Doesn't actually act a thing like Aquaman

>doesn't actually act a thing like Aquaman

>Impying normies care about comic accuracy.

Did Aquaman on Batman the Brave and the Bold also tickles your autism?

>create alternate universes to account for differences from source material
>autists still complain that they're not true to the source material

you KNOW Aquaman???!?

>doesn't talk to a single haddock

Does comics Aquaman even has a personality other than being a square faced hero?

Wouldn't alcohol dry him out and depower him?

Or is that Namor I'm thinking of?

The biggest barrier to selling Aquaman as a viable character is his name. He's not "Arthur, the Atlantean" or whatever the equivalent of "Namor, the Sub-Mariner" would be. He's...Aquaman. It's a fucking ridiculous name that screams for mockery. Add the broader public perception of Aquaman as a joke character - "he talks to fish and swims really fast, big fuckin' deal" - and the uphill climb for this movie to succeed gets that much steeper. (JUSTice League didn't help, either.)

Don’t you dare bring Best Aquaman into this.

I mean, if it had actually been a good character nobody would be complaining.

yes because when you create an alternative universe which the vast majority of consumers is going to see (more than are going to read comics), they're gonna see THAT as an essential take on a character

you know how much people still think Joker killed Batman's parents?

Actor said they are doing an arc to bring him to his regular personality.

>Implying DCEU Aquaman isn't basically the same


Who cares? Not even queers give a fuck about Aquaman

Post fyw dceu aquaman says only your heart can win us the fight

a character arc? In my DCEU?


Aquaman is actually a better descriptor and less laughable than Batman.

"You're just a man? Who dresses up as a bat?"

While batwanking batfags read a line like this (or innumerable similar ones) and just think it proves who gosh darn awesome the Bat is because he KNOWS everything, is PREPARED for everything and JUST IS awesome sauce personified, it reality it's way more ridiculous name.

Let's be real and own it, a lot of the cape names are pretty stupid and laughable. Even the ones which are more adjectives (like Majestic or Supreme) are the kinds of name a WWE wrestler would pick and only be acceptable on someone like him. Why do you think The Rock doesn't want to be known as that as an actor? So he can be taken seriously, even if it's just as an action hero or a comic action actor.

Spider-Man? Iron Man? Hawkman? These are names no one would pick today to name a superhero and are only accepted because they've been great-grandfathered in, just like awful brand names from the 1800s that still exist today.

Yea that's a tragedy because?

Because synergy will alter comic aquaman to appeal to casuals

>Why do you think The Rock doesn't want to be known as that as an actor?
It still sounds really wrong to me if anyone says "Dwayne Johnson" without "The Rock" in the middle.

>Total dudebro like Brave and Bold Aquaman aka the most well known and liked Aquaman
>Doesn’t act like Aquaman

Sure thing OP


You don't know that.

Dude, of all DC characters out there, Aquaman is Geoff Johns' husbando. He only gets an ongoing now because Johns demanded to write him after Blackest Night.
And yes, it's a different version in a different universe. Deal with it, and stop being such a beta that you would get mad over thinly imagined conspiracies.

>you know how much people still think Joker killed Batman's parents

Man I spent years believing that. Please tell me where that´s featured, I can´t remember for the life of me

The first Tim Burton Batman movie.

I highly doubt that as DC's idea of synergy is the artist draws the character kind of how they look in the movies for a couple of months.

>you know how much people still think Joker killed Batman's parents?
I honestly wouldn't know but somethong tells me it's a small ass amount.

>. Why do you think The Rock doesn't want to be known as that as an actor? So he can be taken seriously
Well, you're not wrong about wanting to be taken seriously, but I assume it was also because he wants to separate Dwayne the actor from the Rock the WWE personality. I'm not sure if there is any contract thing where him using the elements of the created character requires permission from or payment to anyone but I suspect he'd rather avoid the possibility.

