ITT-superpowers you want

Imagine all the girls i can force to hold my hand

The possibilities...

If I could have The World, I don't think there is anything else I could ever want. I'm not even talking infinite time stop, even the three-second time stop would be more than enough to keep me content. I just need to accept that, regardless of what super power I got, I would become a villain.

But the abilities differ between users.
You might get Emily's shitty fucking grab instead of a kino blink move.

>You might get Emily's shitty fucking grab instead of a kino blink move.
The fuck you talking about, son? Her grab might not stop time but it has better manueverability and utility than blink. I don't mind getting either but still.

Telekinesis, strong enough to ragdoll Superman level types.

I'd rather be able to fit myself into any situation rather than force others into mine.

In the real world these kind of powers are the only ones worth having. Being able to lift a truck with one hand doesn't mean shit in the modern world, but being able to control people or gain their knowledge without anyone knowing could make you a king.

I just want a girlfriend, OP.

>implying you couldn't become a media sensation and enjoy a lifetime of wealth and adoration as a performer/wrestler/athlete/whatever

Reality Warping

No, you couldn't. If you were the only person in the world with superstrength you'd be living with a target on your back. You'd be lucky not to end up in some government lab.

Best to have a power that can bring you enormous success but can't be easily detected, as long as you don't flaunt it.

Shape Shifting is the ultimate. I could do cool shit, extend my life if I really wanted to, shorten it if I feel like it. If I started fighting crime I would always have a disguise on hand. You could probably cure cancer with that shit.

No, my problen is more my personality then apperance. Need that purple man powers to get bitchs

>I'm not even talking infinite time stop, even the three-second time stop would be more than enough to keep me content.
And what would you do in those 3 seconds? Touch someones boob? Steal someones watch? Fart on a child?

Get some ambition.

>You'd be lucky not to end up in some government lab.
depending on the level of super strength the government might not be able to do shit

>depending on the level of super strength the government might not be able to do shit
Yes, because with great strength comes immunity to drugs.
You don't have to be awake during their experiments.

>the virgin mind control
I’d get the girls with chad shape shifting.

>be supervillian
>create a virus which makes everyone taller
>people start rebuilding things taller
>virus wears off after 10 years
>people revert to 50% their original height
>everythings too tall for them now


you don't have hands

>Pump out a dupe a day
>Get swole, learn kung fu, criminology, pursue several advanced degrees and pick up a bunch of languages, trades and skills
>be a one-man army
>suffer existential crises as you realize being able to do anything means nothing can mean anything, wonder if you truly have an identity or are just a living Ship of Theseus
>lots and lots of totally irresponsible sex
Who wouldn't want to be a Multiple Man?

How does he copy his costume? Does he have to buy a different jacket for each copy?

H-how did you know?

He can duplicate objects on his person up to a certain weight limit (in one comic he strapped on a bomb belt and became literally an army of suicide bombers)

>(in one comic he strapped on a bomb belt and became literally an army of suicide bombers)
Christ, that sounds painful im hyped for the multiple man movie with james franco, he was great in the disaster artist

This is why you should never wear red in the DC universe.

The ability to stop time, but still interact with everything around me. I can do basically everything I want in everyday life but still keep the power hidden so some nutter doesn't try and kill the time stop guy.

Oh yeah. It was from a shitty Ultimate Marvel "FEEL THE EDGE!!1" comic. Still a good example of how potentially broke his powers are.

Cross the street. Catch something I dropped. Punch someone. Run away. Touch someone's boob. Gather my thoughts.
ayyy, my man

>user says that a 3 second time stop would only allow you to do mundane things and to get some ambition
>you respond by naming more mundane, ultimately inconsequential things you can do

Only speech-to-text is so precise.

Trust me, I see a lot of guys like you.