

keep it Sup Forums related fag

>be cartoon network
>tries to make a block to appeal to the nick and disney live action crowd
>make a cartoon/live hybrid original movie into a series
>even going as far as to shorten it to CN like MTV, to dissociate from the core material of the channel
>fails in a year



but user i enjoyed destroy build destroy

I'm really surprised it was that much to begin with. I don't think Tower Prep has aired or syndicated anywhere in years to justify getting any residuals from that show in 2017.

Also they blew the entire Q4 budget on promoting it and destroying the entire animation department. With the idea that the shortfall would be picked up by new advertisers in the older demographic.

Yea guess what diddn't happen.

>Meanwhile live action cape threads happen multiple times a day

I enjoyed dude what would happen as well

Its probably on a streaming service somewhere. Hulu I'd wager.

I really can't think of a more retarded and self-destructive business decision in the last 10 years.

Help me out Sup Forums, name 1 (ONE) that was dumber.

Suck a cock.

Lets assume you are a fairly popular channel focusing on the prodcution and distribution of cartoons. Your channel literary has the name Cartoon in it. Do you
>A: Produce/Distribute more cartoons
>B: Stomp it to the ground and make life action shows instead
Choose wisely.

I mean, look at Disney Channel. They literally only have 1 cartoon that airs there at any time if you don't count movies.

They weren't even interesting or innovative live-action shows either. They were just shitty reality shows or the same garbage kidcoms you can watch on Disney Channel for hours. If you're going to ruin your reputation and do something wild, at least aim higher than Level fucking Up.

Apologize for what? It was an awful block of awful shows that damn near tanked the network as a whole. Fuck CN Real.

Apologize to whom for what?

Even as a kid I knew that this was just CN's way of being cheap. Cartoons are expensive and reality and game shows are cheap. Sucks for them that they pigeon-holed themselves with the name from the beginning, but when I come to the Cartoon Network, I wanna see some fucking cartoons.


It was like, almost 10 years ago. You autists never give up do you

Wemust never forget

Destroy build destroy hosted by andrew wk was based.

Watching a company literally seppuku itself and saying "wow they are retarded" at 12 years old will stick with me forever.

i do still appreciate that they gave andrew wk his own show

but that was about it.

Secret Empire.

Everyone hates MTV now though, why would they think that was a good model to emulate?

Still better then current CN, because they still played their good cartoons and quickly learned from their mistake and never did this shit again. Current CN execs are too stubborn and shoved up their own ass that they keep spamming TTG even though no one likes it and ratings are suffering from it, its been over a year and that still havent learned from their actions, and for some reason god only knows they refuse to substantially play their most popular shows in any matter. Fuck modern CN, at least snyder cared enough to listen to us when we told him he fucked up.

Because in 2007, MTV was still considered a big deal. Even if most people hated it, the network still got big ratings that other channels wanted.

I kinda liked tower prep, and the mystery show with that kid who's traveled the world learning a special set of skills

Anyone here go on Sup Forums during the cnREAL era, how was it?

Sup Forums itself was actually fine, but people really really hated CN Real. Discussion was largely focused on comics and older cartoons at the time, with some leftover Avatar stuff.

Both old Moot and Hiroshima declared it Sup Forums related. They own the site, they say it’s okay.

And I take their side over some rampant little turd trying to say otherwise and declare himself mod.

At what point are we not allowed to talk about things?

When we're bangin' yer mum.

This is the only good show to come from CNREAL everything else is total aids.

Everything that happened after post-ATHFM cartoon network is connected. If that didn't happen CN Real wouldn't have happened. If CN Real didn't happen they wouldn't have needed the clearing of the plate that allowed Flapjack and later on Adventure Time to succeed, a move that put CN in a position where they were primarily targeting a 14+ demographic, which made the opportunity to cash in on a popular cartoon in the 14+ demographic with TTG, which made CN realize that babyshit would ultimately sell way, WAY better than pandering to older audiences, which led to the current state of CN.

Would you sacrifice Aqua Teen Hunger Force to save the timeline?

But TTG is fucking toddler trash. If anything its the execs incompetance rather then ATHFs faukt

In a heartbeat.

But how do you coordinate who's in what hole?

Why do you think Daddy's there?

aqua teens, no, never. Carl is a national treasure that deserves more spinoffs. the city of Boston on the other hand...

So your admiting they turned their back on the intended 14+ viewerbase and are now pandering to diaper shitting babies that shouldnt be the target audiance? It got cancelled because the boston episode leaked and they said theyd cancell that if that ever happend. Fuck miller for cancelling ATHF and spamming TTG

What's a residual?

Not supplying enough shezuan sauce.


i know that, i mean boston flipping out about lite brites is the only reason that even exists. all the other cities knew it was a toy. but theres nothing actually stopping a spinoff starring carl, all im saying.

>but theres nothing actually stopping a spinoff starring carl, all im saying.
Agreed, carl was best character, followed by master shake

literally airing one show for 8 days straight with a cameo of one other, their TTG spam managed to get the network's main headliners canned because they got bad ratings due to the network focusing on TTG and not them

They got bad ratings because they didnt promote them and people stopped watching BECAUSE its all TTG. I legitimately think miller has awful taste and only spams it because she personally likes it. Either that or its cheaper to make and their trying to create false idea that its popular to brainwash people to like it which isnt working, or turner is forcing them to play it because their trying to promote DC more. I do think she hates the other shows considering how she treated regular show and AT, and put SU on hiatus for over 6 months and kept even the crew in the dark.