Christ, what is it about this show with the sexualized and attractive males?

Christ, what is it about this show with the sexualized and attractive males?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's funny how we see what we want to

I mean, they're a boy band, being attractive is kind of a job requirement.

None of these figures are attactive OP.

t. gay

why does this bother you? after hundreds of shows with chicks and some implied yuri here and there this triggers you?

goddamnit Nefcy

Well, i mean, i still like girls, but your also not wrong either “shrugs”
No user, i love it. Ive fapped more to trap marco then most girls from the show.

>being gay means you're exempt from having hit tastes

You are literally wrong


>implying Marco isn't cuter

If anything Marco would've been OP's number 1 example, but it wouldn't just made this a "trap marco"thread.

>Girls always gets sexualized
>No one bats an eye.
>Guys get sexualized.

>implying that wasn't OP's diabolical plan all along

user, i love that they sexualize boys. The show also sexualizes girls too. I really wish their were more cartoonists as based as nefcy.

These boys are actually pretty ugly, should have picked Princess Marco or Tom for your image.

I want to fuck the one in the middle

I'm still shocked that people have spoken more for Tom's orangutan of a mother instead of his prettier father

Because it's pretty damn rare.

You do realize they do this because the intended male audience thinks the male monsters looks cool while sexualizing the female versions. I did think toms mom was hot though

>what is it about this show with the sexualized and attractive males?
One word: Nefcy. Does this look like the face of a prude? Nefcy can get it and only wants to be surrounded by beautiful men, fantasy or reality.

they ARE attractive you faggot.

t. also gay

God bless perverted women, wish more female animators were as sexual as her instead of prudishly preventing fan service making ugly shit like summer camp island.

>Sup Forums is so desperate for decent looking cartoons that they think THIS is attractive
Christ it's sad watching you guys.

> they do this because the intended male audience thinks the male monsters looks cool while sexualizing the female versions

That's the point. The show did the switch. Made a cute dad and a monsterous mom.

I love the art style, fuck you
I know, my dick was diamonds seeing that feminine beast

>tfw I inserted my magical realm into my DM's game and got myself a daemonwaifu
Life is so fucking good right now.


Unfortunately for you and your strawman I was disputing the attractiveness, not the sexualization.

>tfw I inserted my magical realm into my DM's game and got myself a daemonwaifu
Explain for someone who doesnt know what “magical realm” or “DM” mean
How the fuck is the artstyle not attractive? This show has made some of the sexiest cartoon characters in years

its disney parodying disney media, tbqh its genius



>doesnt know what “magical realm” or “DM” mean
Lurk moar outsider.

>This show has made some of the sexiest cartoon characters in years
As long as we conveniently ignore Europe and Japan. American and Canadians seem obsessed with ugly shite at the moment and I don't know why.

While Sabrina and Friends are complaining about SJW shit and justifying why going off model is acceptable, Nefcy is letting her female characters eyefuck knights, putting hot men and traps in her shows, providing a new waifu every week, and making us question our attraction to bushes and bugs.

Don't forget to praise God Empress Nefcy, anons. She's doing gods work.

Star vs artstyle is more hot then most same face anime characters. Name ONE character more hot then this from the past 5 years

>While Sabrina and Friends are complaining about SJW shit and justifying why going off model is acceptable
Give me a quick run down

Nefcy is so fucking based. the whole show is chock full of the good shit. shes not even putting stuff under the radar, shes just waving all around for everyone to see at this point.

>say that there is a difference
>don't actually explain the difference


Several of the SVTFOE staff are pretty active on social media, usually posting about Trump, complaining about entitled fans, going on tangents about random SJW shit, etc. Sabrina Cotugno is usually the main one stirring things up, especially when it comes to fandom drama (the whole Seddm pedo allegations, the Rakhall drama, etc.).

In regards to the off model thing, Cotugno, Ariel VH and I believe K. Gish have been retweeting things about how fans are so entitled about the whole off-model thing and that only folks in the animation industry can be the judge of what is good and bad animation. I can link to their twitters and some of the recent things below.

Christ, they sound like whiney cunts. Thank god based nefcy seems to have control over them, unlike the dumpster fire of anarchy the crewniverse is because sucrouse is too passive to be in charge.

Yeah, Nefcy seems to keep things in check and is overall really professional. I think I've only seen her argue about politics on Twitter once and she handled it better than any of the other staff I've seen on the show handle it. Nefcy is a professional person.

Tbf to Cotugno and VH, I think they're probably good people overall (they're definitely both incredibly talented), but they can be insufferable and petty over dumb shit on social media.

This guy.

>show targeted mainly toward late elementary/early middle school aged girls and created by a woman with a fetish for sailor moon
Gee, I wonder why...

>eyefuck knights

Is there a gif of that?

Why do the staff stoop to engaging with this demon comic guy and other retarded fans? Just make your shit, talk with the fans who seem cool and ignore the idiot ones.

