Thor Thread: Naked Sif edition

> Do you want Aaron to leave after Fem Thor is done?
> If so what writer do you want to replace him?
> What artist do you want on the book if Russell leaves?
I hope Immonen after Slott's final arc on ASM is done, his Thor art in Fear Itself was great.





I sense an incoming storyarc (probably by the next writer) about mjolnir having been corrupted by something, and the villain responsible becoming a direct threat. It’s sometimes hard to tell with Jane and the hammer who’s the wielder and the wielded.


I assumed that the gold hammer/arm that was teased in 700 would have something to do with Exterminatrix but with her death in Miss America that seems no longer viable.

>thor gets his hammer and name back
>whor becomes thordis and gets her own book written by aaron and it gets cancelled in a year due to shit sales

A man can dream.

Ideas for Thor 4?

Kinda puzzled were to go at this point unless they wanna introduce the Greek Gods.

> Gerard Butler as Hercules
> Mel Gibson as Ares
> Ian Mcshane as Zeus





>>Gerard Butler as Herc

Nah man

I'd rather they just introduced Herc in Thor 4, and then gave him a spin-off. That way they could use Jason and the Argonauts, Odysseus, Achilles. Maybe if Marvel goes all Dark Reign, they could fold the Ares mini there.

I wanna see an Incredible Herc movie with Cho. Maybe do Makaboshi (sp?)

>Hey Loki, wanna /ss/?

>Yes, please.
>Turn himself into a grown woman and you into a little boy.

Where is that from? Agents of SHIELD?

I'm sick to death of Jason Aaron so yeah, time for someone who doesn't hate the subject matter to be on Thor.

I'd like his Earth rogues to get a little love for once. Absorbing Man (yeah he died, but he even said he'll be back.), Radioactive Man, the Wrecking Crew, Tomorrow Man's well due for a revival. Lots of cool villains who used to get to be part of the whole picture but haven't gotten to do shit for a while.

A nice long break from Loki-as-anti-hero would be nice but probably won't be happening.

Kyle XY, it seems.

Kyle XY.

It looks like his dick has cosmic stank drifting off of it

>that time Lady Sid tricked Dennis into going to prom with her to make some Jock Asgardian jealous

No more Loki, Surtur, Amora, Malekith, Kurse, Mangog, Frost Giants, Ulik for a few arcs or even a run.
Create some new villains or use some obscure lesser used ones like the Egyptian or Aztec Gods or Mummy Thor from Earth triple 6.

Is Jeff Parker still with Marvel? He would be a decent choice, the rogues gallery he created for Red Hulk was decent.

>what the Hel is going on here


The Norse Hell is just Hel.

At that point, they might as well just show the goods