Combining comic bane with movie banes coat worked really well.

This would neutralize every hero that can't fly, run fast, teleport, or remotely control some method of transportation. But it's admittedly funnier if it happens to Aquaman our of all heroes.

Doesn't aquaman dehydrate quickly or something?

So Sandman is technically Aquaman's greatest foe?

spider-man iron man and hawkman are all perfectly fine names that fit what they are perfectly

You know how much people still think Joker killed Batman's parents?
He didn't?


Who gives a shit?

Honestly, why do you care? What is broken inside you that this is important?

Except he does, though.

He acts a lot like a younger, more brash Arthur. His defining character drama of being torn between the surface world and Atlantis is still very intact

Agreed but there are people who don't know him from WWE.

- it can't really be a contract specific thing, otherwise people would never get to keep their pen name (see Ike and Tina Turner where he tried to keep her name when she divorced him and even though there was a contract the judge wouldn't allow since she was so well and publicly known as Tina, versus her actual birth name).

If a new comic was introduced as 'Tarrantula Man' / 'Arachnia Man' or as 'Platinum Man' / 'Aluminum Man' or as 'Pigeon Man' / 'Eagle Man,' you would still find them 'perfectly fine?'

No, of course not. Even though they would fit perfectly. Spider-Man doesn't have eight arms. He doesn't eat the people he captures in his web (much less stun them while he webs them up). Iron Man isn't literally made of Iron. His suit hasn't been made of Iron in decades. He doesn't shoot iron, isn't used to create tools, or buildings/structures,

You're just being ridiculously defensive. They are silly names, just own it. I like some of these characters too, but they would NEVER be given these names as new characters today.

And my response was to the guy who said Aquaman would never be taken seriously because it was a 'fucking ridiculous' name that 'scream[ed] for mockery.' I don't see you defending that over the ones you say 'fit perfectly' if you're that guy, or respond to that point.

>Implying joker didn't kill the waynes
The man in that prison cell is a clone.

See Point proved:
Couldn't Aquaman just jump really high or run really fast(like little but close jumps foward) duo to his strength,like Nem-Ek in MoS?

Aquaman can superleap

>Why do you think The Rock doesn't want to be known as that as an actor

Yo, Dwayne is STILL riding off his time as The People's Champ. He still uses "The Rock" name in his branding (his instagram is literally @therock). Whenever people talk about him, rarely do they call him anything but "The Rock." When they do use his real name, they also bill him as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Mark my words, he'll ride that shit into the White House. Or into a Govenor's mansion/Senate seat.

It's not like it ever happened before!

Not to mention comics Iron Man is literally just RDJ now

Because Aquaman is a lame character that nobody with taste actually likes.

t. Black Manta


It's not

That was the best Aquaman though. He was a loud, boastful adventurer whose heart was always in the right place. DCEU Aquaman is literally just a WWE character that drinks a lot.


>breaks his bottle right before a wave comes up
>all that broken glass into the water
not cool. what a rude dude

Aquaman is a reluctant king with a loving wife who has trouble balancing between too worlds. This is a dime a dozen biker "badass" who is having a mid life crisis

Its completely fine to dump glass in the ocean, the waves will just pound it to dust and it'll end up on some shore as beach glass.

I wish we could have just one DC related thread that doesn't have an user screaming about 'batwanking', it's so tiring.

How come characters like Batman and Superman are essentially set in stone (with mild quirks and tonal changes depending what you read/watch), yet guys like Aquaman and The Flash are essentially made up on the spot from scratch by whoevers writing?

They care about good movies. Thats why BvS and JL were flops.

