

Do not lewd the claus

I thought I was the only one who waifu'd some of these christmas puppets.

Someone post all the girls from Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. That's the real shit.

These holiday specials were actually pretty good until the hippies arrived.


One true
Christmas waifu

>tfw no Burgermeiser Meiserburger husbando

What a fag

Does Sup Forums even give a fuck about Christmas specials?

i do

i always liked the easter one where they put jelly beans on the track i think so the train can keep moving the eggs to the kids or something

Sup Forums doesn’t care much for humans

I don't remember that, but I have very fond memories of the Peter Cottontail special where he goes through time trying to pawn off Easter Eggs during different holidays.

>Sup Forums wants to fuck an animal.
>An underage animal no less.

I don't like how accurate this sounds.

Kris made a great choice.



A shame they both let themselves go, big time.

i do but abc is airing them really early this year for some reason. i remember when i was a kid they'd air the specials in the afternoon and evening when school was out.

Why hasn't "Santa Claus is Comin' To Town" had a remake yet?

It would be a lot better with less awkward animation and a longer run time (the original is only 50 minutes long). Shame it wouldn't have Mickey Rooney though.

Yes. Out of all the holidays, they're arguably the best ones. A shame channels like CN seem hellbent on ditching them altogether for their normal shit.

>used to be a month long thing
>then was cut down to the later weeks of december
>now it's like a few hours on a specific date and that's it

It did. Mostoffensivevideo made one. My heart says it's canon.


Halloweens better