Team Teen

Because it's been a while since the last thread.

Other urls found in this thread:



I was wondering when a thread for this would be made again. For a while, it seemed like much of the people involved were scared away.

So which one’s gonna bang Kim?

Imagination, user. I don't know if you'll ever get a real answer, though.

I’m still here. Getting everything set so hopefully more animations will come out.
Having problems filling the production slate though. So many ideas to pick.

The Kim Possible vs. Rath animation is done, just needs music and shots need to be composited.

All of them.

Either Ben,after a frustrating arguement or Danny,after he attempts to console her

>Kim VS Rath

hot damn, my body is ready. I remember when we were just spitballing that idea in the thread.

It has been millennia since I last heard of this, what's new?

>implying it won't be Jenny

It’s pretty short, so I hope you enjoy it all the same.

There’s the fan comic:

And I made a bunch of animations:

With more to come, hopefully.

thats excellent
keep up the good work my main man

It doesn't matter if its short. The fact is you're done with it - most OC creators on Sup Forums don't finish things they start.

I ought to know...

So what's the definitive roster for Team Teen? I know people like adding new members without a lot of reason, so besides our core group of Danny, Ben, Kim, Jenny and Jake, who do you think really belongs? My vote goes Randy Cunningham.

When theres trouble you know who to call...

Theres the core group, and then I think there was also a secondary group that had Randy, Miraculous Ladybug, Steven Universe, Star Butterfly, and also Dipper and Mabel. Don't quote me though, as its been a while since I've delved into this

They are the core group, but it’s basically like a typical super team: the roster grows, and some heroes are called when needed.
They meet a lot of other heroes, but that doesn’t mean they become full members.

Needs one more girl god dammit

this is team ten bitch who the hell are flipin you?

So the most OP heroes (along with a few sidekicks) get shuffled off into the secondary team, to make sure they're not around to overshadow the "main" group?

Eh, I think it was more like this was the group that was thought up first, and then to keep the size manageable a second group was needed, 'Cause lets face it - a team of five is normal, a team of ten is unmanageable

Teen Titans?

Funny that you'd say that, actually.

Nobody gives a shit about your Bleedman-level autism fest, Doodley.

Stop trying to force this shit.


I don’t even start these threads, man. I know a lot of people here hate this.

Ixnay, Faggot!

Actually, someone else usually posts these threads. I'm surprised people are still interested, to be honest.

And yeah, you could argue this is pretty autistic. Those comments seem to be of the norm in these threads. But we're trying to avoid committing any cardinal sins of these kinds of crossovers. We're not going to put in any gratuitous edgeshit into these stories. Grim Tales, this ain't. I hope.

What would the theme song be?

Usually, Doodley has some original (albeit generic-sounding) orchestral music playing in his animations. There's no concrete "theme song" for them. Though, if we were to borrow some songs for one, these would be my choices:
What would your choices be?

I've got to ask dude, you're not a bad artist, why dedicate yourself to something like this?
Seems like a massive waste.

He's having Fun, i'd imagine
Same with people who actually write Fanfics or draw Fanart

I contributed ideas for this, my body is ready.

Fair enough I guess.
I suppose I just don't understand the appeal do to the fact I'm not the type who does fan stuff often.

>Not liking crossovers
>Not liking people actually committing to a project and making legitimate progress on it
>Coming into a thread (you) hate to voice your shit opinion


>Not liking people actually committing to a project and making legitimate progress on it

Such as

Would it be too much to add if When Gong Eh were added to the mix?

>Team Teen and the Wulin butt heads over the same target for their first encounter
>Multiple showdowns later they realize they're on the same side
>The Xiaolin Showdown cast appear sparingly after this to not clog the show

>When Gong Eh
I'm A mobilefag with autocorrect. Spare me.

useing your power together

I love cartoon crossovers.
I love making stuff with my original characters too though.

Feel free to share what they are here!

I’ve always wanted to do something where Team Teen ends up in a three way race between Xiaolin Showdown and Jackie Chan and Jade over a magical item.

But Jack Spicer and Wuya show up quite a bit, and Jack becomes part of a team comprised of villainous teens.

At least three fanfics, one guy drawing a comic and the namefag doing several videos.

An in-progress from another user I saw in a crossover thread.
I know it's not exactly team teen, but it's in a similar spirit, had an interesting backstory and would I like to talk to him again.
What do you guys think?

