Beta Network (CN Thread)

It may seem like this is just shouting the same message but, it's ridiculous. "Every SINGLE EPISODE OF TEEN TITANS GO" As if the network doesn't play every fucking episode already. I don't want to seem like an edge lord, BUT, I honestly feel like the only way they're going to listen is if a riot breaks out at one of their locations whether it be the Atlanta headquarters or California. It could be counterproductive too yes, but there is a large number of people speaking their mind on how they're airing this show too much and how they will never be confident enough to air older shows nor advertise for their newer shows properly. There needs to be a bigger shake it looks like for these fucks to actually listen to what the people want. This is not to say that TTG needs to stop airing, it can be aired at the appropriate times (i.e when the mindless kids who like it are tuning in) and give room for all the other catalog of shows they have to have their spotlight. They can't rely on one show to play on the network for the rest of the year and the APP. At the moment I'm doing my part and not giving that channel the time of day, pun intended because I'd only be going back for Adult Swim but even then AS has gotten mediocre (mdeneverdies). I just want to hear some thoughts though, if any one agrees or has another viewpoint, i'm open but seriously fuck CN at this very moment. [pic related]

>As if the network doesn't play every fucking episode already.

And what are you gonna do about it, nerd? Nothing. You will complain like a little bitch on Sup Forums and nothing will change.

When will fucking retards here realize that CN doesn't care about what they think or want? They aren't aiming for you so why should they listen to you?

I'm not gonna sit here and complain about CN, but it is disheartening to see them rely so heavily on one show. The 2010s were supposed to be the new, fantastic era of TV animation, but that dream is practically dead.
How come CN fucks up every decade at the 7th year?
What happened in 2007 and 2017 where they just fucking stopped working? 1997 was the only time it worked out OK because their new content was adequate.

it's kinda funny how FXX does the same thing with the simpsons but no one bitches

>I'm butthurt about a channel I don't watch nor am I the target audience for
>better spam my butthurt over the course of hundreds of CN schedule sperg threads

Guess who cares

Even at the usual pace of TTG they go through every episode over the course of a week

Everyone complains about the simpsons. We been complaining since season 7.

Well Disney XD will start airing it constantly, that way FXX can have room to showcase all of their alumnus shows

You need to leave. You're too reasonable of a person to be here.

Youre wrong because people who keep making these threads are underage

Older kids are the target audiance and their ignoring them. No wonder their ratings are shit

I still watched it before the TTG spam you faggot

>supporting the TTG spam in any way
Get out, refusal to do anything is just as bad as the people spamming the network.

>ill dismiss any critcism as underage, that way no one who matters could possibly hate the actions of my corrupt channel that i defend for free

Christina is such a lovely looking lady. Kinda wish I could ask her out on a nice dinner or something like that.

Older kids need to start watching Adult Swim then.

This! Would date her four times.

>Older kids need to start watching Adult Swim then.
Why, its fucking only family guy shit. CN is for them with stuff like SU and adventure time, not autistic toddlers that get any joy from that animated prolapse

>This! Would date her four times.

Well, I would give her children and marry her!

Yes, I too would hand over my children to her.

Adult Swim is just Seth Macfarlane Swim ft. MDE rip-offs

And hold her hand in tough days, tell her I am proud of her and of all her achivements.

I hope she gets hate raped by a disgruntled fan so she learns never to fuck with the schedule like shes doing ever again.

No you fucking idiot. The primary demographic for CN is ages 5-13 and those ages love TTGO. They don't care about man children like you or the older teen audience

And admiring her bravery for giving birth to a baby.

No its not you fucking CN autist. Its was always for older kids, thats what most of their shows are for
>they love TTG
Is that why the ratings are in the shit? You do realize the “popualrity” is artificially created with commericals like “your new favorite show” and spams of it trying to forcefully make it popular because its cheaper to make.

You deluded retard, Cartoon Network was always for the young child and preteen audience. It was never intentionally for older teens. That's what shit like Toonami and Midnight Run were for you fucking idiot. It was never about older teens because the average older teen doesn't fucking watch cartoons you fucking would be abortion. And Teen Titans Go is still the consistently highest rated show they have, they most certainly wouldn't air it as often as they do if it wasn't, especially since they have to split the revenues with DC. Not to mention that it sells TOYS, you know the things that fucking kids want? The things they make cartoons for in the first place. Fuck off with your delusion because Cartoon Network was never meant for you now deal with it or kill yourself

Your the deluded retard you TTG loving faggot. Nobody likes it and they turned on their older audience viewerbase. Drink bleach you miller defending cuck
>And Teen Titans Go is still the consistently highest rated show they have
Thats a goddamn lie you assmunching fuck


Yes, because saying nothing and letting them ruin their network with stupidity without so much of a whimper is MUCH better, right?

