Wally West is the best flash

>Wally West is the best flash
What are some other clear indicators that someone is a normal-fag?

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I'm sorry, user, but you meant
>Barry Allen is the best Flash
That's when you know you're dealing with a normalfag.

Normalfags don’t even know who Wally West is

>spider-man's webbing should be organic.

>normalfags liking Wally
the only thing normies even know about wally is that hes black, gay, and a sidekick

Batman doesn't need Robin
Superman should hook up with Wonder Woman
Darkseid is a Thanos rip off.

Wally is the most popular flash

I don't think they even know their are multiple flashes

I wish that were the case.

Galactus is a Thanos rip off.

Most WTF thing I've ever heard

no, remember the JLU cartoons?

>Superman would beat batman because batman doesn’t have powers

Wally west name was said like once in the JLU normies have no idea which flash that was.

Batman would beat Superman because batman has prep time.

How is he not? Barry was dead in the comics for such a longtime, wally took his throne. Barry is only know because of his CW show

Correct answer, why would they fight in the first place they are best friends.

Under most circumstances he would beat him

Why is the flash thats on a popular show the most well known flash and not the one that hasn’t been the main flash in comics in about 10 years?

You're implying that normalfags have even been in the same room as a comic.

I'm sure most of them look into the comics

You'd be surprised., but it's only Supes.

I dont know why you think normalfags would know about the comic better that the TV show

That moment when you out yourself as a normie

I thought normies hated Superman?

>n-no, surely a character I like isn't one normies would know about!


Bart Allen is my favorite. He is unknown to normies and most comic fans

Oh so this is the bait thread

>implying "batman can superman cuz prep time" isn't the normalfag answer


Normies who call themselves geeks only watch movies and tv,and only really surface leave stuff too.

This thread is really fucking stupid, why don't you people talk about anything real anymore?