The Battle of the Sues

Let's settle this once and for all.

If these two characters ever encountered one another in combat. Who would be the one to come out on top?

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I refuse to participate in this thread. And you're an awful person for making it.

Korra has no protection against The Force
She's also more arrogance and prone to more mistakes

you're awful for feeling these characters have anything redeemable

willing to bet if korra knocks rey out , her muh-dicklorians are so strong she force-fights while comatose

Korra does have the luxury of elemental powers and the Avatar State where as Rey does not though.

Plus the Force and Chi are literally the same thing.

Why do you hate fun, Anonymous?

I would say Korra since she at least ended up not bypassing the character development.

korra bc her series isnt shit all the time
literally all the time

In what way did Korra have character development, you retard?

Her series was more shit.

Rey. Because, as stated in the Contract of Mouse, she cannot win. Or work to get her win. Korra actually lost many times, and fucked up.

*she cannot lose

Korra is the exact opposite of a Mary Sue. Everyone that meets her compares her unfavorably to the other Avatars.

How can Korra be a Mary Sue? She is one of the most incompetent pieces of shits I've ever seen. L

I forgot that Rey was a sue in TFA, in the second movie it didn't feel that noticeable because she went to train with Luke.
but then I remembered she didn't actually do any training and then destroys the praetorian guards like nothing. fuck The Last Jedi.


Uhh, over the course of the series we've learned this about her.

- Child prodigy.
- Sheltered childhood, because her past life, her parents, and the White Lotus had to keep her safe from some lunatics who wanted to kidnap her and brainwash her into their world views.
- Slow learner.
- Difficulties in the spiritual aspects of her duties.
- Difficulties in learning airbending. Still hasn't master proper airbending.
- Is too brash which leads her to numerous defeats that causes serious scars and injuries. Almost getting her killed a few times.
- Ended up getting post traumatic stress disorder over almost being killed because she was too brash and stupid.
- Finally realizing that perhaps maybe violence doesn't solve all issues in the end and even found herself a lifelong friend who became a girlfriend.

That sounds like a pretty heavy load of information for a character that doesn't have development.

I doubt a weak Mind Trick would work on an Avatar, and Rey isn't good enough to flat out ragdoll someone with the Force. Rey would have a difficult time evading some high-tier level bending, if she can close the distance though she'll skewer Korra (assuming energybending doesn't work on lightsabers?).

I'd like to think Korra would have the sense to keep away from the glowing sword and she'll just demolish her from a distance. If there's a good source of water than she'll just flood and freeze her.

Korra's not a mary sue though, she constantly fucks up and a lot of people don't like her.

Then she has one thing in common with Rey.


Wait, when the series aired 3 years ago and even until the very last episode, you faggots were always calling Korra a Mary Sue and now she's not anymore?! Since when did you stuck licking her fucking pussy?

Aww, we wouldn't see no staff to staff action?

Just because a character is arrogant of there ability doesnt make them a sue,korra was the biggest jobber in the series,even freakin zuko probably has a better loose:win ratio

People stopped calling korra a manry sue between season 2 and 3 when her fuck ups and loses stopped being other peoples fault

I've never understood how or why people thought she was a mary sue. By that same fucking logic, Aang must be one too. He went from just knowing airbending to mastering all the elements and beating the shit out of one of the most powerful firebenders to ever exist during Sozins comet. How is Korra a mary sue, and Aang not?

Yes a line a character says as a child is what defines a mary sue, not literally everything else. Korra is a fucking horrible show and she is a terrible character but she is very far from a mary sue. Mary sue doesn't mean "shit female character", it generally refers to a character that's largely perfect, constantly wins and is beloved by the whole cast, in its purest form it should be a self insert for a creator as well.

>In what way did Korra have character development, you retard?
Have you not even watched The Legend of Korra?

Korra isn't a Mary Sue. In fact she's just kind of shit.

'Wh-why would I need to watch a show to critique it's characters!' the man shouts as he cries after his 4th. failed attempt at suicide.

>a lot of people don't like her.
not really people of consequence before toph shows up and is instantaneously tired of her bullshit. it's definitely not as bad as rey though, i'll agree. i still think it was bullshit in season 1 when korra blows up on tenzin and destroys an ancient airbending relic and calls him a terrible teacher in front of his fucking family, then by the end tenzin is the one apologizing to her.

>that webm
i've only seen LOK S1 so idk but everyone I've talked to said Korra is a weak Avatar? Lies??

She still has a lot to learn.

It's probably because Tenzin is old and knows that trying to argue with a young, arrogant bender is pointless until they figure out how to cool their own ego down or get humbled.

Even a 'weak' avatar still tends to be much stronger than normal benders.

>and destroys an ancient airbending relic
Because Korra knew that the Airbenders needed to end.

It's because she spends most of the series getting her ass kicked due to circumstance, when she really lets loose she honestly has better feats than Aang sans-Avatar State

Why is there a picture of Rey next to Korra, OP?

