Has the "girl power" concept ever been shown in a negative or satirical way?

Has the "girl power" concept ever been shown in a negative or satirical way?

Powerpuff girls. But that was empowered girls vs feminist misrandist.

Fiction mostly made feminists the bad guys in 70s and 80s comics. Killer frost was a man hating feminist.

She doesn't look like Sonya. They both look like characters from Killer Instinct.



Is she implying that she wants to eat pussy?

She's implying feminists are people no one wants to be around with. She's basically feminist because unattractive pre ice.

There's far more extreme panels.

I liked how Catwoman was never fully right or wrong.

>Has the "girl power" concept ever been shown in a negative or satirical way?
yes go to Sup Forums

Pussy pass. Injustice Harley Quinn is a serial murderer and genocided people yet is on the good guys side.

welp, that's going into the obscure waifu threads

I am still uncertain that America isn't satire. But I guess Poe's law applies.

Literally the first time Ivy and Harley hooked up in BTAS it was pretty satirical?
>"No man can stop us!"
>get arrested by a female cop
Also didn't Justice League fight a radical feminist from Themyscira once?
DCAU was pretty based about this topic

Very very rare but the only real example I can think of is the game Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky has a sidequest where you play as the local supergirl Sunflora.

She's the best and smartest member of the guild. However, this means the guildmaster thinks nothing of sending her into a dungeon full of fire-types. Said dungeon is one of the hardest in the entire game and you will die over and over.

This entire sequence shows the folly of being the best - Others just assume you don't have to work your ass off doing something.

False, she just assisted Joker, as did any number of goons. If it were a story about some male Joker ganger wanting to turn his life around- or even Joker himself- you'd be on the floor sobbing about THE FEELS and how he did NOTHING WRONG

>justifying it and then putting a fuck load of words in his mouth
Roastie spotted

No I wouldn't you retard. You're the feeler.

Batman always gives villains second chances if he thinks they’ll actually try.

Its one of the things non-Injustice Superman likes most about him. He wants them to be better people.

Not really. No books does this with murderers.

Is there a member of his Rogues Gallery other than Catwoman who doesn’t kill either intentionally or through negligence?

Even Riddler has killed, albeit in Question comics.

None of them was reformed. And certainly before the 90s none would be.

Clayface, black Adam, luthor as heroes is Geoff John morals are relative thing.

I don't know but I been told....

Since you're obviously a woman, and not a particularly bright one...

Wanna hook up?

The Simpsons

>"That's right, a GIRL wants to join the football team!"
>"Wonderful, now we have three girls playing!"
>(dejectedly) "Ya do? Well...football's not really my thing, anyway..."

I would add Amazons Attack, but that portrays everybody badly not just feminazis

but, its practically fucking MK1 sonya...

well she was only added because of jews

Hey scrapper, where have you been?

that part in Demon Knights where the girls admires the amazon and says girl power and then gets shot by an arrow