The Lich King reigns for another year

The Lich King reigns for another year.

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Who died?


Sigh. Who was it this time?

Literally W H O?

No one. Im just saying Stan lives for another year.

If he dies in the next 7 days, I'm blaming you, OP.

>his wife passed
He's getting desperate. His time is coming soon.

Still another week to go.


The only time it's ever acceptable to use the "Stan Lee is a lich" meme is when an author or artist of comic books dies. Anyone who uses it at any other time for any other reason (like the OP is doing right now) is a subhuman pestilen/tv/ermin who should be reported ASAP for breaking >>>Sup Forumsrules/1 and >>>/global/rules/10

Screencap this. He dies in 2018.



2017 is nearly dead in the ground user, and this man has lived for another year
Every year he lives is a year we live in torment

Fuck off


This whole "stan lee sucks the soul of every single even barely notable person" meme has gotta stop

He only sucks the life force out of other comic creators, if he got some from every damn person who kicked the bucket he'd look like pic related again.

How old is this bastard really? Because, I'm fairly certain that he should by all rights, be dead by now.

I'm keeping him alive to spite you all.

Thank you for sparing my life Stan.

>not Queen Elizabeth



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Kids need to stop this edgelord cringy shit, it's NOT FUCKING FUNNY