Was there ever an art piece with these covers combined & blurbs removed?

Was there ever an art piece with these covers combined & blurbs removed?

God damn Sue has some knockers.


>be Tony
>your life is suffering
>you fuck only thots in one night stands
>meanwhile Reed is the chaddest chad with the chaddest superpowers ever
>has the most beautiful blonde fawning over him
>prefers to do “science”
It’s just not fair...

welp, look at reed's neck

Say what you will about comic art today but it's leagues better than this slop that was all the rage during the 90s.

Some is. There's some really mediocre art out today though.

agreed. bump for the poster.

Okay. Ramos should be executed.

>being Tony is suffering
That's been a thing since his FA. The guy had to recharge his heart so that he wouldn't die. He took "charging my phone at the last minute" to a WHOLE new level.

>hatin bout Whilce Portacio

Millenials need to leave.

Welcome to Gamestop!

What's the sause on this? Lobdell worked on Reborn Iron Man, but that's not the cover of February's issue. Was it a variant? But why do a Christmas variant on February?

If I had that cover when I was 13, I would've masturbated to those huge titties. I loved the 90s.

I'm about to fap to them now desu.

Reed REALLY doesn't appreciate what he has...

>has the most beautiful blonde fawning over him
>Has the most beautiful blonde married to him but she's always fooling around with other dudes

Reed doesn't mind though.

She flirts, but that's only to make Reed jealous, to which the autist responds by not even noticing. I mean, look at it from her POV. The guy came in, picked her up from Uni, put her in a rocket, then married her, and since then ignores her, until he gets the bright idea to go for a picnic or something. That's been going on for a decade. Reed does ignore Sue and everyone else. Sure, you get the odd story where he tries, but that's once every blue moon. He's not a bad guy, and he does genuinely love them all, but what's the point if he never shows it? Hell, what's the point if for all of his science, he hasn't changed one goddamn thing?

Fuuuugggg-- Look at those tits. They're getting squeezed and they're still as big as melons.

ikr? I wish Sue was my gf and mother.


I'll... uh, I'll settle for wife, thanks. I may be an autist but I don't have a thing for my mother... Jesus man, get help.

Calm down, Franklin

Coudn't find it myself.

>filename says Christmas 1996
>cover says Feb '97
Comics are confusing.

Cover dates are release dates + 2

That one was from Flash Thompson's fantasy world.

It's not confusing, the cover date is 99% likely the be the date that newsstands remove them from the stands. So the actual date is either one or two months before the cover date (depends on the comic and when it was out).

That cover isn't for either #2 or #4 or #6 though. It is a variant or something?

And people bitch about Sue when she tries someone better.

Thing is, she cannot really do any better. Reed has every quality that a woman looks for. He's heroic, handsome, literally has the best dick in existence and is a super-genius explorer. He's also a genuinely nice person. It's just that he's too much of an autist. Back in the day, maybe she could've found somebody better. Stark has most of Reed's qualities but knows when to stop. Or maybe Parker (she's what, 5 years older than him, at most). But now she's got two kids and is past her prime.

Exactly. Reed’s an asshole who has everything people would kill for, and he spends his time toying.

But Reed isn't even that handsome. And dimensions don't matter that much, it's the performance that matters.
Watch the new Victor he is perfect, is miles better than Reed. Susan needs someone like him, but I think he doesn't care about her anymore.
Susan should be with someone like Peter or Tony or Thor.

Thanks for looking. I've been trying every Christmas since.

Eh, Reed used to be the classic handsome guy in the early days, and Epting drew him as a Chad. I will agree that the rod isn’t the end all be all, but he’s in a unique position. He can change the girth, length, even curvature and shape/texture. But yeah, there are better looking men than him, of course. And honestly, either Victor or Tony would’ve been much better choices. But at this point she’s past her prime.

Now you will live in a shelter, son.

Sandman bump.