Can a cartoon look ugly but still be good?

Can a cartoon look ugly but still be good?

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Depends on how ugly we're talking. If we're talking Ed Edd Eddy ugly, then yeah it can work. If we're talking Problem Solvers ugly, then hell to the no.

12oz mouse says yes

but having a bad art style usually turns a lot of people away from it, which usually kills any chance of it going anywhere past Season 2

>robot jones
do you have fucking eyes

What's with the sudden increase of Robot Jones threads? Is it getting some sort of Blu Ray collection or what?

I wouldn't say it's ugly, but the animation is pretty rough from what has been seen from traditional cel animation

At least it wasn’t synchro-vox tier bad

Sonic Boom


Honestly this, I've seen at least 5 in just the last couple of days.

That doesn’t seem like a lot

Are you retarded?

Being really ugly or lazy can kill a cartoon if it’s bad enough

It’s one of the biggest issues with cartoons nowadays.
Have a good art style and people will see your show, even though it has shitty writing.
But have an unappealing art style, and people will ignore your show and even shit on it, without even watching a single episode.

Too bad everyone's flanderized as fuck.

Compared to normal?
When there's zero for months?
It's not a lot of threads, but for Robot Jones it might as well be a deluge.

Would you a Robot Jones, Sup Forums?


Yes. Just like how a cartoon can have great art and yet be ruined by the writing.

Only if jones was a loli robot, which he isn't

Yes, if you're talking about stylized ugly. You could call Courage the Cowardly Dog an ugly show, for example, but it's ugly on purpose and it's fantastic. Even looking at anime you see this, some extremely stylized anime are made to look ugly on purpose, like Ping Pong, but that can't stop them from being good.

If you're talking about a show that can make your eyes bleed because the creators have no clue what they're doing (like Problem Solverz) then no it won't be good, because the creators suck.

Pic related is a great example. For some reason you can't even find decent batch torrents of the show, even though it's a disney comedy cartoon that's actually extremely good.


I un-ironically liked this show.

More /ss/ for me then.

>Principal madman literally had a hitler mustache
How did they get away with that in 2002? Was it really that obscure nobody noticed?

Was thinking of this one
It offends the ever-loving fuck out of my eyes so much that I can't stand watching it.

Because he was an absolute madman

Please be in london

as someone who loves the show, it was a major struggle getting over the art
I wish the boarders were more consistant, there are only a few good ones that do the style justice while all the others are just godawful

I'm looking at you, Danny

I know it's all subjective, but I fucking loved Robot Jones' sketchy style as a kid.
It was way different from everything else on at the time, and made it hella easy to draw RJ without it looking messed up.

Ugly Style > Ugly Design

So long as it serves the writing; the style should always compliment the plot and themes in some way.

Even if I was London you'd get nowhere with me because this site ruined my tastes.


Uuuggghhh get that eye cancer out here!!! You want people to go blind?!?!?

If show good then uglyness becomes style


of course it is, the "i don't like the artstyle" is the ultimate pleb filter.