Bauhause: The Series

Time for the second thread for Sup Forumss hit new cartoon series coming to tv soon, it's Bau and the Hauses!

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

Postin characters starting with the man, Sproink.



stop forcing your shitty meme

what meme?

the crew

t. Steven Universe storyboard artist

>not Bau in the House

Can you even market?


i came into the thread late so i might have messed up the name my bad

Is this going to be like Sup Forumsco/ where it starts as a decently funny thread but people keep going with it until it becomes a completely unironic hurricane of autism?

maybe, who knows.


Has anyone made porn of bauhaus yet?

one can only hope we are that lucky, this second thread is to spread awareness of the series so we may one day have that porn.

Inevitably. I was one of the first people that participated in the other thread and even I'm bored of this now.

Let people have fun, this "meme" wasnt even forced. People just jumped in cuz it was fun.
If you dont like it, leave

And this is all the characters officially made, there are others in the last thread, dunno if i am gonna post those.

In the show, it seems to center around Bau and his misfit gang of friends in their town, of which Bau and his family own a castle, his "hause." Sproink is his best friend and we have a pilot in the works, discuss.

Like promised here is the "king of the sea"
He has 2 heads and every one of them has its own personality however 99% of the time they agree on the actions to take.
Having conversations between the 2 heads often is used to show him trying to reach a decision.

The white head is named Frowney and is behaves like a angry Hitler wanting to destroy everything from hate.

The orange head is named Smiley and is like a internet troll wanting to harm everyone for the LULZ.

These creative names and character depth are ripped off from SU

Don't miss the ultimate reveal when in episode 9999 Bau manages to make himself relatable to Smiley thereby eventually ending for a minute the "king of the sea" threat until episode 19081 when "king of the sea" finally ends the debate in himself between Frowney and Smiley.
Great work did you use flash (adobe animate) to make these drawings?
Because I used Macromedia flash 8 (TRIAL) to make my.

I'm spike-user who are you draw friend?

Oh sorry man, I am not the user who made these, i just am reposting characters. since they are just static drawings I would guess they used photoshop or something.

You forgot his glorious mane of hair and Frowney's twirlable moustache.
No worries though, we don't need to stsay on model, that would cripple your drawing style!

The one with the pink beard needs to not have breasts.
All female characters don't have breasts.
Regardless how fat they are.

My waifu

Does that mean that Airhead is not a girl?

For the love of God, somebody archive the original thread!

Its the current year, look at SU no woman on SU has breasts.
Regardless how fat she is.

But is Airhead woman or not? she has breast.

No problem.
Thanks for reposting the images.
Tell me is my "king of the sea" making it into your collection?

You made me laugh.
In all seriousness however feel free to take my image and draw on it how big you want the hair and the look of mustaches.
I was thinking the Hitler mustache is a little to obvious and might be triggering to the audience.

Do you want it included in the picture?


Remake Pat Riarchy

this reminds me of mushbuh desu

>But is Airhead woman or not?
Only 2 genders!!!
Not referring to xer Airhead using xer!!!
Gender stereotypes!!!!

I'm triggered!!!!
About this literal holocaust you are literally raping into me!!!

Here man, it's all yours.

I was working my way down the characters from OG thread.

So we don't forget, here is my planned antagonist, Jungle Jym. He fights with a banana shaped gun that shoots potassium bullets that cause potassium overdoses that can make people's stomachs upset, since this is PG.

This is amazing.
Is it to late to submit characters?[spoilers]

anything is freerange i am guessing, feel free to post anything, there is no concrete story yet.

I'm so sorry. I've never drawn porn before so I just copied an ahageo face and went off of that. I'm deleting this from my files after this gets posted so make sure that you save the first bau r34. also I made bau trans because that's progressive.

looks like he is holding shining jelly beans.

i fucking love Bauhaus meme

Honestly I'm using PaintToolSai, Usually use Photoshop for work, but since it's much easier to vector drawings in Sai. So I've been making a new drawing every 20 min or so.

I don't really have a name on this forum since I don't use Chans much anymore. So just call me. ~ Re:Animator

Nice drawing.
Did you make it now for this thread?
Or is this a drawing you did previously or something someone else did?

its a nice drawing.
Can you quick sketch the rest of his body?
Is he a normal humanoid or has he something ultra bizarre like sneak tail instead of legs one arm is a drill the other splits into 8 octopus tentacles + wings on back and spider legs?

I'm going to create this character now.

Someone did have a porn of Bau and Gay scorpion.

I sketched him as an idea the other day for a story i am workin on and ifgured his zany name and appearance would make for a fun character here. his body is pretty average though. nothing out of the ordinary. Just the best of the jacket and black pants.

I will bestow this name on you.
(fun fact my name was given to be after I asked people to give me a name and the first thing someone gave me became my name )

Can you record yourself life streaming how you create your characters.
I'm interested.

Keep up the good work.

It's nothing overly complicated I do everything as first draft, one of our exercises when I was in school for animation was to just start off drawing whatever. since you guys already gave a starting idea, i just thought of the joke of the Cartoon Network style, and started sketching on a clip board. then scan and vector, then color.

It's pretty easy when you get into it.

Fucking Sup Forumsmblr in here.

I was kind of interested in the work flow because I think I'm only a few steps below you skill.
I'm trying to compere what works and what is not working based on others in my league.

Aaaaannnd it's ruined, you guys can't let one thing not jump the shark huh?

this was the best design

This is Blocky, Bau's overprotective uncle. He blocks anyone he doesnt like path.

I'll Try my best. Have to get back to work soon though.


Were Ed Edd n Eddy or Adventure Time ruined because people who had the idea for them wanted to talk more about them and establish them better?

This looks like some character out of Courage the Cowardly Dog, nice.