I'm going to masturbate to this character right now just to prove you wrong

Nefcy drew Star with a feminist shirt then painted it and also whined about Trump becoming president, writing "Fuck" all over a sheet of paper because she was triggered.

>writing "Fuck" all over a sheet of paper
did she actually do this

Hey, I find Tom's mom kinda pretty. Like, it's not my ideal type, my she's still kinda cute in her own way and I'd happily get crushed between these powerful legs while trying to give her a baby.

what? That's not attractive at all. Obviously it's meant to be portrayed as attractive in the eyes of Star, but those designs are piss ugly.

>Star vs artstyle is more hot then most same face anime characters

fan art =/= show's art

It's one way to vent. At least she did it on a piece of paper you can light on fire and toss in the bin when your done instead of, say, ranting and posting on tumbleddit or twitbook.

Yes. The drawing was full of doodly words "Fuck" and worms and eyes just like she loves.
Hope someone posts it.

>this samefaced cartoon style is better than that other samefaced cartoon style
Shiggy diggy doooo, where are youuu?

>missing those bedroom eyes
Stop being such a hetero, fag.

The same woman who turned the frogs gay?

Damn, her cover is good.

that's something you do in private
apparently she posted it online

>turned the frogs gay
Explain me this meme, please.

Then you should have no problems finding it.

I'm not gonna go looking for it
Did she or did she not post it online? A kid's cartoon creator childishly posting a pic full of fucks just because Trump was elected is weird, and I'm disappointed.

Okay, and what's with it and Nefcy?
Yes, i'm dumb.

There was a /sveg/ thread where everyone was complaining that Buffrog is gay now. Someone joked Nefcy had the idea from Alex Jones. Hilarity ensued.

Oh. Thanks, it's definitely hilarious!

Still doesn't explain Dave's criminal lack of fanart

Was he always supposed to be a human with a demon wife? In season 1 Star said Tom was the son of "the big man downstairs", or something like that.

I'm still convinced he's a shapeshifting demon.

Found it on the archive

>Thank god based nefcy seems to have control over them, unlike the dumpster fire of anarchy the crewniverse is because sucrouse is too passive
True, but Sugar still hasn't drawn her characters with feminist shirts or complained about Trump's presidency online.

Simple: He's a human who married a demon princess to get into the underworld business and was so good that he was put in charge of everything

Imagine the reaction if Sugar did that

None? I thought she already did that.

idk why SVTFOE gets a free pass with this shit
it can have 20 back-to-back horrible episodes and unsatisfying conclusions and basically everything that makes SU terrible and I see pretty much no one bitching about it

Did she?
I'd like to actually see her acting like a crazy cunt bag too

>idk why SVTFOE gets a free pass with this shit

We'll never know.

just look at all the cuckqueen posting and you'll have an obvious answer

I don't care what she's doing. She looks like a bad stereotype of a little jewish boy.

>I have an imaginary girlfriend
>life is good

No, Sugar is pretty professional in her public appearance. The most she's done that's caught Sup Forums's attention is repost a "Bisexual Awareness" thing after she said she was bisexual at a convention.

Still surprised that pictures of Sugar going to a mansion with a bunch of half-naked women in weird outfits to do witch stuff didn't trend.

Star Vs has waifus and a harem, so even if they make every other single character gay and trans they won't mind as long as Marco is straight and has his harem.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Maybe on Tumblr. Tumblr and Sup Forums are just different sides of the same coin when it comes to anything.

Can we all just go back to cuckqueen posting? That was a pretty golden time

Could you explain these mansion pictures or link them so I can try to find them.

Maybe Rebecca went there for inspiration or something.

It's a show for teenager girls user.

SVTFOE doesn’t try to make itself out to be one of the best shows of the decade. SU and GF had incredibly high expectations considering how much they built up. SVTFOE still doesn’t get much attention outside gay kiss and Princess Marco. People are gonna be harder on the show they know more about and have higher expectations of.

As a guy who actually enjoy many flavors of gay drawn porn, let me tell you, there is nothing attractive in pic related.

Boy bands are only attractive to females.

They're both too ugly for me, I mean, they look like Rick and Morty characters.

While same face anime is indeed ugly shit, Star VS is uglier shit, your gay lust for that one SPECEFIC character and fanart have convinced you star vs looks better than it actually does.

What kind of horny twit praises an ugly chick that looks like a witch for an ugly show filled with subpar characters as far as sexiness goes?

Huh...Good point.

>The Mime is a genius!

its a show for girls

Thoughts on Star vs aside, Daron is appealing for the same reason Shelley Duvall is. A sort of oddly intriguing creature to behold


>Group of near naked women meditating next to a full garbed Muslim woman during the sunrise

What sort of cult shit is this? Is this what California liberalism is?

Next closest thing...