Obscure Sup Forums women

I'll start with one of the best

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is someone offscreen calling her a cuck?


Who is this woman?

She's watching the sex.

God i love her so much

elizabeth from the rock cocks

isn't that the comic of the couple who swear that they are no SJW's but took gaysex, transsex and a black female cripple in their comic?

Also the writer left the honeypop game because he foud it sexist.

>gaysex, transsex and a black female cripple in their comic
That's because they're perverts and fetishists.
Don't forget lesbian hippie nudists too

>Those things make you SJW
They are literally added just to fill in some fetishes. This is the same thing as Yaoi/Yurifags being homophobic.

>the rock cocks

but that's boring as shit

So did she got the Dick

You’re falling into the trap that you’re thinking if it ain’t a white male it MUST be SJW.

With all those other characters remember that the main characters are still just a straight white couple who have so far only had sex with each other.

Is Counselor Dish obscure enough?


If the amount of rule 34 doesn't take up more than a single page on Pahael, then she's considered obscure

Does she get the D?

>paheal has zero content for Queenie

Only a plastic one


Hey Sup Forums. Is there a comic similar to The Rock Cocks that is exclusively gay?

Just check Slipshine or something, there's gotta be at least one.

She looks so damn cute.

brown girl's got a nice rack

she looks cute

Not sure how obscure she is, bc I’m a filthy casual

Say something nice about her

Be patient she has autism

What's this?

French animated series about basketball.

only one other person on Sup Forums even watches the show

Is it even on anymore?

Does it even air in the US? I live in the NL and even here it barely airs anymore.


So obscure that she doesn't even have a name

More like blaskup amirite

I must watch this.

>writer left the honeypop game because he foud it sexist
and not because it's fucking shovelware shit?


huh...venture bros?

> tfw no porn of the milf from Pajama Diaries

If it was shovelware, I'd have stayed on for the easy paycheck and titty art reputation.


Gonna give a mention to Scream Street, which I only recently became aware of.


Do background characters count?

There are a bunch of eps uploaded to youtube.

No translations, either subs or dubs, though.

I don't see why not.

glenns wife

Can nameless faces in a group be considered characters in a show?

...Although I guess OP only specified females, though, and not that they needed names, so whatevs.

Pretty much every woman in Nikolai Dante is obscure as fuck, although I have a preference for Lulu Romanov.

Kayo's grand.


Hell yeah, man.

Hopefully one day.

We like Cassandra, right?

That mouse is going to ruin Cassandra's carpet, goddamn.

He's also giving away the answer to the question, but still.

I think we came to the conclusion from past threads that she wanted the D, and was just engaging in petty crimes to catch Slylock's attention.




Miss faire is the best rock cocks character in the comic. I'd say Elizabeth is my second waifu



Oh so that's why Seth doesn't like her now. She's got the ability to achieve anything and just decided to be a naked piece of shit.


What about anime Marinette?
She literally only has ONE (1) piece of R34?

Must be the work of Clint Flicker.



Damn, sure are a lot of cute brown girls here


Oh god Blaster Nation, hate that comic and that nsfw comic as well. The problem with the artists is that they literally thrive off on the SJW pandering like most comic artists do in Hiveworks so whenever someone comes out and say that they are toxic as fuck. That's when shit's gonna fly. It always happens. I bet Brad gropes someone.

Pretty much all the girls from this.


i dunno if a lot of folks have read this comic, so i guess they would count as obscure.

mfw dark skin and white/asian features

I wish they just stuck with hetero sex. why can't any western porn comics stick with one type sexuality per porn series? It's the kinda thing that drives people away, not gather in more.
Weebshit may do something similar with fetishes, but at least that's something you can work around more than straight up homos.

Man she isn't even being subtle here, it's Slylock's own mailbox.

man I was going to post her. good taste, user.



Both of these designs are really good and I would smooch them both

looks familiar, but I'm thinking of a comic where a say 13 year old is spending her summer hanging out with a younger girl

they think the convenience store guy teenager renting them movies is cool and wish they were old enough to hang out with them

who's got a name?



Sad that a reverse trap from the waifu makers at Cartoon Saloon just came and went. Not even a single R34 pic of her.

that felt kinda wrong tho considering the whole story is depressing as hell.

>not wanting reverse-trap loli yuri




OG fapbait is more obscure.

Lou's mum is an absolute hottie and I'd hug her all night long.

She is my ideal woman.

