What is the best Adult Swim show


Eric andre, followed closely by ATHF


>3 out of 109 people are not retarded

where the fuck is superjail

Seriously. And where is Home Movies, too?

Shitty list.

I sincerely believe the people who like Rick & Morty have never seen an episode of The Venture Bros. If they did, they would know damn well the former pales in comparison to the latter.

Moral Orel and only Frisky Dingo comes close

They're not even very similar and both are middling at best

>venture bros not number 1
Really guys?

its harvey birdman tier, I never could get into it

Alright then, to each their own.

>MDE winning in a landslide followed by R&M garbage
Gee, this doesn't seem like it's been co-opted.

>Million Dollar Extreme winning with 30%
>Rick and Morty in second place
>Home Movies and Superjail not even on the list
>Eric Andre above Space Ghost
>Sealab not even in the Top 20
>people actually voted for Mr. Pickles

Jesus christ

Is million dollar extreme actually worth watching or are you guys just sucking Sam Hyde’s dick?

World Peace is actually really good and I never cared for Hyde's Youtube stuff

At least Rick and Morty has been pushed to #4 now....

12 oz mouse all the way baby. Followed by Space Ghost and ATHF.

It's shit. It's no better than every other shitty live-action show that Adult Swim makes.

>Million Dollar Extreme
>68 votes more than second place
So this shit is rigged, right?

I can only assume.

i was as all the time and never heard of it until now

Yup. Just saw someone on Sup Forums posted it specifically telling users to vote for MDE.

So then this poll is completely worthless, that's good to know.
Someone make one without the shitty meme show.

>Rick and Morty above ATHF
I'm disappointed of you, people. You're hopeless.
Further proof that this site became just a shitty Reddit knock-off.

This poll is shit, everybody just post their favorites:

>Top 10 comedies in no particular order
Space Ghost
Frisky Dingo
Venture Bros
Aqua Teen
Home Movies
Harvey Birdman
Tim and Eric

>Top 5 anime
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ghost in the Shell
Samurai Champloo

>Top 5 syndicated
Mission Hill
The Oblongs
The Office UK
Original Family Guy

It aired for about a month in the fall of 2015 after episodes of the eric andre show before being cancelled. It's fanbase is huge on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/, and certain subreddits.

came to ask this

what the hell?

This the top 5 in my book
2.Venture Brothers
3.Morel Oral
4.Harvey Birdman

Much as I love S1 and S2 of Sealab, the rest of it dragged it way the fuck down when looked at holistically. I wouldn't put it top 10, though I would put S1 and S2 in top 5 if it were just that and nothing else.

I would drop Sealab and put in Mike Tyson Mysteries, which has an incredibly high percentage of good episodes.

>Millón Dollar Reddit

>Manchildren mad that MDE is popular

ATHF just passed R&M
also someone is botting MDE


>implying they're not brigading the poll

Is adult swim the only place to watch king of the hill? That's the only reason I watch it


I doubt it is a bot, it is what I voted for as well.

Y'all this poll was a barely viewed post from /r/adultswim (10 upvotes and 5 comments as of this morning) and then /r/milliondollarextreme decided to brigade it, spam the link all over Sup Forums and raid the original reddit thread. That's what's happening.

>its harvey birdman tier

Good, we agree it's one of the greatest cartoons of all time, then.

man what the hell

Not surprised but still dissapointed. Fucking mdebronies, man

Sealab 2021
Home Movies
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
The Venture Bros
The Boondocks
Moral Orel
Black Dynamite
Mike Tyson Mysteries

Mission Hill

>VB following MDE, the sure win
This feels right.

Home movies

Fuck off dumb reddinigger.