Never was a comic book movie better

Never was a comic book movie better

I like Batman Returns more.

>Never was a comic book movie better

superior Keaton kino

Um excuse me but we're on Sup Forums which means the lower the score the better the movie

Keaton is still my favorite Batman. Both of his films are far from perfect, and they're campy as fuck, but they're my favorites.

I still want him to return as old Bruce in a Batman Beyond film, but Warner Bros is never gonna take that risk.


Being a comic fan means being anti critic and anti art snob, reviews mean nothing

>watchable if you’re over the age of 12

Easily the worst or second worst of the MCU after IM3

>Critics deepthroat 85% of the MCU

I preferred Nolan's trilogy. Fuck Sup Forums, TDKR was good.

>only my unpopular opinion is valid

For Capeshit? maybe. Comic book movies in general? Nah

>being a fake nerd is now kewl
Kill yourself

i hope you're not saying dredd is better.
Its shit as an adaptation and mediocre as a film.

This, but Dredd takes the second place.
Pic related is the best comicbook movie ever made.

Other than the aesthetic (which was impossible to do well on such a low budget) it's pretty much spot on, Dredd himself is perfectly brought to life, most of the other charcaters a pretty good too. Action is incredibly good, pacing is great as well as score and cinematography. The film has next to no flaws and perfectly achieved what it set out to do.

Its a better adaptation than Batman '89 and I honestly prefer it to '89, it's the only time a movie has got me to read comics.


>it's pretty much spot on
no, not in the slightest. Only thing it did right was Dredd himself, other then that its tone and as you said aesthetic didnt feel right at all. Anderson's was ooc and the actress was kinda shit.

Still putting that aside, film should be judged on it's own merits, and at that i just didn't care for it, action wasn't very fun for me to watch, some of the stylised bits were ok, but it left me feeling nothing. I dont even remember any good shots, so i cant argue on cinematography.

That said, Returns>'89

>liking Homecoming is the realm of art snobs

surely an art snob would prefer Batman 89 because of its similarities to Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, though?

i think by art snobs he meant more people who think they're intelligent despite being full of hot air, not people who actually care or know what they're talking about.

Like "film buffs" or something.


Urban's Dredd was 100% accurate. He felt exactly like comic Dredd.


as i said before, Dredd himself was good but the setting, anderson and tone felt completely off.

Excuse you?

Probably the right answer.