Tfw TDI will be associated with Shadman

>tfw TDI will be associated with Shadman.

Was this Chris’ master plan?

Of course!

>TDI is associated with Shad now
I haven’t been keeping up, what happened? I find Shad’s shenanigans endlessly amusing

to do let's plays

The next Fucking show is THIS

I'd be genuinely surprised if it wasn't his motherfucking plan.

You got 10 seconds to choose the worst “Fuck you” episode between World Tour’s London and Allstar’s Courtney 180

Sundae Muddy Sundae

I See London’s first 20 minutes is one of the best in the series in terms of interaction and humor. It’s just the last 2 minutes that everyone really hates.

Has he done it yet?

Courtney 180, no contest. All Stars was already fucking trash, but this episode cemented the season's status as bottom-tier.

Courtney’s 180. It solidifies why All Stars is shit. World Tour at least had a very strong first half, but went downhill around when Duncan came back. All Stars was pretty much shit all the way through with Courtney being the only saving grace. The 180 destorys any potential the season had.

What did Courtney do

The shit is this?

>Allstar’s Courtney 180

>Hey lets give Courtney a new relationship, genuine one too, with scott
>Hey lets make her genuine best friends with Gwen and have both 1up Duncan
>Hey lets make her apologize and not be a bitch

>Okay, now Fuck that and revert her back

I half agree
Allstar was great for the first half, the interractions were worth it, until Mal took over, then everything went down hill especially when the only good development went down the drain

Literally the only good thing to come out of Allstar’s was Scott’s 180

Courtney's 180 Fuck that episode and fuck that season

It'll bring more people into the TD fandom.

The Total Drama generals will soon be the largest threads on Sup Forums.

I don’t care if it does or not
I just want more competition drama damn it

We don’t even know if this new daycare show is still a competition or not


Can you please add other season characters for fucks sake. I want to see Scott and Max interact damn it

>there will never be an r rated TD season.

>Shadman will draw your TD waifu with a giant cock

Shadman nowadays does alternates
Rainbow Six seige woman in particular always gets alternates

>Baby courtney

How will they Fuck her up this time?

The love triangle with Duncan and Gwen will be revealed to have been a thing since they were toddlers.

In so excited, all the hot characters from TDI i ised to masturbate too in middle school now as fucking lolis. Christmas came early this year

Some have theorized teen titans go style storylines.

Why does Sup Forums love Shadman and follow his every move?

I think he's cute and want him to notice me

he is the exact definition of a guilty pleasure and a "im sickened but curious"

also he gives me buttholes and fictional lolis, and i love buttholes and fictional lolis.

Hes basically the perfect 4channer, makes OMGSAUCE level lewds, doesn't give a fuck and shits all over normies, triggers PC tumblrinas and draws whatever guro or rape or Nazis he wants, and memes spicy memes.

>It’s Season 1 cast again

>normies, triggers
you have to go back

Easy there shad, remember to breathe when you're sucking yourself off that intensely.

Ha ha. Oh that Shad. He’s so wacky and zany! But it’s ok! He’s only pretending to draw loli porn as a prank!

I’m honestly convinced that every Shad thread on any board on Sup Forums is started by him in his constant desperate need for attention, good or bad.

nice quads.

I wonder why every Shad thread has a contrarian 0/10 troll who is angry people like something he doesn't like?

Ridonculous Race was too good, on the same level of TDI
It needs a continuation, the characters were cool

>Got on the last plane which is guaranteed losing
>Won Second Place


Shame about that chromatic aberation.

What happened in the last 2 minutes?

Long story short,Noah and Owen worked their asses off to capture the target
Chris negates Fucking Everything because Gwen and Courtney found Duncan
Not only that but he counted it as a Fucking LOSS for them and Noah got voted off

Not as bulsshit as the other thing tho

>that courtney
you know what you're doing canada

What's wrong with it?

Is Ezekiel still a running gag

That’s bad. For as small as the TD fandom is, it’s more than enough autistic. The only fun in the fandom is spectulating who’ll be eliminated or who deserves to win. Waifufags and Shadman pedos are already too abdundant.

A fan favorite who was at the peak of his performance in the show was eliminated even though he successfully completed the challenge. A finalist from the previous season returns and kisses his girlfriends best friend, starting the worst love triangle and needless arc in an otherwise great season.

Don't remember him doing that.

As long as we can still have threads consisting of making kek imagines of the previous episodes I’ll be fine

I'm afraid he still will be. The writers just seem to hate him.

>A child having Leshawna’s personality