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Battle of Jakku Edition

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Episode IX spoilers

TFA/TLJ apologists need to be gassed.

What is she, /swco/?

Sabaphra Smut when?

What did they mean by this?

this is the real ending of star wars

YAAS user

>it was a simpler time.



how do we fix luke in 8? he still has be missing and on that planet. yet he can't be in exile because he just failed to stop ben solo and gave up on the force.

>master race

What characters have had their screentime cut short?

true ending and best ending.

>>implying equal trilogy isn't the yaas queen slay of star wars

>reeeeeee-start it
Fucking hell, reminds of the flash video

have him train a new jedi order in secret on the planet kinda like how people thought dagobah was a jedi training ground during the ot era.

>how do we fix luke in 8?
luke wakes up in bed on ender 2 days after rotj
"the fuck was that?"

at this point I'd take the buffet where half the shit sucks but I can pick and choose what I like VS the 3 course meal that's half baked, bland and quite frankly pretty terrible, but I'm told I have to like it or else I'm not a real fan/racist/nazi/some other buzzword

Sequel Era is bad and apologists should be gassed.

Do you think the Battle of Jakku will ever be shown? Or is it something that'll only be saved for novels and non canon gameplay maps? Like if a throwaway thing like the rebels stealing the plans can be turned into a feature length movie, then I imagine that something like this would at least get an episode of a show at the least

>Kennedy, Rian and Abrams need to be gassed


it's just magic box shit like snoke's backstory or Finn or Rey's parents

Isn't it in BF2

>Be Rey
>Call Kylo a monster
>Then see him shirtless during force Skype
>P-put a cowl on or something
>Maybe I can redeem him after all
>Deliver yourself to him in a box with your hair down and extra eyeliner applied
How thirsty is she?

Sequels sucked at world building. Everything is because of plot convenience or creator fiat. Abrams/Johnson are just paid hacks put there to milk the SW cash cow.

I always liked the idea of him being in exile because he was preparing himself to face a far bigger threat than the First Order.

Kasdan too

So, let's complain about shit that doesn't involve what everyone else was complaining about in TLJ:

>Almost all the fighter pilots are killed, one chunk in the stupidest bombers ever, and the other in the fucking hangar
>The A-Wing only really shows up ONCE in the film, and barely does anything. More would have been seen, even in classic red, but all got destroyed in the hangar bay.


will never go away

Don't worry, there was a survivor.

>Everything is because of plot convenience
So, just like ANH?

No matter how hard Disney tries to sell the fans on their OC Donut Steels, people just arent buying it.

And this is why Lucasfilm's not gonna take any criticism seriously and instead double down. They're not gonna see any of the legitimate issues people have with the movies, but look at the autists who sperg about gassing people.

Luke's island wasn't weird enough.

How long was Luke on Ach-to anyway?

>Leia is the most popular character

Are people taking caps of the most extreme reactions (on both sides) so in like 3 years we can laugh at whichever side is wrong

5 years max

Yeah, hyperbole should be factored in to market strategy. Idiot.

about 5-6 years most likely

Sorry, I'm too busy fighting a war against Worldof Geekdom.

Yeah, it was kind of normal compared to Dagobah. Even the dark side force thing wasn't as bad, compared to the trial Luke faces in the cave.

Rey, Finn, and Kylo were all best by Jabba the Hutt

Where all the green wimmen at?

No one expects them to. The only thing they care about is cash. Future SW movies will have to bomb for them to change direction.

>Rey: 38%
>Jar Jar: 37%


yes but evey game, comic, book and cartoon is going to be.....ST

They've been put in their place.

Part of Rey's thirst was just wanting to use Kylo as a means to win the war. That was her reasoning for going there at all, as she told Luke. Kylo seems to feel much stronger for her than she does for him. He thought she came for him and believed in him, and then found out that she was just there for the Resistance. So he freaked out in the aftermath when she faked out taking his hand for grabbing the lightsaber and then bailed to rejoin the Resistance.

Would TLJ have been better if Luke actually got drunk off green milk?

rey 38
boba fett 39%


His name is Jake actually.

What the hell was up with the Resistance Bombers? They are fucking terrible. Y-Wings didn't have a stronger payload, but they weren't sitting ducks, had ion cannons and could dogfight.

They're plot convenient bombers. That way lots of pilots die and Poe gets demoted, and Rose's sister dies and she gets some motivation.

>no Y-Wing
>no B-Wing
>no TIE Interceptor
>no TIE Defender
If they're gonna go full nostalgia then they should've included these - the B-Wing most especially, since it hasn't been given a decent screen time in the liveaction kinos yet. But alas, they can't even do it right, having only featured X-Wing Mk.2 and TIE Fighter Mod.34ABY. Not only are they creatively bankrupt, they can't even do pandering as well!