What does she have to do with Avatar?

shitty writers think that break ups, aging, and "this wasnt actually rape but every character in the show is going to treat it like rape" is character development
even when the character who goes through it doesnt actually change from when she first appeared on the show

korra starts the show as an imature child who juat happens to be able to bend multiple elements and leaves the show the same way except lesbian

They clearly showed how Korra changed in S3 and S4
>"this wasnt actually rape but every character in the show is going to treat it like rape"
r e t a r d

>youve got to confront the person who poisoned you
>I cant pretend it didnt happen but IM stronger and being (poisoned) doest define me
>I cant just take out this metal despite being the best metal bender in the world, only you can overcome the fact that you were (poisoned)

jesus it was so cringy, as if the first two villains didnt come close to killing her, oh yeah dude fighting the worlds literal devil and almost getting your avatar spirit murdered ending the avatar altogether just happens every other day, ooh getting poisoned tho? gonna need psychological therapy and a journy of self discovery ditching everyone you know exept the lezbo cause identity politics

How would you feel if you were poisoned, Anonymous?

Platinum was a mistake.

>Both just have abilities that took intense training for their predecessors to learn
>Both can just beat highly-trained elite soldiers in combat
>Both break all the rules established over power in their universe
Neither can lose

No retard, it's because even in the Avatar state she realized she's not invincible. And she realized that if she had died in the Avatar state, that would have been the END of the Avatar Cycle permanently. And obviously you'd treat someone you like, your friend carefully if they're going through a shit time, unless you're a fucking sociopath.

Uh... Aang literally mastered three elements in a year. Korra mastered three over like, a decade in White Lotus training. And what 'highly elite' soldiers are you talking about here? Also, what 'rules of power' did she break? She kind of lost a lot too, did you even watch the show?

>Aang literally mastered three elements in a year
aang is flat out told his earthbending and firebending are far from mastered. he knows this himself, he was going to train more to get as good as he could before he found out ozai was going to go all scorched earth on the earth kingdom. i guess it's arguable to say he mastered waterbending because we honestly don't see him use it all that often.

I thought Korra's issue was that she's an incompetent retard.

Korra isn't a mary sue, just a character with flaws so bad it kind of makes her unlikable.

Anyways in a fight it depends how far apart they start and how gets the first move. Korra has no way to counter a lightsaber and force grab that immobilizes her. She how ever has the ability to use the environment to her advantage so at a distance korra could just slug tons of earth at Rey in hopes of crushing her, use bursts of air to keep her at a distance and maybe use metal bending to destroy the saber. Rey still hasn't used something like force speed or force jump so she'll be as agile as an above average normal human.

Force grab? She's not Snoke, mate.

It took Korra a season of lessons in order to airbend while Aang picked up earthbending and firebending in an afternoon.

Aang didn't master them, but he got a working knowledge pretty quickly.

>aang is flat out told his earthbending is far from mastered
I don't know about that.
That's coming from Toph, she's probably comparing it to her own earthbending. Similarly she said Su isn't a great metalbender...even though Su's probably in the top 5 best metalbenders ever.
We've seen other earthbender masters and honestly Aang has way better feats than them, excluding the very top like Bumi.

Korra is the ultimate jobber.

Rey could have been murdered a week before the fight and Korra would still find a way to lose.

That's what I said.

so her letting raava die wasnt a realization that she wasnt invincible?
you know the ACTUAL avatar spirit and letting the memory of every past avatar just fucking DIE because she was just an incompitent retard?

thats not enough to set her off edge but a little poison is?
losing her actual bending for a time isnt enough to go through any character development but a little poison is?

its a retarded rape parallel get over it, the shows shit of course theyd have this kind of cancer

id treat it like any other illness if I didnt die from it and would probably get the cops to find the fucker and lock them up
I wouldnt need fucking therapy or closure because its fucking POISON not rape

Korra would get her ass kicked until the season finale so Rey would have the advantage here.

>In what way did Korra have character development, you retard?

You missed it because she didn't go through a foolproof checklist consisting of clumsy episodes like "betrays his friends about their father and learns from it" or "burns his friend's face and learns from it" or "loses hope and regains it", but Season 2 Korra is different from Season 1 Korra, and in turn different from S3 and different from S4.

>That's coming from Toph, she's probably comparing it to her own earthbending
well yeah, he should be at least at her level if he's going to master it. we saw roku in his training sparring with his masters and he was able to beat them, ideally that's how good you should be. i'm not saying he was garbage or anything but he wasn't toph level which you want to be if you're going to fight the end boss of the entire fucking world. guy couldn't even metalbend and according to korra, never even tried apparently.

She looked pretty devastated to me when she told Tenzin that her connection to the other Avatars was gone for good. She even seemed less full of herself at the start of season three and she was even buddy buddy with him. Do you have problems reading body language, Anonymous?

It wasn't the fact she got poisoned that fucked her, it was the DAMAGE that did. The LITERAL damage. Mercury poisoning usually permanently destroys someone's body and Korra had that shit in her system for literal years.

Her biggest fear is she'd lose her worth. She was raised to be the Avatar from a baby, her worth as the Avatar is the only thing she knows. That's why she was scared shitless over losing her bending via Amon. And than S3 happened which left her paralyzed & a body racked with poison. She couldn't even dress herself for months, much less fight. So yeah it had a big impact on her.

