Serenity Christmas storytime part 4

Part 1 Part 2
part 3



have we already gotten past the part with eddie's confession i dont remember seeing it but i felt like it happens prior to the movie stuff


>think of something else
Just pretend youre not drowning and you wont drown


Santa! Thank god, it's a christmas miracle!

nah, it's coming up still


Daniel Bryan!?





Maybe she could've pulled you out if you didn't throw your entire bodyweight backwards





Tim about to bodyslam the entire planet in half.
Derek and Kimberly watch in horror, unable to stop the inevitable





>Serenity slapping Tim's ass


I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to take a fire hose blast to the face like that


skip the movie or no.

The beard was here, on his chin *point*

forgot pic

i say skip can always come back to it at the end

yea skip it



What is this face saying

I'm confused. Who was that fireman? Was it a miracle from God himself?

It was a passerby novelty male stripper


Going by the fact none of the others see him in its clearly Punished John Cena. Marriage must have hit him hard.

It was Jesus. He canonically exists in the Serenity universe and appears to those who accept God and wish for savior. He's also a fireman.

Nah show it all. I havent seen the movie one.

too late m8. maybe at the end

Damn mexicans getting ur jurbs.

>search for serenity rule 34
>every image is off model
h-hold me guys

Trust me, you're not missing anything. Every year the first movie gets posted because it ties into the story, then the second movie gets posted and everyone gets bored halfway through. The last two never get posted.

Show it, want the full ride for this.


Well, bad or not I still am curious. Ill see at the end, then.


gotta say that this corny shit has better character developement than most of the current works out there






Jerking off, Tim. I'm talking about jerking off

me irl

Get off of Sup Forums eddie



>desk is located in the middle of his room, facing the door.
>curtains closed, eliminating reflections
Eddie has it all figured out


Goddammit Tim, nobody needs to see your disgusting armpit folds




>That TEARS it
I see what you did there

Serenity is used to being hosed in the face.

Because of the slim chance of you fucking me as a thank you, worst-brat.
White knight away!

what the hell kind of fantasies do you have eddie?

I wonder what would’ve happened if this comic wasn’t under buzz when it went down. Maybe we could have had more stuff like this.


>Teen XTitans
How much angst?

Yeah, personally I read this comic to make fun of it then I found myself actually enjoying and it and getting attached to the characters. Every time it's story timed I can't help but read along.


she's got the /x/-tan socks



>better remember to go to the drug store and get the big rubbers FOR MY DATE

Im slipping up

Serenity doesn't realize there's not enough room for her, Kimberly, and Jesus in Derek's life.



Eddie needs to admit he's trying to get in Serenity's guts before he winds up in Tim's.



We? Haha, no Kody, just you. Terrance isn't invited.


Dad, can I borrow the pussywagon?

did he hide the condoms in the bible? kek



Kinda wish I'd have thought of that back in the day.

did the art get better?

A double feature? Eddie must have faith in his stamina

Slightly, any way thanks for the storytime op.



A hockey mime camp with all your hockey mime friends. It should've been the perfect hockey mime summer. Until...a crazed troupe of teen cheerleader showed up!