Transformers General

Full preview of Lost Light #12





Bee should redeem getaway now that he made megatron and starscream stop being so evil. or just have bee be the one to stop unicron and make him an autobot

Bee may be a cute little guardian angel but he's no god.

Wonder how Getaway is going to react when he finds out Skids is dead? They seemed to have a reasonably good relationship, up to the end. Of course, knowing Getaway it could have just been bullshit on his end.

>Lost Light wins some stupid Comixology award for best title of 2017
It's like those faggots didn't even read Secret Empire.

HAHAHAHA Getaway is suffering from Primus Apotheosis. Plus Froid and Gateway are two peas in a pod. Can't wait for this issue.

So wait, having blue optics "could" be a sign of affinity? Does that mean that Springer could be a Prime in the IDWverse?! Even though he's not a real cybertronian?
Who else has blue optics in IDW?

It's not just blue ones, but this one special shade of blue.
But Tailgate from what i recall.
Most of autobots desu.

Looking to get into idw transformers comics... Where do I start? I watched the G1 cartoon and that's about it

Look at tumblr that is given on this pic, there should be newest guideline.

Just you wait. Unicron will come and his weight will make the crystal city stop beung a black hole and bee will turn unicron good

see now, this is a good funny flashback with some actual genuine humour.

RIP Skids, you deserved better.

Springer had shown promise of being Prime worthy but that hasn't been followed up on.

Even Froid's getting tired of Getaway's delusions.

Christmas eve. What Transformers related stuff do you think you're getting this Christmas, Sup Forums?

>These characters were barely a thing
>Make them a thing in a flashback to justify the shitty story from a few issues ago

What did Willis mean by this?

That he's an autist and proud of it.

I'm hoping I get drill-butt.

I hope i get Trypticon.

He was on sale for super cheap on Amazon, hopefully someone snagged it for you.

He's a great figure for a mainline one. Hard to find because of that, hopefully Santa has your number.


I was talking to a friend about how much I liked Soundwave design from TFP, and he replies with "your package will be there before christmas." And I've been itching to open this box. I really hope it's what I think it is but he's known to prank me also. Fingers crossed

Santa says it's going to be RiD Soundwave.

user pls. I have hope!

what if it's

To be fair, the RiD Soundwave figure is actually pretty damn good.

Be warned, if you want to do the stickers prepare to set aside at least an hour to apply them. All 150+ of them.

Huh, I actually wouldn't mind that.

Yeah, but it's just so dang silly looking. The alt-mode just reminds me too much of Breakdown/Bulkhead's alt. But I wouldn't mind it. A gift is a gift and it's better if it's TF related. Of course I'll beat his ass next time I see him, but it'll be outta love.

Well there’s this one huge ass present sitting around the tree, I think it might be Trypticon.

That said it’s weird how rare Trypticon has been at retail. I technically never saw one at retail. Mom did order online so who knows.