Pilot is left exposed on two ends

>Pilot is left exposed on two ends
>No ejection in case wings are damaged
>Gull wing doors
Thunderhawk is stupid even for toyetic standards

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As a big sucker for 80s toys i always hated mask. Maybe because i care more about action figures then the behicles, and the mask figures were shit

>This is a viable means of transport in Eternia

They all were. They turned into something worse than what they were originally.

Shut up Boco, Switchblade and Rhino were alright

>Superman using a kryptonite ray

>a toy commercial that actually features kids playing with the toys

what madness is this!?!!

That was actually common in the 80s. This ones my favorite

still more safe to pilot than a TIE fighter or any earth federation grunt mobile suit in a gundam OVA.


M.A.S.K.is Sup Forums
It has a cartoon series and a comic

You can go blog back to trash/

What does M.A.S.K. have to do with /trash/?

>No ejection in case wings are damaged
he can fly

Why did they give a third gen Camaro gull wing doors?

It actually looks kind of cool desu.

Every time it moves it swings itself. It’s a siege weapon.

still safer than a f.a.n.g

As a kid I could never find the M.A.S.K. toys anywhere, so I just lego'ed them.



>how to trigger your veteran dad's PTSD in 3 easy steps

Was the IDW comic that bad?

Then stop posting toys and start posting screenshots.


>Pilot is left exposed on two ends
>No ejection in case wings are damaged
>Gull wing doors
Thunderhawk is stupid even for toyetic standards


honestly, it's ok considering how much stuff from gi joe and transformers they have to cram into it to make it cohesive to the rest of the hasbro stuff.

that and i really don't remember much from MASK from my childhood so i don't have much "not muh" to deal with.


Yeah I remember being little and thinking that some toys moved.



damn, love that shading.

I suddenly had a thought.
What if we could convince Otaking to make an Exo-Squad animated short?

Take it to /toy/



It has an ejector seat.

That propeler will shred him to pancake pieces

Fun fact.
Some helicopters actually DO have an ejection system. The propeller is supposed to launch off during ejection.