What are some right wing asshole superheros?


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are you okay OP, you seem ass hurt over something.
parents calling you to come out of your cave?




he was more "crackpot paranoid" than "right-wing," really.

> (OP)
>he was more "crackpot paranoid" than "right-wing," really.
Is there a difference? Ayyy

What is a right wing superhero? Does that mean a superhero who votes against abortion and taxes or something?


>Where do you live
>On the Edge.

This will never not make me laugh. It's glorious!

Yeah, but murrikans are too ignorant.

Another casual in Sup Forums. Anyway, Hawkman.

Based Mills, taking the mike out of US comics.

I'm trying to think of ANY superhero character who thinks life begins at conception, and behaves accordingly. I can't come up with anything.

Is hawkman actually an asshole?

>right wing

So what happened to Doomsday Clock number 2?

you know OP, pic related was left wing.


Rorschach isn't racist. Wtf?!

The only thing you've proven with your post is that right-wingers will mindlessly worship any jpg they see without bothering to fact-check.

The quote is from Strasser btw

"It is 2021, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. America is under oppression by ultra-liberal extremists who have surrendered governing authority to the United Nations. Hate speech legislation called the "Coulter Laws" have forced vocal conservatives underground. A group of bio-mechanically enhanced conservatives led by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, and a young man born on September 11, 2001, set out to thwart Ambassador Usama bin Laden's plans to nuke New York City."



Tony isn't right wing, he's center-left. He would have been a big Hillary supporter.

>I'm trying to think of ANY superhero character who thinks life begins at conception, and behaves accordingly. I can't come up with anything.


No superheroes have any real convictions because it breaks the fantasy of a benevolent despot who's always there to save you but never there to interfere with your life.

Examples? He was making straight-up weapons until the 2010s. He was against the PC agenda in Busiek's Avengers. He was straight-up a totallitarian in Civil War.

>A group of bio-mechanically enhanced conservatives led by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, and a young man born on September 11, 2001, set out to thwart Ambassador Usama bin Laden's plans to nuke New York City.

Are you kidding? They'd be the ones trying to nuke New York.

>left wing
o i am laffing

I don't recall any stories about it, but it would would be absolutely depressing as fuck for daredevil, who's superpower literally allows him to listen to first trimester heartbeats of fetuses, hear them stop in an abortion clinic.

I'm not kidding.
Tragically, I don't think the author was either.
Read the full link at TV_tropes.

>can't stop of making generalities to every fucking things.
>responsible of atrocities like communism, fascism and nazism.
>complains about racism and discrimination.
>guided by their western self-centered vision of the world and christian influence.
>can't understand it's not about a fight between the good and evil but about interests of each other.

I always figured Punisher to be apolitical.

Antarctic Press (which also published and stuff like "Warrior Nun")
had a Superman-type character who was implanted in the womb of a present-day woman
by people from the future. The woman tried to abort him but failed because of invulnerability and all that.

Tony Stark lives a metropolitan, party-boy, life juxtaposed to conservative ideology but also isn't too concerned with humanitarian crises, making him a neoliberal.

By that reasoning Donald Trump ought to be a Socialist.

Was SpOck right-wing?

Trump's a socialist of the national variety.

Probably. Hell, he outright calls Muties and Clones abominations, so...


All of them. Superheroes are inherently fascist.

Heehn... He is a traitor and supporter of the warlord Kang. Does it really surprise that... (Huhn) a weapon dealer is fascist?

>its a /col/ thread


>Hillary, centre left

She's dead centre, and I'm being generous. There's a reason most of the world hasn't adopted the US definitions of left and right, and that's because they aren't left and right; they're displaced TOWARDS the right.

In most countries, socialised medicine/health insurance isn't a giant trigger phrase, unless your name rhymes with bury me cunt.

>Tony Stark isn't concerned with humanitarian crises

That's most of his deal user, that's why he does stupid thing A to X, only doing Z because the plot needs someone to switch sides in a civil war comic.

So, not a socialist, in the same way a soy beef burger isn't made out of beef.

Considering Hillary's ties to the military industrial complex, track record overseas, and general hawkishness, him being a Hillary voter is hardly outlandish.

>Sup Forums manbabbies don't even know what right wing actually means

Capital punishment and generally being tough on crime are right wing platforms. So if he had to vote he'd really have to be right wing. I think its a bad idea to politicize comics. Why would you split your fanbase like that. People are 50/50 these days left and right. Keep politics out of comics.

You can't keep politics out of comics.
Superhero fiction is inherently conservative. A liberal minded "hero" would attempt to change the circumstances of their community that lead to criminal behaviour, rather than suiting up and beating the shit out of offenders in the street.

same thing. all the far right people i know believe in at least one of the following:
9/11 was an inside job
jews control the world
the government is planning on taking their guns in the near future.

Quantum from Quantum and Woody. Probably every green lantern besides Kyle and Hal.

>can’t remember the word generalization
>use a similar-sounding word that means something totally different, hope no one will notice
>Unironically generalize about a group of people making generalizations
>unironically call nazis left-wing in spite modern nazis appearing en masse at every right wing gathering
>can’t understand the difference between the real world and the demented cartoon filtered to him by Sup Forums and yelling skinnyfats on YouTube

Trump's still a socialist, just exceptionally exclusive on who gets to benefit from said socialism.

>All of them. Superheroes are inherently fascist.

Ehhh. Most are too anti-authority to be fascist.

>A liberal minded "hero" would attempt to change the circumstances of their community that lead to criminal behaviour, rather than suiting up and beating the shit out of offenders in the street.

By that logic, Captain Planet isn't a liberal.

>every green lantern besides Kyle and Hal.
John is Black, but joined the Marines, so that's 50/50.
Jessica got traumatized in a hunting trip, so she's probably right leaning.

>The nazi who said that quote was purged in The Night of The Long Knives because he actually believed in the "Socialism" part of National Socialism
>Believing Nazi PR speak
Nice memeing friendo

>playing the same game generations before them have played
>like previous generations, cannot figure out they are being played by the corporations, media and the ultra rich like babby's furst harp
>won't admit that both sides generalize and pull other half-assed tactics out of their ass like the over-grown man/woman-children they are
>both sides final candidates for the presidency were reflections of their respective versions of retardation (Hillary and Trump? Really?)
>Trump won because of both mainstay parties' refusing to grow the fuck up and put their REAL big-boy/big-girl pants on
>further not realizing Rorschach would have bulldozed the shit out of a hidden nest of NAZIs or bitch-slapped-proper a group of Dixie flag wavers trying some shit given a quarter of a chance.