Bendis on Superman

bleeding cuck claims Bendis is getting Superman, with Ivan Reis and Joe Prado for 2018

>I am told from sources spinning out of a recent Brazilian comic convention that Brian Bendis’ first announced, most prominent title with the publisher, will be the Superman monthly book, with Brazilian artists Ivan Reis and Joe Prado on art, best known for their work with Geoff Johns on Green Lantern, Blackest Night, Brightest Day, Justice League and Aquaman.

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>This also underlines battle-lines between DC co-publisher Dan DiDio and DC President Geoff Johns. I have been told that Johns has approached artists he has been associated with at DC Comics to ensure he promises to line up work between them so that they don’t work with Bendis. With Reis and Prado, it seems, he didn’t provide a convincing enough argument.

>We have spoken about Team DiDio and Team Johns before, with DC Rebirth seen as a real triumph of John’s approach over DiDio’s New 52 – but with Johns more involved with films, with DiDio’s New Age Of Heroes books about to launch, including Immortal Men, Damage and Silencer – and Scott Snyder stepping up and taking on more of a comics guidance role, the power plays at DC Comics are all over the place right now.

>And into it all, steps Brian Michael Bendis, brought in after conversations with the other DC President, Diane Nelson. Working on Superman with Reis and Prado. Nothing could be a stronger shot across the bows against Geoff Johns, that someone is taking his toys away…

Ya’ll must regret shitting on Jurgens now.

Heh the man that turned marvel to shit with Civil War 2 is taking over superman

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Anyway, Superman has survived worse, like JMS, Azz, or Austen; he can survive Bendis, especially if this time he does have editors.

>turned Marvel to shit after DD

>battle-lines between DC co-publisher Dan DiDio and DC President Geoff Johns
Now THIS sounds like bullshit.

like ivan reis will stay on a book for more than 3 issues anymore

definitely, but you know Rich "The Leech" Johnston, he likes his drama.
We can only hope the Bendis on Superman part is also bullshit, but knowing him, he will try to bite more than he can chew.

somebody edit Bendis face on this cover

It's time.

Keep him from creating a whole parasitic host of OCs up to and including Another Miles

Bendis won't fuck over Jon in some way, right right?

Wait, so that means Ivan Reis is only going to be on a couple of issues of The Terrifics? Laaaaame.

>yfw the end up making a "SuperFamily" book for Tomasi and Gleason

Fake news

Where were you when Bendis ruined Christmas?

Finally interesting superman book :^)

Damn you Luthor

>Another Miles
Surely it's fine if Miles is a Chink, right?

Move aside Luthor, Superman has a new bald nemesis

No, he's still shit.

>Johns has approached artists he has been associated with at DC Comics to ensure he promises to line up work between them so that they don’t work with Bendis.
This seems like bullshit. I know Bendis doesn't have the best rep among comic fans, but that's because of his writing. There's never any stories of him having issues with artists or artists having issues with him.

Honestly fuck DiDio and Bendis. Team John all the way.


Bendis is working for DiDio, his best friend at DC. DiDio an immensely powerful and influential person at DC Comics. No way the editors would have any power over Bendis and tell him he can't do retarded shit and blackface people.

Miles have been around a little over 6 years now and he is still just a black Peter. A universal reboot and bringing him over to 616 still couldn't make him interesting.

Praise the Lord my prayers have been answered. Merry Christmas everybody.

>Lois breaks up with clark
>"I gotta find myself"
>next issue is lois dating batwing and whatever black characters dc got

I can see it now. Bendis's new self-insert is Lex and he is now dating Lois and the step-father to Jon. Sort of like how his self-insert Kong was dating Kitty or how his self-insert Miles was dating Gwen.


Reis deserves better then being forced to do panel after panel of bantering faces god damn it.

Nah not with Rebirth getting Superman back in the positive light he touches the Super Marriage and he'll be off that book in seconds.

Jurgens is really good, go away, pleb

Wtf Stan the man Lee, why are you taking so long with the draining of Bendis’ life force?

>Black Jimmy Olsen
>Steel becomes focus of book
>new female Irons relative despite Natasha existing
>Jon trapped in the Phantom Zone
>rift in super marriage
>main villain is Morgan Edge, Intergang, opening door to Fourth World.

The Superfamily was a mistake.The Superman comics have been a boring mess ever since Rebirth. New52 was hot garbage too but Rebirth isn't anything better.

What was wrong with Austen's Superman run?
I read Wrath of Gog and it was decently good.

>jon dies
>lois and clard adopt a black kid meta with clarks powers

Diana fag eat shit.

