Its a Kwanzaa episode

>its a Kwanzaa episode

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That title of that book sums up kwanza up pretty well, actually
Should have a subtitle reading "And who the hell cares?"

Isnt Kwanza a excuse for black people to act like assholes to other people who celebrate other festivities?

black people don't celebrate Kwanzaa. No one does

If you went to Africa and asked them about Kwanza, they'd probably ask "what the hell are you talking about?"

Guilty whites pretend to.

So, you're watching Rugrats?

Yes, but even black people don't celebrate it

>hey, I'm not a Christian but I created a holiday so I could celebrate with you Christians

>needing to be Christian to celebrate Christmas

You know, now that I think about it, wouldn't a Jamaican family celebrating Kwanzaa be really racist?

You know the guy that created Kwanzaa hated Christians and thought Jesus was a psychopath, right?

Every black person I've ever known celebrated Christmas.

The Proud Family had a pretty good Kwanza episode

this holiday is going to be forgotten much like day of the dead

>tfw in Christmas Pageant
>sing a song about Kwanza
>remember one stanza
>"Kwanzaaaa is a time of learning/ Learning of the historyyyyyy"

What the fuck is Kwanza.

Honest question, have you ever known someone who celebrates Kwanza?

it's surprising they don't push this anymore.

I have literally never met a single person, black or otherwise, that celebrates this meme of a holiday.

I mean.
I headcanon this too minus the Christmas hate.
Not psychopath though, just your average everyday sociopath that knows how to manipulate people into worshiping them.
Like Muhammad or any other central religious figure.
With how sociopaths are drawn like flies to positions of power in corporations and political seats I find it hard to accept that none took a religious route in the past.

Do tell, user.

I've barely even known anyone who celebrates Hanukkah.

Yes, but Jews are a minuet percentage of the population, I've met less than a dozen in my entire life, and only half of them even practiced their religion.

Speaking of which that's probably why Kwanza isn't 'a thing'. It doesn't have a canon of faith and tradition behind it.

Only show I've seen it in is Futurama

Hanukkah isn't even that important of a holiday in Judaism. That's Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur.

Yeah, I've heard from Jewish people that Hanukkah is actually one of the least important Jewish holidays. It only gets a lot of publicity because of competition with Christmas.

Went to an all black school for a few years as a kid, they taught us about kwanza every year I went. The 7 principals are cool, but me or any of my friends weren’t gonna skip getting Christmas presents for some fake
ass black Hannakah.

What about Robanukah?

Nignog here and no, we celebrate Christmas. I don't know anyone that celebrates Kwanza, no one even talks about it.

>I've met less than a dozen in my entire life,
You've met more, but being a cryptojew is a very real thing. It's a learned behavior from Europe.

hear me out Sup Forums, kwanzaa is about the three kings; Don, Martin Luther, and Rodney

At least Google is getting into the Kwanzaa spirit.

In the beginning, there were three kings: martin luther, don, and rodney.

Martin luther was the smartest of the three. he preached peace, equality, and self-respect. He was the good king.

Don was a deebo who sprung on the wrong cat and got rickets from a stank poon on 125th street. He was a bumper pumper who turned a trick on a skeezer named geronihoe and suffered in drinking a case of natural ice while blasting diarrhea all over his crib. He was the bad king.

Rodney was a pool dagger coochie ripper who was geeking on baking soda while flabstabbing some hoe in the back of a hoopdy. He did the jelly donut to the muggle trick while ahmadou diallo changed his name to i'm-a-do-what-the-cops-tell-me-to-do. He was the worst king of all.

...and that's what kwanzaa is all about user!

No one celebrates this in latin america and caribean countrys, is this a real african thing or just minority of black people on the US trying to be special, because no black people i know celebrate this

A black college professor from California invented it in the 60s. Only a very small number of black Americans celebrate it. It is unknown in Africa.

I like Mostoffensivevideo too.

huh, finally someone explains it

>...[Christmas]it's about as real as Kwanza or the Wookies' Life Day...
What did he mean by this?

There ain't a nigga in all of Philadelphia that celebrates kwanza.

its too bad they didn't do any other fat albert ones

If Afro-Americans ike creating stuff like Kwanza and such then why don't create their own language, naming system, religion and alphabet if they really want to seperate themselves from whitemericans?

Oh, dread...

I'm pretty sure different groups have tried all those things more or less.
Granted they're mostly based on misguided panafricanism and rejection of whiteness rather than being apart from it.

Also Kwanzaa wasn't a concentrated effort by Blacks as a whole which is why it's largely a failure.

In a way, they were right to invent Kwanzaa in the 60's but for the wrong the reasons. Instead of working to create a regional holiday celebrated by community, they invented a black nationalist holiday meant to divide blacks even further from the norm which is terrible for everyone.

He was right in that Christmas is a Pagan holiday with traditions deeply entrenched in the seasons. As an Arizona fag, Christmas traditions were always retarded to me. Celebrating seasonal northern European traditions in a desert makes no sense and I'm sure Califags and southerners feel the same way.

Maybe a better way to handle it rather than creating a fake black nationalist holiday is to just celebrate Christmas differently based on region.


of course. why wouldnt it be?

Didn't they try that already with their own creed of Islam? Didn't work too well.

>day of the dead
You must be fucking joke. Day of the Dead is fucking legendary in central/southern Mexico and it's also celebrated in Guatemala.
It's a goddamn national holiday in Mexico that the North was forced to accept because it was so fucking popular everywhere else in the nation, even though the ruling elite of Mexico during most of the 20th century was from the North or North Central.

