Why haven't you watched this show, Sup Forums?

why haven't you watched this show, Sup Forums?
dont you want to watch cute ELVES do cute things, while at the same time NOT being weeaboo trash?

Where's /tg/ when you need them?

>dude fuck anime XD
Fuck off and this looks trash.

anime IS trash.
and there is a selection of good waifus senpai....

look at THESE cuties!

I thought about it but decided to just masturbate instead and just like that I had no desire to watch the show anymore whatsoever.

>same production as voltron
>no one loses their goddamn minds over the yuri possibilities as they did for voltron's yaoi possibilities
straight girls are truly wild

well.... no shut up though

/tg/ has fallen get it through your heads you bowl headed cut idiots


/tg/ is too busy jerking off to THICC dwarves to do anything else

>Knife ears
Release the Orcs.

Saw the first episode, the plot was so fucking dumb
"How did my sister get here?" *Leaves every portal open*

I was never expecting 'Orcs and Elves Talk About Diversity Starring Will Smith' to be good, but christ was it bad.

Shit is not even half as interesting as voltron

but all there are is elves and goblins... and not the good goblins, they are an all-male race or 2 foot tall jobbers

so basically there are just elves. so its fine.
also the red one has a sexy voice :^)

Even goblins know to stick a dagger in the knife ears

Why the fuck was Chima saddled with Lego's proprietary designs when it could have looked like this? It would have fucking OWNED if it didn't look like the damned toys. Also...post pics of sexy dragons. No fur-mo/scalie...but them dragonesses had SERIOUS bedroom eyes in the promo art.

>an entire race of shitter manlet goblins with NO THICC SHORTSTACK GOBBO BITCHES
whats the fucking point?

Who's is the semen demon in the middle?

ahh, i see you have noticed the ACTUAL reason to watch the show.
she is my favorite :3

everything i have for her are just screenshots, but she is a qt all throughout the show

goblins are disgusting

delete this

yeah, this.
gobbos are the best of all races

I saw that one "episode" a few years ago but this looks like a series. Where can I see this? It looks cute AF.