It's fine as long as you aren't doing it in places where people swim. Which he wasn't.


thought id ask here first before i made a thread; i know it is a bit off topic but not sure what other thread to post it in.
i never got into comics as a kid, and most of my knowledge of superheroes comes from the marvel and DC movies.
what would be a good starting point if one wanted to get into these comics and learn a bit about the characters? im particularly interested in general zod and the history of krypton. batman/wonder woman stuff too. i looked around google but there is just too much information, its overwhelming.
forgive my ignorance here, but if possible, are there any comics aimed towards a bit of an older audience? what little comic books ive read seemed a bit simple. not exactly childish, but compared to, say, some manga ive read, they seemed lower quality in writing in general.

tldr: good comic book about zod/krypton's history/batman/wonder woman/superman for someone whos never read any comic books?

Will movie Aquaman lose his hand?

>I like some of these characters too, but they would NEVER be given these names as new characters today.
What do you think the names would be if the most popular superheroes were created brand new just today?

Aquaman movies alone could be amazing, under water epics made as a visual feast for the eyes focusing on the dark yet vibrant depths, full of life and monsters

Really, what the Thor movies should have been with a fantasy theme rather than a romcom/fish out of water story

then why do retards on here cry about every little thing in injustice

This casting was such a waste. They should have had him playing Lobo.

Normies will probably say he's copying Thor since he lost his eye

Marvel beat DC to the punch yet again.

That was the point. They know normies dont actually know what Arthur is like, they just hear "talks to fish" and laugh to themselves. So DC and WB are just like "make him surfer cool edgey".

you havent seen any of the beaches on mexico, a fucking hell of broken sharpened glass and animal carcasses

Then how did Age of Ultron not flop?


>doesn't actually act a thing like Superman
I'm sensing a pattern.

Thats not, I mean its a pretty good jump. Not hulk worthy but not bad.

Sure as hell a aint gonna get you out of a fucking desert though.

Because normies know nothing about them, thus no one cares to keep them consistent.

>acts and looks like Lobo instead


Well, to be fair, he didn't really "act" like anything. Acting had nothing to do with his part.

>Amber Herd as Mera


He's isn't shit?

>These are names no one would pick today to name a superhero

Hahaha wot.

>If a new comic was introduced as 'Tarrantula Man' / 'Arachnia Man' or as 'Platinum Man' / 'Aluminum Man' or as 'Pigeon Man' / 'Eagle Man,' you would still find them 'perfectly fine?'

Those are dumb names that Poverty Row comic companies from the 40s might come up with.

"Iron Man", Spider-Man", "Hawkeye", "Batman", et al, are classics that have stood the test of time.

Wow, they nailed the eyes on that action figure

Better than Spider-Man, and almost as good as early Supes.

Okay, so it's fine for an adaptation to have a different version of a character, so long as it's one YOU like. Right.

And it was Joe Chill in Begins.

>Spider-Man doesn't have eight arms. He doesn't eat the people he captures in his web (much less stun them while he webs them up).

I mean what do you want him to be called? "Quippy-youngster-with-some-spider-powers-but-also-6th-sense-and-super-genius man"?

Dark Multiverse versions? Are they gonna surprise us with the Light Multiverse characters wiping these assholes out? Bright blue-with-red-trunks Supes coming back?

He makes a better Irish/Native America half breed

>gets bit by spider
>has an immediate effect on him

>senses danger and avoids it at hyper-speed
>super-leaps 3 stories
>sticks to wall like a spider or a fly
>crushes a steel pipe in his grip

>associates it with spider-bite
>he will call himself -- ONCE BITTEN
>he will call himself -- YOUNG MARVEL
>he will call himself -- user O' MIGHT
>he will call himself -- THAT WILKIN BOY
>he will call himself -- PIPE-CRUSHIN' PETE

Any of these workin for anyone?

>mfw Barbatos appears in JL2.
It turns out we were watching a dark universe all along. Let it sink.

Damn Mexicans, why can't they learn to throw the animal carcasses into animal carcasses bins.

Come on man, we both know it's not happening.

Literal kino

How is Aquaman supposed to act?

God dammit you're right.

Survivor bias: the post

He wasn't really that edgy. He just had a cool drinking shot.