>Taking a small break for the holidays, but see you all, lovely readers, again 12/29. Have a wonderful time!

Blogeth thy blog
Thank you OP

cio's gonna be ok, right?

That's an enthusiastic expression you got there Cio, what are you so happy about?

Look at Allison's hips. Also that's one horny face.

Cio's fucking ahegaoing.

Thank you based Abaddon.

>that blush
>that tongue
>those leg/ arm stockings
>the high likelihood that she’s getting tipsy off of eggnog and rum in he mug she’s holding.
>that belt and form-fitting elf outfit
>I’m imagining Cio the type of gal to get all depressed over the holidays because she doesn’t have very many friends and family.
>She’s the kind of girl who comes over and gets shitfaced at the company holiday party and then when all the other party guests leave you’re babysitting her drunk blue ass and the two of you end up fucking

I want to do unholy things to her.

>comic takes place in Hell
Six billion cucks lmao

>comic takes place in Hell
Why are you here if you didn't read the comic?

>First the stealth suit
>Now this
Man... I was *not* ready for Sexy Cio and Abbadon just keeps upping the ante.

It should be pretty damn obvious based on what she's wearing.

So is it the nog she's drinking, or does Cio get aroused by Winter wear?



>tha buttpluggerous strappenons!

>mfw I looked at Cio's thighs and thought it was some kinky spiked stockings
>looked up to her naked shoulders and realized it's her skin
>T H I C C
>S P I K E D
>T H I G H S

I didn't know I needed this until I saw it.

No one going to mention the jingle bell collar or the rings?

>Jingling all night long

>mfw it’s a choker too

Cio looking lewd as fuck
what's in that mug devil nip?


Absinthe, monster energy drink, triple espresso and a shot of “blue devil liquor” if ya know what I mean ;^)

egg nog with blue dye?

Sweet baby Jesus guess sexy elf Cio is too distracting for anyone to notice Allison has longer white hair and a scar across her face and her arm around Cio. Guess we know the results of the heist.

I noticed. I didn't notice her arm around Cio though. I like how White Chain is hardly dressed in Christmas attire. Is it one of the wise men or something?

More like mug full of Everclear with a several drops of eggnog.

She really like Allison's new assertive attitude especially in bed

Cio was always sexy.

>Cio was always sexy.

Nah. Shes been slowly turning into waifu bait over the course of the story.

Chain's fucking eyes are wrong and it creeps me out. She has no eyes when in her armor what the heeeeell?

Incubus in slutty costumes when?

Abbadon has said we'll be going back there soon.

It looks cool so I don't care.

I guess. Just weirdly off-putting imo. At least she looks decently happy. (I mean, happy for WC)

Soon as in...?

Wow there really is nothing to talk about is there?

this would be fantastic if the latex they used to stick the gem on was applied more smoothly, still nice though

Next chapter probably

Two questions.
1) Is this web comic decent enough to start reading?
2) What is the name of that literal semen demon in the elf costume?

I'll answer your question by simply posting this image and letting you figure it out for yourself.

That wasn't exactly the one I wanted to post. Here's another.

1) Yes. Very yes.
2) Ciocie Cioelle. Pronounced like you're spelling that one soda.

You've done it. I'll be occupying myself with this for sometime. Thank you.
...and thank YOU. Now to "occupy myself" before reading the material.

Man I would like to hear what 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges The Horizon was going to say.


what did he meant by this?

Incubus as his own sexy Santa, pls

You mean to say she was hot before she was turned into obvious bait

that cio face

>Allison with a scar on her face

Damnit abbadon SPOILERS