I like your artstyle man, you got a tumblr/da/whatever

Where can I read past page 65?

You keep shilling that shitty wip, and your shitty art all the time, asking the same thing.
It's still shit, is the answer.

Actually speaking of GOLB, where would he be in terms of Villainous Forces in this mass-crossover? He doesn't seem like one of the convoluted Keikaku-type villains that most of the others are, and he's certainly obscure and so utterly Alien that I doubt any of the other baddies would even know of him, but it's still something to think about.

Your art’s not good, but who am I judge? You should keep drawing and have fun with it.

80 pages should be up there on that Tumblr page.

He's an Outer God who normally keeps to himself, right?

Technically, has the thing that came BEFORE the Outer God equivalents of his verse, so far all intents and purposes he's essentially Azathoth. Unlike the Nuclear Chaos however, he's directly malevolent and seeks the annihilation of all things, even ocassionally erasing whole realities and people at random. He even has/had "Scholars" to aid him in this endeavor. He's basically what would happen if Azathoth was directly aware of existence and was also Pure Evil to boot.


I forget, does anything happen if all the Shen Gon Wu are collected by one group, or is it more just "now the other guy doesn't have them"?

i must say this is cute as fuck.
love the idea of Danny be a huge fan of ben 10.

Kim = Robin
Ben 10 = Beast Boy
Jenny = Cyborg
Danny = Raven
Jake = Starfire (weakest link I know)

For a reason

the power sets fit, but lordy the power LEVELS between the titans and team teen is so out of whack it isn't even funny.

With the exception of Kim, who is probably as close to Robin in terms of skill as you can get, the others vary so wildly in terms of power its ridiculous

It's not that bad, but it looks really rushed.
There's quite a bit of sloppy anatomy going on here, especially with Gwen. She's got that EB Games neck going on combined with the small head. Some of the legs also look really rushed. That said, while the designs have potential, I can't really get much out of the lineart. It's too rough and cluttered. The lack of colors don't help this either. All I can really say to you is work on your proportions and clean up your lines. Aside from that, you might be getting there.

same happends in teen titans, and that was a good show

Speaking of Adventure Time, if that show takes place in like a parallel Earth/alternate timeline, then does that mean it could theoretically contain an alternate version of Simon Petrikov and the Ice Crown and possibly even Marceline?

let people have fun

When will you assholes realize how fucking autistic you look and fuck off with your shitty fanfiction?

Fuck all these stupid franchises

>t. Triggered Reddit-tier faggots
Go "REEEEEEEEEEE" and guzzle ejaculate somewhere else please.

Is this a pedophile thread? Gross

Why can’t we get a good crossover instead of this shit? How about pic related?

You idiots DO realize that you can hide and just straight-up filter the thread if ooyu dislike the base ideas behind it so fucking much right? Bloody cockmunchers.

Every time people say this, just makes me want to make it more autistic.

>Kim Possible tries to stop Carmen Sandiego from stealing an ancient artifact with the help of the PJ Masks.

ben is so OP to the rest of them, he's just gonna stomp everything

Danny obviously

Jake. He has a thing for white girlfriends.

Kim wouldn't like him tho

That implies Kim was able to resist the power of Ron's mediocre self-insert dick.

Every time a post like this is made, more autism is born from pure spite.

I think Ben's whole shtick with them is that he KNOWS hes godmode compared to them, and winds up getting his ass handed to him on occasion because he gets cocky.

Also, its feasible to believe that there are enemies out there that he can't beat with the literal Deus ex Machina on his wrist. For those he'll need all the help he can get

No Sari?

I'm pretty sure the general thinking is no larger franchises, so no DC or Marvel or TMNT etc, and that includes Sari.

Also she's vaguely from the future, though then again so is Jenny.

And Steven’s here despite his show taken place on an alternate Earth. And one comic has Teen Titans go, but that’s as far as DC’s presence is in the most of fanfics AFAIK.
TMNT is in as well.

Two story ideas

>Ron Stoppable, Sam Mansion and whichever one of Ben's love interests you like the most team up to save their lovers

>The Day The Multiverse got really screwed up
>Horror Movie monsters are terrorizing the multiverse (and everything is in black and white)
>Team Teen teams up with Oxnard Montalvo and His two biggest fans
>Turns out that Scientist #1 and Pete have rebuilt the Alien Object ("because that's what scientists do, we rebuild thingies and wear this dashing and fashionable white lab coats")