On my hands and knees beggin ya

>Older kids are the target audience

>shows like adventure time, regular show, steven universe, etc
>not for older kids
If anything its miller trying to change it to cater to toddlers while ignoring the main viewerbase and fans of those shows out of her own hatred for cartoons. It explains why steven universe never gets reruns even though being the most popular show right now.

those shows were popular because they were pitched as shows that KIDS and PARENTS could enjoy
sitting here pretending that they were made specifically for your manchild brain is fucked

cartoon network tried the "teen block" thing several times and it failed showing that the shows both demographics could enjoy were the superior ones

They got better ratings when they aired thise shows, while once they started spamming TTG ratings have plummeted.
>massive YA fanbase
>not catering to us
Ironic you keep calling me a manchild, because if anyones a manchild its you who thinks TTG immature “humor” is good and your defending it and CNs actions for free on a tawianese shitposting site, you pathetic manchild.

This is the same network that once Marathoned JOHNNY FUCKING TEST for Christmas one year. This is a lateral move at best.

Because they have enough episodes to air 24/7 for over half a month without repeats. TTG is airing the entire series 2.5 times during this marathon.

>SU kiddos being this delusional

What if they start making adults only episodes of ttg to put on adult swim?

Its literally their most popular show, your delusional from your company faggotry for not seeing how pants on head retarded CN is right now.

>all these assumptions
nigger I hoped you burned a few calories jumping to all the conclusions
>Ironic you keep calling me a manchild, because if anyones a manchild its you who thinks TTG immature “humor” is good and your defending it and CNs actions for free on a tawianese shitposting site, you pathetic manchild.
no once did I defend TTGO or say that is wasn't killing CN you just assumed because you gotta fit your own childish mentality of Us vs Them
>not catering to us
you were just a biproduct, an afterthought, it just happened to work out that it slid right into the perfect demographic for both children and young adults, any show that has gone clearly for that demographic outside of adult swim, take for example any of the "mature" action shows that became financial failures because they couldn't sell toys
there is nothing wrong with liking cartoons but this is something wrong assuming you the only demographic that matters

And even those kids think the spam is out of hand.
I'm going to go ask every kid of see for the next few days their opinion on the schedule.

Even kids are starting to turn against the slowly degrading writing quality of steven universe.

>tfw would hate fuck miller

>hurr durr im going to call people manchildren for thinking the cartoons used to be for them while clearly the shows from even a few years ago were for an older demographic, im so edgy
Shut up you contrarian bitch. Also, the toys arent selling at all, fuck you
Thats not what the ratings or extreme popularity is saying


>Older kids watch SU
Something doesn't seem right here, user.

A good chunk of the fanbase is older teens/adults. Have you seen them at cons?

complaining on this shithole of an imageboard is pretty much doing the same thing so it's a moot point.

It complaing on the internet, our complaints DO get their attention. Plus they dont have social media so its not like theirs a better way to harass them. Also, this board is for discussion, so not expressing our opinions just because its pointless here would be stupid.

Your edit is obnoxious

He is right on that every livestream I've watched in cons there's always a significant group of people that are older, there not a majority, but it's certainly noticeable.

>It complaing on the internet

HAHAHAHA. Wow. That's amazing!

Con kids are pitiful disgusting fucks and no one should ever acknowledge them as a "target audience" of anything.
t. former con kid. That phase makes me cringe to this day.

Nope, you definitely seem like an edgelord

Can I assume you have an internet connection of some kind?

Because if so then what the fuck are you doing bitching about tv when you can be on the CN App and watch a much of whatever the fuck show you want any time you want totally devoid of any semblance of a schedule?

>implying this site's userbase hasn't degenerated to the point where it's saturated with underage shitposters so young that they're actually within CN's target audience

Oh, i missed an “s” after “it, big woop. Kill yourself

The app is fucking shit you CN defending vermin

Some of us have low data caps.

Not like it's an issue ruining my life right now, it does annoy me because I've been a fan of this network in the past. But yes, I end up buying episodes/seasons anyways, their app, on the other hand, is utter trash.

Then the only problem is your personal refusal from using what they provided that allows you to watch anything at any point. The problem here is you.

short of midnight commander returning and hacking CN bitstreams, nothings gonna change

it's just business, nothin personnel

They're going back to pre-TTG marathons after Justice League gets out of theaters. All of those marathons were mostly to try to get more kids to go see JL and also an experiment with the app. Who knows how much of an effect it had, but it didn't make JL a big hit. After the Christmas marathon to try to get kids to want to go see JL, it's going back to before the TTG marathons.

>it's just business, nothin personnel
Then why are they spamming it when it negatively effects their ratings
>All of those marathons were mostly to try to get more kids to go see JL
Im starting to believe turners repsonsible for making CN spam TTG to gain interest in the DCEU for kids.
>and also an experiment with the app.
But its fucking shit. Its not an excuse to ruin your channel for some shit app

If that's the case, wouldn't it make more sense to marathon JLAction? Or at least show it more than once in a saturday morning deathslot?