>its a retarded rape parallel
Nice headcanon, but you're wrong. If that were true than I can guarantee Zaheer would be seen as an irredeemable slimeball. Which didn't happen.

Damn, Rey is a little bitch compared to Korra.

Raava dying while outside of her body and in the spirit world wasn't as bad as, seeing as she revived almost instantly. Also, mercury poison isn't just a 'little poison.' Its really, really bad.
>little poison
Go try getting mercury poison yourself bud, tell us how well you'll do.

This is happening on two boards.

I'm honestly surprised this thread isn't just another shit on Rey thread.

Sup Forums confirmed for the superior board


The fucking bulge!

>Who would be the one to come out on top?
I think the more important question being who is the bottom?

Rey would win, because Korra always loses without aid from her friends.

If this board had any real mods they would ban these fucking stupid threads. These threads are stupid and beyond sexist yet the coward kids let it happen everyday.

None of these girls are Mary Sues. You fanboys are just butthurt they are females.

Except for the last one, how did any of that information lead to development of the character? It's just information that sets up possible development in the future if she was to learn something from those experiences.

And the last thing you mentioned is debatable. She solves everything with violence up to the point where she narutoed Kuvira which somehow worked, and before doing that she was kicking Kuviras ass aswell. The lesson she talks about with tenzin in the finale is completely hollow as she didn't learn to let go and stop living in the past traumas. In fact she references the past trauma as a positive influence to teach her "humility" which she didn't display even in the finale.

Seems kinda hard to critique something you know nothing about desu. Not that Korra has real development, but how would you know if you haven't watched the show?

Korra as she has at least some passing semblance of a character.

And has hot Girlfriend that would at least own one Ship Manufacture and Droid building company and a system or two in Star Wars

What kind of name is Mary-Sue?

It's from a piece of Star Trek fanfiction with a main character named Mary Sue acting like a complete Mary Sue

That's mainly because while everyone she meets instantly loves her in TFA (a big part of being a Sue) Luke initially refuses to have anything to do with her and highlights her naivety and tendency to rush into things without thinking.

in a perfect world the two of them would team up to beat OPs ass like a gong.


Korra is way to much of a fuck up to be considered a sue

Never watch korra was it really bad I never met some body that hate it

Korra isn't a Sue dumbass

Shut up Mike.

They both turned their mystic martial arts into a superpower one is born with and already masters without one ounce or training.

I loved it. Sup Forums's just full of assholes

Hahaha wasn't Korra like metaphorically Raped by eco terrorists or some shit?

What kind of Mary Sue?

Korra is not a marysue. There is an explanation for her powers (aka she doesn't just intuitively fly a starship and lay the smack down in lightsaber battles and master the force) -her being the avatar. However, she still had to spend her entire childhood training with bending masters to get to the level where she is now. Despite all this training she could not airbend for the longest time and she did a lot of jobbing to various villains. Yes, while the second and last season of kora were shit -kora was by no means a sue.

Contrast with rey, who grows up on some desert planet with no education. Is able to outfly stormtroopers in spaceships despite the fact that the storm troopers were raised from birth to pilot these things. She instantly masters the force when it took luke all that training with ben and on dagobah. She is an expert lightaber user as well despite never wielding such a thing before to the point where she fucks up some sith lord in one on one combat. Oh she's also an expert shot with a blaster pistol despite never firing one annnnd she is an expert mechanic too as she knows more about the millennium falcon then han solo does. There is never any explanation given for any of this.

Rey, Korra is pretty much confirmed sub.

Oh, you mean fighting?

Fuck that shit.

>Mary Sue

I'm convinced half the autists on this board have no actual understanding of what the term means and just use it to describe any character they don't like.

Yea what is with these series jumping over to a female protagonist that is simply born perfect and knows all without any hint of an education?

Haha whiny faggot.

Kuvira = Kylo Ren but actually attractive

What is a Mary sue

>making a thread makes you a bad person

Where did you come from, new friend?

Rey doesn't even suffer the inconsequential defeats that korra does.

Rey just sort of shows up, blunders through, and winds up winning.

how is Korra a Mary Sue?

she fucks everything up, she loses every fight and is a horrible failure and worst Avatar ever

Because they know that Mary Sue doesn't just mean "bad character" and has an actual specific meaning you moron. Saying she's not a Mary Sue does not equate to defending the character

I think she might be a borrowed character from a decade old Visual Novel

Because she's not? From the very first episode they established Korra has real flaws and shortcomings.

One of the things i do like about the show is that she is not a finesse bender but if she wanted to she could straight up level cities. She's powerful in a different way than Aang

She's probably more directly inspired by a show that aired while they were working on season 3 and 4.

It's not like fascist waifus aren't a regular thing since Ilsa - She-Wolf of the SS.

Still, fascist officer with railway gun, deep voice, and has as a sign that she is losing control in that her hair falls down

It's probably just cliches leading to a lot of coincidences, but the two of them are eerily similar