You now remember that this guy was president

>You now remember that this guy was president

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From no hair to a very bad toupee.

Based Professor Xavier

I wish DC would and refer to his as President Luthor all the time like people still say President Bush or President Clinton..

He was never president in the New 52, so thats why they never refer to him as such.

They need to make him President again. Lex being President is such a fucking brilliant idea. I’ll forever be pissed how badly we got blue balled in Smallville and JL cartoon.

wow just like Drumpf

I don't remember this amounting too much, didn't it last like less than a year? And I hate how he got taken down like a chump in the Batman/Superman comic Loeb was writing at the time. I figured it would have at least happened during some kind of linewide event.

I didn't realise Lex had early onset dementia

Superman hate suddenly makes a lot more sense.

>given even more power than he normally has
>actually got shit done
>then tried to kill superman

How many times has this happened?


I don't hear anything about this show anymore. Like, anywhere, not even here.

Does that mean it's Cramp Twins level of ignorable or that it's Legion levels of good so there's nothing to bitch about?

i'm surprised they aired the unaired episodes over here when they reaired the show for a weekday rerun.

republicans clearing president luthor of any wrongdoing with his doomsday portal though...

personally it's ok but it got cancelled before anything could come out of it.

their superman turns back time episode is hilarious.

Do you have any idea how much power he'd have to give up in order to be President? It's cool on paper but in practice it just means he has less time and less freedom to be Lex Luthor.

You want a real interesting president? How about fucking Superman. He can't solve problems with his fists, he has to use diplomacy and shit. Things which he's good at, but normies aren't aware of.

sorry to be Sup Forums but how much does trump prove lex's line about being president = giving up power?
i mean no one cared if businessman luthor got two scoops of ice cream.
basically being president puts the spotlight on luthor at all times not when luthor wants it at his cue.


I never forgot.



His campaign to become president was interesting, once he actually became president it was pretty boring though.

Great story.

Gingers can't be president.

Every single time, usually without step two.

At least he actually sold Lexcorp to become president.