How the fuck did Homer not get arrested?

How the fuck did Homer not get arrested?

It's a cartoon.

Fuck off, Grimey!

Because in America, you're not allowed to take guns away from people until after they kill someone.

It's America

not illegal. it's american and very patriotic.

Because chief Wiggum is incompetent.



t. Frank Grimes

The first kill is free.


ITT Eurofags still butthurt talk about shit they dont understand général

Because the police are Chief Wiggum, Lou, and Eddie

Because this way America is much more saver.


t. thrice divorced middle aged uncle on facebook

>join or die
>don't tread on me
sounds kinda contradictory
where does "join or die" come from?
I remember a political cartoon about a snake cut into pieces but that's about it.

It's about the individual states joining together as one to help fight the American Revolution.

Yes, it's championing the dissolution of state sovereignty to create a federal system...but I don't think the people who display it realize it's against what they want. It just sounds cool

>where does "join or die" come from?
The original 13 colonies that would join together to the early united states. Some colonies were on the fence.

Not exactly. They were individual colonies, not states. They weren't giving up TOTAL state sovereignty. Just a part of it for the sake of survival.

Because he's white er Yellow.

thanks for the info boys

Early firearms of the period are far more interesting.

For example the giarandonni (SP) air rifle from the period was more powerful, accurate, and had better repeating firepower than the muskets of the day. Not at all unlike some kind of early semi autos.

Of course they were a little complicated to use...and expensive.

...And sometimes would explode.
But they were good enough for thomas jefferson to send with lewis and clark on their famous expedition to map the northwest territories.

It was on his own property.

Not always legal. Sometimes is.
Good assumption though. In some places as long as its on your own property it doesn't matter if it's in city limits or not. Others aren't so forgiving. I used to live in a REALLY rural area of around ~2000 and you couldn't use a firearm in the village. Of course there were lots of farms and farmhouses scattered around that were outside of city limits and that was fair game.

Fair enough but considering the attitudes of many of the "come and take them" types, even minor encroachment on individual liberties is tantamount to 9/11 times The Holocaust

Eh. I kinda am of a similar mind if I'm honest. Well I mean I don't think it's another holocaust BECAUSE IT TOTALLY NEVER HAPPENED.

That's a joke by the way. If I'm being honest though, I don't think this is the best avenue for this discussion.

More topically, I always wondered what the reaction to this was. I mean, it was meant to be as offensive as possible, clearly but I don't remember much coming from it other than hilarity.

>9/11 * 0
So it's nothing to them?

>Could you open the window? The cops have daddy’s prints on file.

>Because in America, you're not allowed to take guns away from people until after they kill someone.
FUCK YEAH! Actually, do we need to take guns away from people after they kill someone? Seems kinda harsh. We should probably change that law.

>sounds kinda contradictory
"Join or die" isn't intended as a threat but as a warning, it's saying that the 13 colonies had to join or that they would die or as Ben Franklin put it "We must hang together or we will surely hang separately" .

Aren’t you supposed to be dead grimey?

I believe it is too late to ban guns to here, if we did the wrong people would still have them.

Do Americans ever consider that the Second Amendment was written when the world was a very different place to what it is now?

The world really isn't that much different. Not in the ways that matter.

Because he's a white guy in bumfuck nowhere, it's more likely anyone who would complain will get arrested first.


Because it was the first Scully episode, and he was clearly testing the waters for what was “too much” from Homer. This episode was the transitional phase where he graduated into being “jerkass Homer”.

the world is still a place where shit talking drug cartels will get you dragged out back and shot. So it's not really that different.