It's just shit for video games to use
Too bad it has a looooong way to go before it gets a "Hoth Level" type moniker
You should be gassed too.

But hey, let's look at some Sequel Era shit
It's oozing with creative juices. I can't wait for this planet to appear in other media. It sounds so interesting


>tfw we'll never live in the timeline where they run away together at the end of Episode VII and Episode IX is just them at home figuring out how to live a normal life (subplot is Hux and Chewie going to visit them and running out of fuel)


I was really hoping for a successor to the B-Wing. The thing was a fucking monster that made Y-Wings obsolete, and they're somehow not being used anymore? Seriously?

Ep. VIII would have been tons better if Kylo just asked Rey to run away with him. not even kidding.


>Knows Kylo's biggest trauma is related to someone he cares about trying to attack him with a lightsaber while he's unaware
>Thinks it's a good idea to try to sneakily pull a lightsaber while he's distracted
Rey is Reytarded. How did she expect that to play out?

>The gayest planet
Doesn't the EU have an actual gay planet

poe not being in commad of the fleet

Man, I dodged a bullet avoiding that place.

Those bombers in TLJ are the successors to both.

Still not as gay as not by a longshot.

>has an image called "Soy Wars - The Gayest Planet in the Universe" on his computer
Dude, get over yourself and quit being such a fucking faggot over magic space movies.

Next time try being less of a dick in your proposal, Kylo.

Get off the holonet, you fuckup.

Poe should have died on Jakku in TFA and we probably would have avoided all this shit.

And they're terrible. Aside from payload and power, they're a downgrade on all fronts.

Reminder that revenge was originally to be the Jedi way

Who would have gotten Poe's subplot in TLJ?

Should this be the plot of IX?

whatever helps you sleep senpaikun

Pleasantly surprised none of them shouted out some Rick and Morty reference

Luke did try to redeem Ben after he became Kylo, but it was a trap and Snoke and Kylo damaged Luke's connection to the Force. Luke went to Ahch-To searching for a way to restore himself. With Rey's help, he's able to do so, but both of them are much less powerful than before.

No that's a shitty meme due to the old republic mmo suddenly allowing gay romance at a specific point in the story, when you arrive on the planet Makeb.

If Poe died on Jakku than Star Killer base would have destroyed the Resistance.


Ahsoka is fucking ugly

Well, at this point I think he is the Resistance's leader since Leia dies between movies.

he did, but he fucked up and spilled his spaghetti and ruined the greatest and only chance he'd ever get to live a happy life
>waifu literally shows up at your door with a new haircut and makeup
>you two take on a group of elite guards together and are a great team
>she already wants to run away with you, all you have to do is ask
>fuck it up anyway
>try to call her afterwards
>literally hangs up as soon as you get through to her


Nope. You're just gay.

i like this.

luke goes missing. then reaches out with the force to draw in force sensetives that have the light with in them. so he can eventually come back and counter the knights of ren and snoke.

yes yes.

my idea. is luke fought kylo and the knights of ren across the galaxy. trying to save them, but some forced him to kill. eventually an exhausted luke is faced by kylo and the remaining knights. Kylo, not completely gone, exiles luke on the planet. which luke agrees, sensing that light still in kylo. a knight of ren objects and kylo strikes him down immediately. kylo then uses the force to control the Xwing and send it into space. where r2 then flies it to leia. Luke, utterly stuck, meditates and feels out. Eventually finding Rey. Pulling the strings on some people. He gets his blue saber to that planet.. then uses the forces through Rey to get her to him. though his age and poor health causes some lapses.

They're making these by the seat of their pants, so no one.

>Hey Rian, what's your favorite cartoon?
>Beast Machines!


You're the gay one, faggot.

>Episode IX starts after a time skip
>Poe is now the leader of the Resistance with Connix as his second-in-command
>also Gary is there too


>No reference done to the Knights of Ren
>The movie even highlights that other apprentices went along with Kylo, but nothing comes of it.

So I guess they're done with that.

I predict that since Leia will have to be dead, JJ will try and hype up Lando and Wedge for nostalgia

Thanks user-chan.
To be fair, his grandpa dropped his spaghetti in AoTC. However Anakin was the chosen one so he was able to stick with it and recover.

>Poe got the other 10 people who survived TLJ killed in between movies

He was looking for the knowledge he could use to save Ben.

In 9 his ghost will travel the galaxy to recruit his old padawans to help train Rey and her knights. Among them will be a reluctant Kyle.

Leaked straight from Abrams office.