What do you want to get for christmas Sup Forums?

I snuck at my presents and im getting pic related. Im hyped

I love that swerve mold.
Got myself a PSVR and thinking of getting a Blu ray player.

Comic books and blow jobs.

you have a nice mom

I've confirmed that, through a bizarre bit of miscommunication, I'm going to be receiving two SNES minis thanks to my friends and family. Also "something you will absolutely hate and will never, ever get rid of".

And a sweater, because it's cold.


>Also "something you will absolutely hate and will never, ever get rid of".
Its a dragon dildo isnt it

getting myself a tablet for drawing
>live alone, no friends, no family

What kind of tablet? I have a wacom but i never learned to use it so i just draw in my sketchbook

Knowing the source? That's entirely possible.


Are you just getting Oilmaster or are you getting the entire Botcon 2015 boxset?

Just oilmaster. The whole sets like 200$ and oilmaster was just 50$. Plus he looked like the only interesting figure in it, and i always loved the pretender concept as a kid while never having any because the originals came out 8 years before i was born.

I hear ya. I have both versions of the Oilmaster mold and he's something special. I have a soft spot for ridiculous Transformers toys, though. Beast Wars Neo was like a treasure trove in that regard.

>I have both versions of the Oilmaster mold and he's something special.
You lucky fuck. Hows the megatron pretnder?

>manchild general

>liking toys makes you a manchild
Where do you think you are?

Honestly, it doesn't work all that well. It's not easy to fit the legends Megatron mold into that Pretender shell. I'm thrilled shitless to own a version of the Grand Maximus Pretender shell though. I have more fun putting the head from my Encore Fort Max into that thing than I probably should. Overall, it's a really neat idea to have Pretender versions of Optimus and Megatron to duke it out. I like the way they look together. I just wish the little Megatron fit into the shell better.

It's called you cunt.

i want a good video editing program so i can make my shitty ms paint cartoons slighty less shit

Same almost, but I get exactly one hundred dollars every year from my dad and thats it, which is about the price of a wacom. Im tempted to buy toys and merch instead but I shouldnt

Very likely to get alot of co stuff as usual

gave a small list of Tpb's and collected editions, a hyperkin retron nes hd system, and some random clothes

so I'll probably get one book and a bunch of clothes, which is just fine. Xmas isn't about getting a bunch of shit anyways.

Get out normie

Someone who loves me

/k/unt here
Enough cash for an SMLE and a drawing tablet and a ____gf____

I got the damian statue last year

He turns into a small car and plane?

I heard my gf talking to a friend that she went through a terrible ordeal to get me something "I really wanted" And all I recall telling her this year I wanted and haven't got on my own, is pic related, so I'm sure it's this.

Can't wait to add it to the rest.

Hes a double pretender, two small robots fit into one shell

>get iguanus pretender from an antique store 6 months ago
>doesnt have weapons, still has robot inside
>decide to pull it out because of this thread
>robot looks different from pics on web
>look up further
>apprently he came with the robot that goes with sub marauder and not the one that came inside iguanus
This is seriously triggering me right now

I got Vegas Pro and Scrivener. Thinking about trying to do cartoon reviews that aren't turbo autistic like all the others, but I don't actually know that much about cartoons. That never stopped anybody before, am I right?


At least dont be neros q

>something you will absolutely hate and will never, ever get rid of
Sounds like AIDS

I'm getting the add on for my backpack since it costs 200 bucks my mom ordered it for me

my sister bought me this

Im hoping to get some Doc Martin Boots not expecting any comics

Aw, shame. The entire set is great, other than Packrat.

one of those samsung galaxy tablets, still doing research for it though

Maybe just a few comic books. My gf got me a Dragon Ball set and a few other things from what I know. But I'm not really a wanting person so I'm content with just a book or two or whatever she gets me.

The other figures dont look that interesting

Shattered Glass Stepper was my least favorite. I always found the SG stuff to be lazy.

It's a gorgeous toy, though, and his bio is hilarious. I just use him as a Decepticon.


Your ps4 plays bluerays.

My advice is to make something entertaining to watch. Don't do something cheap or lazy.

How the fuck are you getting a convention exclusive? That must cost a fortune.

It was only around 50$. Im shocked because when i try to get it a few years ago it alone without the set was like 200$
