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What is she, /swco/?

So they're bringing him back in the next one, right? Because Luke deserves a better final portrayal and sendoff.
>inb4 they bring him back as a Force ghost

Well, I mean, if he's coming back it's definitely as Force Ghost.


>no Raith "Spicefiend" Sienar movie

Did clones in the GRA receive leave to visit prostitutes? Did the GRA provide army brothels? Did certain Jedi give their troops "perks" for feats of valour?

What would you like to see in a clone wars esque series following post ROTJ Luke?

Does she have a dick?

World devastators

no, but your mom does

I wish, user.

>imagine liking rebels

Heh nothing personal Anakin

This looks so fucking cheap compared to clone wars

That isnt even the worst part. Hera taking a direct hit from the main cannons of an ISD is pure bullshit even for Star wars. Filoni knows alot about Star Wars characters but he sucks when it comes to ships, vehicles and tech.


It just dropped to fucking 53% and even the critic score went down a percent. What a time to be alive.

Be careful or the Rebels Babies will come out and bitch about how it's suppose to be like that because "muh OT battles were shot in the same way".
What a shit show

he's coming back as a ghost most certainly
his death was about as good as Luke's death could be
1. Act of heroism
2. Said goodbyes to everyone
3. Dunked on his nephew
4. Planted the seed that he (and Ben lol) will be back.

*breaths in*

She set her deflectors at full power, double front.

>planted the seed
Maybe he impregnated Rey before she left Achto

Yeah that wouldn't help period. You don't understand how powerful the main guns on a SD is. Unless her Xwing is super customized with an experimental super deflector shields she isn't surviving a direct hit period.

Lets go see what audiences thought of TFA, shall we? You don't get to pick and choose which ones count and which don't

>You don't understand how powerful the main guns on a SD is

tell me how powerful they are, without using legends or stardestroyer.net autistic fanfiction

You know, I liked it a lot more the second time I watched it. Especially since I went in with lower expectations and accepting that I needed to let go of my past enjoyment of Star Wars. It’s a solid 7.5 if you do. Even without that, it’s certainly not worse than TPM or AotC. The reactions seem a bit extreme.

We need to exterminate all the aliens

>Say TLJ is a bad movie to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens

>can make a chunk of a planet craters and death
>A single fighters shields are enough to survive

It's strange to me that Disney executives probably knew this would happen and they let Rian take it all the way anyway.

>slow ass retarded 16 hour chase scene
>every problem is do to a lack of communication
>rejects literally every plot point from tfa
No sorry the flick is still shit

Should I bother with the comics? I tend to only stick to the cartoons

One day the nightmare will be canon

>can make a chunk of a planet craters and death

Isds are fully capable of planetary bombardment retard

i'm mocking your English, you spastic

[citation needed]

Rebelsfags aren't just retarded but they don't even pay attention to their own show.

How was Poe destroying the Dreadnought a bad idea again? The fo could track them through hyperspace and than they wouldn't have been able to outrun it's mega cannons. Not to mention even if they somehow were able to make it to crait the Dreadnought mega cannons were made to pierce shields and bunkers

you mean that orbital bombardment where the ISDs do absolutely no damage to the rebel base and do fuck all to a speeder bike despite hitting mere meters away from it.

I see.

You think that whoever canonizes it will be aware of the original meme?

That aside, I can't help but feel disappointed that the most vocal criticism about TLJ surrounds the creative decisions rather than the film's issues with editing, pacing, tone, and general writing (the most blatant issue of this being the idiot plotting).

Also, I really didn't care for the opening action scene. There's little real sense of build-up before they throw you in, and it becomes hard to really get invested in the spectacle (compare that to Saving Private Ryan, where there's a framing story that then transitions into the flashback, which itself has a lot of buildup in a short time). I had the same issue with the opening of the second Kingsman.

Rebels is so fucking retarded.

>every problem is do to a lack of communication
It works if you consider the danger of a lack of communication, as well as false communication, to be an intentional theme, though.

I thought the theme was letting go of the past and failure.

No, you EUtists are retarded

I hate the Grey Jedi meme, because there's nothing wrong with being a regular ol' Jedi.

John Boyega is an ugly actor and ugly person, his nose makes him look like an ape and Mace Windu was a way better "black" character. Even though real diversity would've been having more alien leads or using Twi'lek who were literally once slaves.

Films can have multiple themes, both major and minor.


If it makes you feel any better, the only people who seriously seem to like it are the kind of people who post on Reddit or write theories on the WMG page of TV Tropes.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

John Boyega will forever be on my shitlist for having the audacity to call GoT racist for not having a diversity quota.

I honestly feel like people like Boyega and Rose's actress being hired is a stealth troll on Disney's part.
>We need a minority actor!
>Let's hire the ugliest ones we can find make all the dialogue whooping and other stereotypical shit

Are any and all future Star Wars media part of the new canon? Or are there future releases that's still going to be a part of the Legends/EU brand? TOR doesn't count, it was released before the Disney takeover and is just being updated and kept on life support.

Not just GoT he took a shit on Lord of the Rings too, and boasted about being a "proud chocolate Nigerian man"

Dude is a total shithead

And I'm particularly pissed off he shit on LOTR because those books are extremely close to my heart. Seriously fuck that guy.

What about Finn being a janitor, a coward and an incompetent buffon? He's not so far from a minstrel character.

I think Boyongo acted that way because in Britain there's literally a diversity quota in television at least. Just look at that new Troy series from >BBC, among others.

Didn't he also say that he found the deliberately lumbering movements of the jaegers in the first Pacific Rim boring, and that was why the robots in the second one move so much more smoothly?