Here is my character I name him shill commando.
Sup Forums can chose his color scheme.
You can use MS-pain for this or whatever.

we haven't even jumped shark yet, chill. Jumping shark is actually pitching it to CN.

OH you do them on paper first?
I also tend to do this, I'm kind of having trouble with digital sometimes and my tablet.

I'm using requests to improve my skills in digital often.
I did have a meltdown with a request where I could have sworn that the tablet must be shaking because the lines where shaky.
So I decided to print out the digitally create image, use tracing-paper to trace the printout.
Scanned the tracing paper used a trick to ramp up the contrast to the max on the scan.
Colored in the this digitally and here are the results.

I also have a blog for my shitposting archive.
I wanted for the tumblerites to send me hate mail on it.


here is some color. If this is based off of that one guy's character, i like his better though.

>curved lines
Very few of these can even be considered bauhaus.
I guess some tumblrina learned the word and decided to start shitposting

bau haus is the main character though, it's not respective of the whole series.It is like how Johnny Bravo is named after Johnny or how Chowder is named after the main chaacter and not soup or something.

Had Time for one more, Will do the bigger versions when I'm done work, Had a lot of fun these last two days everyone.

Something tells me this might be politically driven.

>bone sticking out of dress bottom

Thanks for all the art, are you going to do any more of the characters? The thread is in the archives and someone posted a link if you need it.

goddamn thats a nice boner


Thanks I was interested how others will imagine his colors.

Here is how I imagined his color scheme.
> If this is based off of that one guy's character
It is, kind of.
I asked him about the overall body and started imagining insane things and decided to draw it.

>i like his better though.
Me to.
He put a lot of work into it while I started sketching the outlines.

That's how the OC was drawn. So... Yea

Also I will be back to draw every characters from OG thread.

Something tells me it might be a criticism against a nonexistant problem.

Reminder that destroying the Bauhaus is one of the good things the Nazis did.

The green body and green eyes make him look like a green lantern corps member.

I propose we get some archive for the characters.
If someone wants to open a deviant art or something and collect the images in a gallery to have it all in one place.

>Very few of these can even be considered bauhaus.
Wait what?
What are we talking about?

Bauhaus is an art style using predominantly straight lines and angles and the main character of this "show" we made, is named Bau Haus and his body is a rectangle as a homage to the Bauhaus art style.

I'm just having fun with the OC everyone made.

** Party Pooper **

>The green body and green eyes make him look like a green lantern corps member.
Holy shit,Ii did not realize this.
You are right.

Also considering what insane aliens are in the green lantern corp I would not be surprised if a alien like him already is in the corp or some DC artists steals my character idea.

This is why I officially release my character into the public domain!
Original character plz take!

I would laugh when some artists draws my character.
Created in a mockery thread.
Created based on a question I did have about the body shape of some charters someone else drew.
Created because I was thinking the image in my head was funny.

we should discuss the plot of the show though, we have established Bau is main character and Sproink is his best friend, what else?

>Bauhaus is an art style
I'm intrigued.
Because i like ot see a chart of examples where the Bauhaus style is violated and where its upheld.

>** Party Pooper **
On the contrary my friend now I'm fascinated to try to shitpost a OC in this style.
I take it to be my personal challenge.

Why the fuck wasnt i informed of this?


It was made like last night, not that late to the party.

I was thinking in cartoons.

Unless you want the characters to look like geometric figures.

so is this dead? Nobody is discussing the plot and is just making more characters.

>until it becomes a completely unironic hurricane of autism
You mean, it hasn't already?

I'm taking this on as an actual joke personal project, I'm gonna work on a story for a pilot while im at work, I think it would suit better to be a AS cartoon, as the characters are in honesty, too offensive for CN ( I know same company ) but i see a lot of risky shit come through the door at CN. And know what type of pitches these assholes are looking for.

Do you work at Warner or whoever owns Cartoon network or something?

Let's just say I'm a.. consultant/producer of some shit.

sure you are, user.

Simply epic my good sirs.
Someone be a gentleman and scholar, and include me in the screencap.

Whatever uncle spike made you a character here is star person.

Making his incredible offensive white power hand symbols while saying his racist catchphrase
>Its ok to be white

He will be a major antagonist.
I took inspiration form moon man and combined him with duke nukem meats bolt man.

Is this what you wanted to have in the Bauhaus art style?

Absolutely Epic Yourself Friend, Feel Free To Be Included In The Cap, It's All Yours.

we already have a guy with that catchphrase and he looks too close to BauHaus.

It's so sad that i have a picture of myself doing that with those exact glasses.. when did I become the parody haha.

bumping thread.

>and he looks too close to BauHaus.
I was thinking you wanted something in the geometrical style.
What else can you get except circles VS triangle VS square VS pentagon etc.

>we already have a guy with that catchphrase
Na this guy is a fan of star person he has it on his T-shirt.
Star person is a memelord/shitlord.

>and he looks too close to BauHaus.
Think of all the possible doppelganger episodes where people think star person is BauHaus and star behaves extremely offensive.

>It's so sad that i have a picture of myself doing that with those exact glasses..
Its a cool pose, I do it in a hart beat, I try to make my characters look cool and give of this vibe.
>when did I become the parody
Na its great and I love everyone who is doing it IRL.

Pic related.

Also did you say
>Its OK to be white
in the picture?

>AS cartoon, as the characters are in honesty, too offensive for CN

if its going to be on AS we need to maximize the racism.
We did try to make them extremely CN friendly with hidden racism.
Can we go full

>kiddie show with dark tones for adults

seems overused but i am sure we could make it cool.

So Sup Forums lets outline some plot ideas.
We need to think of plot lines.

So everyone take the crazy shit every user threw in here and try to create something coherent.