remember how awkward and weird and scary it was when you started liking girls and your body was changing and had enough sexual energy to fuck a hole through a cinder block? Remember how LITTLE sexual outlet you had at that age, probably jerking off to swimsuit ads in the dead of the night? Never mind that actually trying to talk to girls probably netted you painfully awkward experience at best, if not a crushing rejection.

Now what would the polar opposite of all that be? An experienced woman who you can connect with, as well as a sexual experience that has her accepting of your sexual inexperience and guiding you through it. You probably didn't have until YEARS after puberty started before you had something close to sexual contact of any sort, much less a fulfilling sexual encounter.

It hits all the notes you could possibly want for losers like us who missed out.

Because that image is in monochrome, I cannot tell if any of those Frankies are black.

Straight Shota

Japanese term for dominating a young boy,

Chadrocco does a good Frankie

a Frankie thread without fetishes is hardly a Frankie thread at all

#5 is Black Frankie

She could simply be hispanic! So long as the image lacks color, we can't really know!

There's literally a video online of Bloo fucking Frankie's asshole.

Yes... so much yes...on all of these.

not the only version of her from that episode.

>She will never for you to marry her only to get impaled by a spaceship.

alright, how about this one?




How we feelin' about Mac dressed up as Frankie?

Is that okay?

Only if Frankie dresses up as Mac.

Depends. Is this regular Mac or an imaginary Mac?

>a Frankie thread without fetishes is hardly a Frankie thread at all

someone should redraw this minus Chris Hanson, just two women taking their young boyfriends on a nice date

i just like red heads

Something banned by Rule 3 but the people moderating Sup Forums these days allow it anyway.

Damn, this thread makes me want to rewatch the show but i dont know i should.

Dream On had a great date with the protagonist and this short haired girl and they were at a fancy restaurant and she started buttering her hand.
>Why are you buttering her hand.
>hand goes under table
>Oh...OH! Well yeah that works pretty good.