>Stjepan Meštrović, a sociology professor at the Texas A&M University, sees Kwanzaa as an example of postmodernism. According to Meštrović, modern society has discarded ancient traditions as racist, sexist or otherwise oppressive, but since living in a world where nothing is true is too terrifying to most people, "nice" and "synthetic" traditions like Kwanzaa have been created to cope with the nihilistic, individualistic modern society.

Sounds fucking awful. Rather live with my ancient traditions. Rather believe that I came from corn stalks than the idea that there are more genders than Digimon.

Imagine America collapses and the greatest post-US power is a Afro-supermacist nation based on ancient-Egypt roleplaying with it's people dressing up as ancient Egyptians and stuff

With Shadow Games like on Yu-Gi-Oh?

I know a lot of black people that like YGO. Like I live in a relatively black free area, but all the nonexistent black people in the tricounty go to the local cardshop to play YGO.

But also with a bit of Islam.

Like the ruler will be called the Faraon-Kalif in deformed post-apocalypse English

I’ve only known one black person in my life who celebrated Kwanza
t. a black person

Wouldn't the greatest post-US power be China?

China will become a warzone full of semi-undead cyborgs due to nuclear radiation expect for Tibet that is the richest and most advanced nation in Asia

What about festivus

Nah, Day of the Dead is an actual thing. Maybe it's got a lot to do with the part of the country I live in but I've never met a single person who has even mentioned, nevermind celebrated Kwanza. I've never seen it referenced as anything but a joke about how nobody cares about it either, outside of like the fucking proud family I think.

Day of the dead is big in Mexico, hell Disney just made a movie with it being a central plot point.

t. Mexican

Well duh. It was invented in the 60s by an american guy

>It's the holiday episode where the Jewish character (who's Judaism has never come up until now) celebrates Hanukkah.

>No other character ever responds with "I fucking knew it! You never pick up the tab!"

>Waah minority characters only talk about being minorities
>Waah minority characters never talk about being minorities

I've never met a single person who celebrates Kwanza, probably because it's one of those few winter holidays where you don't get shit.

More people celebrate Festivus than Kwanza.

Was he Jewish?

I went through the same thing. We had a song about Kwanza, it was much shorter than the other songs, and the only line I can remember is "whooooooa-oh, oh Kwanza." I don't think I ever knew what it was other than "the one for black people."

I was at California Adventure last week and they had these booths selling holiday-theme food: soul food for Kwanzaa; Hispanic items for "Navidad"; Indian stuff for Diwali, etc.


>Hanukkah isn't even that important of a holiday in Judaism
Uh yes it is.



There was this black professor in the 1960s who believed that Christianity was a tool of the white man to enslave blacks
Therefore he thought blacks should not worship Jesus, which included the celebration of Christmas.
Since most black people did not wish to lose out on the holidays, he provided Kwanza as an alternative.

was actually adressed to

I love that visual gag so much, and the way Kwanzaabot says
>I've been handing these out for eight hundred years
kills me.

What happens during it that makes it significant? It doesn't celebrate the arrival of a savior of the world, so how can it compete with Christmas beyond date proximity?

this. I've only ever seen this shit on arthur

You do realize there can be a middle ground

>More people celebrate Festivus than Kwanza.

That is true
Helps that one was created by a show that people loved and that tried to entertain people, while the other one was created by a guy nobody cares about in order to preach to people


That is literally just the Spanish word for Christmas Eve

From what I know, it is mainly a commemoration of an 8 days long siege of Jerusalem

Well of course no one knew. He wasn't ordering Chinese take out during Christmas like all the other Jews.

Because the second they actually tried to make specials about it they realized that it was an abrasive confrontational belief system that promoted hated

No, Navidad is Christmas. Christmas Eve is Noche Buena.

That's just a holiday made to get out of work!

Now Robanzaa...

And he fucking teaches at my school

Hey Sup Forums let's just make up our own holiday. Dubs decide what we call it.

Manchildren Day


Well ok then.

those are trips those dont count

No, Kwanza was basically something a "back to Africa" black dude created in the 1960s to counteract the Christmas of the white devil. Nobody really bought into it though and blacks continued to celebrate Christmas. That's what was so funny about the '90s trying to pass Kwanza off as legit since it wasn't and nobody bothered with it.

Weird, Christianity was pretty huge in Africa. Ethiopia was the first christian state, the coptics had their main hub in Egypt and Kongo adopted it in a heartbeat.

I'd understand asians not wanting to celebrate it though due to the Taiping rebellion.

Keksmas, just to spite you

Sup Forumsnucopia

Kwanza is a forced meme holiday, and the idea behind it sucks. You can't create culture. It has to happen naturally.

It's not a real holiday. It's fake. Black people I'm sorry you guys were never advanced enough in agriculture to invent a calendar system and thus holidays, but you have to live with that. Do what the Asians did about White culture being superior-adopt as much as possible while quietly seething about it. Stop trying to make an alternative to the White Man's culture. Embrace it.

IIRC, the Kwanza story involves this king who goes around his village or something and realizes certain virtues practiced by the villagers and each day celebrates one of these virtues every day culminating in festivities on the last day

t. mixed Latino-white who saw the Disney World presentation

And yes it's made up and is basically the Pan-African counter to "White Man's Christmas"

Really? You never met any black Jehovah's Witnesses?

Non Christians have been celebrating Christmas for a very long time thanks to capitalism totally bastardizing the meaning of it...