Did this dinosaur hand meme ever get explained?

did this dinosaur hand meme ever get explained?
like ever?
they do it all the time for no reason. did anyone ever like ask the creator or something?

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It's just a quirk some people have.

I think its hot as fuck. I love lenis dumb quirks. Would impregnate DESU

They have much more pressing questions for Mr. Savino.

Dunno. Doofenshmirtz does it too. I’ve found myself do it

leni definately does it the most, but im pretty sure ive seen lori and maybe lincoln do it.

she is definately the only one with dinosaur art.
but like... "its a quirk"?

Lynn Sr. has also done it.

>get on the floor, get off the floor, everyone cum inside the dinosaur


i dont remember seen him do it?


And Super Creeps?

If she was real, id abduct her and do so many lewd and degenerate things to her pussy, tits, and face, that shed become mindbroken and be my willing and loving sex slave.

I've made this joke so many times I'm glad someone else gets it


limp wrists are a feminine affectation

There are so many jojokes to make and Leni's got like the most potential for them

On the episode where the parents book a hotel getaway he does it in the first scene when they're packing up.

Just about eveyone's done it, and if they haven't they probably will


I heard there would be Jojokes here.

Did Diego ever actually say Wryyy?

worst sister out

Best post in this thread, nothing is going to top this.

No one posted Lori yet.

Daddy, whats this sticky stuff you put in my mouth?

I fix

This is a JoJo thread now

Hey Bernd thanks for the drink.

>impregnating a legit retard
she's horrible mother material

How many jojokes can be made in a single thread?

>unconditionally loving and submissive
Perfect wife material, just has to be coddled like a child so she doesnt kill herself. The sex would be wild desu

leni would be a great mother, she is the most loving and caring.


Luna pls

So you don't even care about your poor kids having to be put up with a literal retard for a mom? Awful.

Post all the strips, faggot

No, because as long as i love her thats all that matters.

>dinosaur hands

A couple of times.

Different guy, she actually picks things up pretty quickly as long as you word it in terms she can understand, as shown with her mastering driving a lawnmower in a few minutes as soon as things were explained in fashion terms, so teaching her how to be a mom isn't impossible and she could probably do pretty well. The only real challenge would be in the first few months with each kid when lack of sleep would mess with both our brains; I'd probably just take over early morning duties and let her handle the afternoons so she could be involved and put the lessons to practice when I can be active enough to correct her.

She would also keep on looking her best in adulthood.

>TFW you will never be trying to pur the baby to sleep while at the same time pounding leni from behind

>tfw you will never gently eat out Leni while she's singing a lullaby to the baby
>tfw she will never sit in your lap and knit clothes for the baby while you finger her
>tfw you will never gently pound her so that the crib doesn't shake while she gets the baby's mobile going

It really does hurt

I want to do so many lewd things to leni in front of our baby

Preach it, fellow Hildawg!

it's called raptor hands, it's something that people with autism do a lot. yall waifu is autistic, sorry senpaitachi




Is that a hero academia reference?

Who would use Crazy Diamond?


What a shit comic. What person walks up to their sister and says nice melons


Characters in porn flicks, mostly.



I like to call it the Colin Mochrie.

Lincoln, he's the Peacemaker

She'd be the best mom though.

she married Dr, Flug?
maybe there's a chance her kids won't be completely dumb

A thread for TLH on Sup Forums? Nice.





Nobody cares about your autism fetish and Leni isn't autistic, you dumb shit.


What Leni outfits do you like best?


More than you think


Why do you like this show Sup Forums?


jesus that face.

you know i can't do that.

yes, im forcing it. i have a theory that there is just one ass blasted mod that is a total faggot that deletes all the threads himself. the past few days we have had one for up to 12 hours, getting over 100 replies before getting deleted, with only mild autistic shitposting.

so as long as faggots dont start post /trash/ /tlhg/ shit we should be fine.

ill get the list from the archive, holy on.


found my list:

-Its relateable if you had siblings growing up
-there are some really good heart felt episodes
- it reminds me of things from my childhood I forgot about having a brother
- shipping
- And it does have good funny moments (leni) even though some jokes are shit (luan)

>it reminds me of things from my childhood I forgot about having a brother

so.... lori's voice actress isn't a singer, huh?

oh, the shit with hand me downs.
the straight out just stealing shit from me because i was younger.
pulling pranks and tricks and whatnot. the small things about childhood you forget.

Fucking THIS. I was taken aback by how ear-wrenchingly horrible Lori sounded here: m.youtube.com/watch?v=HW0YEcNC59U

the baby is a conehead alien


fucking jojos

Sup Forums Loud House threads:
>50% Lori/Leni posting
>50% Rita posting
Quality posting.

well leni is best girl, and lori is like.. 2-3 so that just can't be helped.

the rita posting is kind of stupid though. the entire show sets up underage incestuous relationships, why go for the adult who isn't incestuous? waste of material, tbqhfam



>Sex with children is wild
If you're gonna run for senate you're gonna have to calm down with that shit.

>tfw you will never get to peep on your 5 older sister naked and beat your meat to the sight of their naked 13-17 year old bodies

why live

>pic related

Couldn't disagree more. All the incestuous relationships come solely from the fans who can't understand how sibling relationships actually work. The Rita posting makes sense since that MILF is the only attractive and ridiculously fertile member of the family.

Because it's a light hearted up beat show that has a good loving family, feels pretty good.
The fact that it doesn't focus on drama and shipping is a huge plus, that shit ruined AT, RS and Star.




Who the fuck cares user? It's a show intended for elementary school aged children.

It's for drying nails, and not to mess up the polish..
