Camp Weedonwantcha

Katie and Adam tried to pitch a CW animated series, but it didn't work out.

>Be given prime webcomic real estate next to PennyArcade.
>Update once a week or less.

demand a refund you faggot

>tried to pitch a CW animated series
isnt that kind of like trying to pitch a sitcom to CNN?

Does that mean things can get lewd now?

Why is this bitch even telling us the pilot exists if she's not going to show it to us? Fucking rude of her imo.

>"And I wish so badly that I could share all the work we got done."
Can someone explain some of the possible reasons as to why they are unable to share it publicly?

I'm sad still. Would've been nice.

Because many pilots get shot down only to be revived by Netflix down the road

FUCK. From the very moment I first laid eyes on this comic I thought that, at the very least, it had the look of a hit new show. I'm really sad it didn't work out for them.

CW stands for Camp Weedonwantcha, user.

I guess they really didn't want her.


Maybe it's for the best, something tells me it would have gotten ruined beyond repair

>So on top of making the comic, working full time, and taking on freelance, this has been happening in the background as well. Pitching, going to meetings, working on storyboards, auditioning kids, making color scripts, designing, doing lip sync...

Nice touch: Malachi has red eyes from crying, but he didn't let anyone see him crying.

I was wondering if it was him crying or the result of not blinking. He's had his eyes wide open since Linus left

Please don't die. Even BSCB threads get more attention

That small detail hit me hard. I never expected to FEEL.

these kids are too cute, this is weaponized cuteness of the highest order

Seventeen is cute.

why would CW do an animated show?