I kinda feel bad for him. He's a dumb kid that got hired by Disney with promises of making him a star and then he was used as part of Jar Jar Abrams's trolling. During TFA he was prominent on the publicity, always at side with Rey but now he's barely there and always with the chink girl. Not even the fujos care about him anymore because he's a nigga and in spite of their social justice claims, tumblrinas don't like black males on their shipping. He was used and discarded by the Disney machine but nevertheless everyone talk about how progressive and inclusive NuWars is because Disney control the media

Why didn't the First Order just shoot the Raddus?

Why doesn't everyone hyperjump through fleets?

>gets hit by Star Destroyer turret
>doesn't explode

What is the point of capital ships if they are this weak?


ok, what is the absolute best legends series?

It's not explained at all but I liked one user's theory that it needs a great deal of precision. Enter hyperspace too fast and you'll disappear before you hit your target. Too slow and you won't have built up enough speed and just crash.

Add that to the fact that the Raddus was obviously an expensive, valuable ship. I imagine Holdo only made the move since it was going to be lost anyway.


Adding on to that, Holdo only accomplishes it specifically because Hux orders the First Order fleet to ignore her while she fires up the hyperdrive/turns the ship around.

absolute legend

>Masters, I think that Ben is being tempted to the Dark Side. What should I do?
>KILL THE YOUNGLINGS, SON!!! -- Anakin Skywalker
What did Rian mean by this?

I seem to recall the Empire powered down their main cannons so their own pilot could also withstand a direct hit. I think Thrawn wanted her alive?

>needing a great deal of precision is a problem when super accurate computer targeting systems exist on every ship
Inb4 they don't let you do it normally. So press the override button.

What was the point of this post?

Yeah if literal history revisionism is encouraged where he's from I imagine excluding minorities from fictional works must seem intentional and racist.


So Sup Forums are having a field day over this one but it's coming across as a bit of circlejerking. What do you guys think this will mean for the future of the franchise if TLJ dives?

Will Rogue One be the only genuinely good movie we get from DisneyWars?

Don't know what everyone's on about, I liked it.

The franchise is fucked either way because Rian crashed with no survivors basically every potential plot threa for IX.

I, for one, am just glad that normalfags are finally catching on to how shit nuWars is. I am very very glad that Disney isn't getting away with treating the franchise with blatant contempt and hatred and expecting to be rewarded for dumping on the setting and the fans

t. Kathleen Kennedy

"See you around, kid"

Geez, I wonder

Disney probably doesn't give a shit if they let Rian ran away with it in the first place. The Fox buyout can take back any losses from SW.

Don't lecture me, alt-right Russian bot account. I see through the lies of the fanboys. I do not fear strong female and minority protagonists as you do!

Disney, my allegiance is to George, to artistic integrity!

He's going to pull a Gandalf, I'm sure.
>I come to you now, at the turning of the tide.
>Luke Skywalker? Yes, that was my name. That's what you used to call me.
>I am Anakin as he should have been.

>Rian crashed with no survivors basically every potential plot threa for IX.
The compelling plot threads of "We gotta stop Palpatine Jr" and "Is Rey Luke's daughter?"

They say Rupert Murdoch is trying to take over Disney

If you are not with the writing group, you have committed bigotry!

I'll take it a step further and say I loved it.

Didn't the press release said that Iger is extending his contract to 2021?

Only a mouse deals in market research.

I genuinely don't see how.

Same here

Not that I like to use this meme, but VIII perfectly matches the definition of Kino.

I bet once this movie will finally be understood 10 years from now, people will like it

You all need to stop fucking crying and learn to move on to other forms of media.

I was honestly surprised when I heard that they were just letting each director make up shit as they went along. Whose fucking idea was that? Sure they did that for the first six episodes, but that's why we have things like
>Luke kisses his sister
>Certain point of view
>Jar Jar's constant mind tricks

The first two trilogies got away with this shit by the skin of their teeth. I would've thought the Story Group had drawn up at least a basic outline for the sequels but nope. In TFA Rey could've been anything from Luke's daughter to Sheev's clone. I'm 99% none of these criticisms would've happened if someone had just sat JJ down and said "We've worked out what story we want to tell. Bring it to like" rather than "Here's a blank check. You do you."

explain why pls

JJ coming back for IX is probably a good thing. At least the whole thing will be somewhat coherent since he started it in the first place.

It's just personal preference really. I can definitely see why people hated it but none of those issues bothered me. I loved the way Luke was handled and I thought his exit was beautiful. On my second viewing I didn't think the Canto Bight sequence was superfluous or unnecessary at all, and the humor wasn't that bad either (aside from the prank call at the beginning). Is it the best Star Wars movie ever made? Of course not. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. At the same time, I see its points of contention and I like that we have a movie that can be hotly debated as opposed to one that everyone agrees on one way or the other.

It also probably helps that I called Rey's parents being nobody and Kylo killing Snoke in TLJ months ago.

Not him but I personally loved it in part because it shat on The Force Awakens, which I loathed. It trashed on the stupid plot points that couldn't of gone anywhere good ("Rey's parents" or "Who's Snoke" are the chief ones) whilst having the ending be a very ESB/AotC "The war starts here, anything could happen" moment. Honestly, most of the bad parts of TLJ I still attribute to TFA, like the unimaginative not!Empire and not!Rebels or Maz.

I also never really cared for Luke as strongly as some others here so I found the direction they took him in hilariously liberating after the Gary Stu EU wank.

This is the end for you, my box office...

Also this podcast pretty much confirmed that Rian won't be working with JJ in IX. He's pretty much just another audience member now.


here adding one more thing for the record: I hated The Force Awakens.