Fuck you. Wonderbat is the patrician ship AND Superfamily is cancer.

Yall be flipping out for no reason
DC will have a leash on him,he is the new guy in the company you really think they will let him pull any nonesense. And even of he did the big thing with DC is they admit there mistakes and will fix them. Look at Superman they spent over a year building him up to replace SuperBro
Have hope for all will be well

Trash opinion

Conner Kent is shit.

He already confirmed on his tumblr that he is going to make OCs. Except Miles and Riri clones.

I think Rich is saying that Johns sees this as a power play against his influence at DC editorial and is trying to keep his loyalists away from Bendis.

Wonderbat >>>> Cancer.
Conner Kent >> Cancer.


Bendis hate Wonderbat and Diana x Clark.

So Steel and Lois becomes canon?

Bendis wants a little sister for Jon.

Every writer makes oc

Then I fucks with Bendis

What about Jon dropping the blondie alien from hamilton and starts a relationship with Shaniqa from Metropolis?

Superman x Diana fags >> Cancer.

>pretending to like superman
>Sup Forums

Wow..Sacred Knight Dude you cannot be serious. This will ruin Superman.

Not the same user but yes, every writer use OC, only Bendis push them so far that they replace the main hero

Bat ? Cat ?

Supersons and Action Comic can ignore it.

>A universal reboot and bringing him over to 616 still couldn't make him interesting.
This, you'd think he'd be coming to terms with the fact his universe was destroyed and he's one of few survivors having had his ass saved by an old burger would be something of a plot point.

it begins...

Welp, gg no re, I guess Zack the Hack's plan to humilliate Super from the standart of DC Comics actually came to fruiction.

And now, with hope dead, Darksnyde is, and so is BatGod.

>bendis never did cuck shit
>but Sup Forums is meming it anyway

He likes writing heroes in casual settings. If anything I expect more focus on family drama.

>Superman x Diana
There was no reason for them to be together in the first place, oretty much just a publicity stunt.It's a terribly written relationship and has hurt the true Superman, the Pre-Flashpoint Superman, so...

>>Steel becomes focus of book
That's not a bad thing

Steel needs some love

No thanks. I find Diana and Clark highly boring and cliched. He has the most successfull relationship in comics. His relationship with Lois pre-52 and rebirth was the best and most relatable and the one closest to feeling real realationships in comics.

Doc Shaner is picking it up after Reis

Just read all the Superman/Wonder Woman issues. It's the worst relationship ever to be published in comics. In fact, it's not the bad at all. It's just kind of boring.

Quoted for truth. Yes, I never liked the idea of them being together.

Bendis? The writer, Bendis?

He's in Superwoman

Except he does it on his own terms.

For example in Avengers, he disposes of most of the old cast and put in Luke Cage (and Jessica Jones) as his self-insert. Or with X-Men it's with the O5.

I am awaiting the seas of salt from the character fags.

>most successfull relationship in comics
>Lois and Clark
You didn't read 00s Superman books with bitchy Lois?

We knew this literally from the moment Terrifics was announced. Doc Shaner was always gonna be the main artist, he's just slow as shit so they got Ivan Reis to do the first 3 issues

Ivan Reis

The guy who wrote Spiderman for a few years, that guy?

With any luck, the bastard idea the very instant he tries to do anything harmful to the established characterization of the Superfamily. Because I know that even with DC doin their damndest to ensure he present fuck anything over, he's still going to try and push his bullshit into whatever story he touches. Expect to see him trying to turn Jon into a mixed-race, transgender atrocity first chance he gets, or even try to ruin Clark and Lois' relationship, Mark my fucking words.


You're that DCuck that keeps on dreaming that editorial is going to keep Bendis on a short leash, aren't you?

Someone wants a ban from Santa.

After the damage from Austen's run, and Johns's mediocre one, changing up the roster was probably a good idea.

Also, I'm convinced that this is the end of the Gleason/ Tomasi run. For a start, they may be moved to Batman and Robin vol .3.

If only...


Bendis is good with solo characters or solo characters with great supporting casts so he may well surprise the haters with this.

>he touches the Super Marriage and he'll be off that book in seconds.

Says who?

We already knew that. Shaner is doing the art for 4 - 6


>Bendis is good with solo characters or solo characters with great supporting casts s

Like Iron Man? Moon Knight? Bendis is a burnt out has-been. Face it his best work was decades ago.

And Superman editorial is toothless and headless with Berganza gone.

Jokes on you, I actually like Val Zod

Berganza was a terrible editor, though

Yeah, he wrote Spider-Man, Bendis.


Tomasi has been extremely boring so I don't mind anyone at this point.
