Reading New Super-Man. Why can't Marvel be like this...

Reading New Super-Man. Why can't Marvel be like this? Why do their diverse titles have to be written by mental cases like Rivera who quite literally hate white people? Is it because Marvel hires straight from Tumblr?

While DC isn't some bastion of creativity and unlimited talent, they seem more interested in telling good/decent stories with diversity thrown in than following the marvel method of thinking the Tumblr crowd is dumb enough to buy anything that shits on white people
Marvel could do it too. Every SJWish thing they have done could've worked if they actually cared to make good stories. It's not necessary when so many will buy your comic either compulsively or because they agree with it politically. It's like Pokemon Go. Niantic could make a better game, but why bother putting in all the extra effort if you are happy making what you make. Obviosly now Marvel's sales have been dipping so we will see how that pans out

DC uses diversity and progressivism as a spice to sprinkle on top of already solid stories, like cinnamon on top of your oatmeal.
Marvel thinks diversity and progressivism are a substitute for good writing. Like just serving someone a big bowl of nothing but cinnamon.

DC hired Yang because he was already established as a great comics writer who as able to tackle Chinese identity and themes incredibly well, was perfectly suited for the concept and had already proved he could do the work on his Superman run.

Marvel saw the stunt hiring of Ta-Neshi Coates for Black Panther worked, and started hiring more people who'd never written a comic before in their lives

do we know the backstory for New Super-Man? Like did Yang pitch it or what

>Why can't Marvel be like this?

They can be, but you only care about the "controversial" shitty books because they're the ones you see random pages of online.

The strange thing is, as a Chinese myself, I think both New Super-Man and The Great Ten (anyone remember that?) actually captured the who idea of how modern China functions really well. I actually laughed out loud at the story featuring Immortal Man in Darkness, and went "Yep, that's how they would do it."

>t. Mindless Marveldrone
Apologies if we don't particularly enjoy your utterly revolting SJW cancer, Marvel.

yeah because re-writing the avengers to the point it doesnt contain a single white male is really good
i especially like the part they replace every single classic A-list character with a 'new' version which just made them non white or gender swapped, and ignored the quality, thinking it would sell

I heard it was Jim Lee's idea. DC decided to ask Yang if he wanted to write it. At first Yang wanted to decline, but he thought about it and then agreed to write it.

>Marvel saw the stunt hiring of Ta-Neshi Coates for Black Panther worked

Up until it didn't, but for some reason they're still keeping him around.

>and started hiring more people who'd never written a comic before in their lives

They did this because it worked with Kevin Smith and really, REALLY worked with J. Michael Straczinski. Marvel loves hiring outsiders to fill their ranks, while DC seems to only do it sparingly (The writer of Identity Crisis is the only non-comic guy I can think of)

Which books do this, out of curiosity?

If I recall correctly it was Lee's idea, and when Yang got involved he changed things around to make things more authentically Chinese (with the help of his Grandmother), one example is the original info coming out when Rebirth was announced called the book 'The Super-Man', which Yang changed when he realised mandarin doesnt really have a word for 'the'. GOing by that original name and image things like Dr Omen and the Freedom Fighters were already set, but stuff like Kenan being a teen and a more comedic tone were Ynag's input.

Dude, I read America and it's just indecipherable, forget about the controversy. I can't even figure out what the story's supposed to be, it's like the writer's a schizophrenic.

>Why can't Marvel be like this
Each company has a massive inferiority complex about the other one

Ms Marvel is literally the only time it worked, and then they fucked it all up by derailing her book with events. Marvel CAN be that good, they're just going to need to do a LOT of work to pull their heads out of their asses.

Should note that New Superman is a pet project of Jim Lee and the guy writing it was explicitly picked by Jim Lee so that the book would not fall into the same trap as America Chavez, in that Lee hired an Asian writer who cared more about putting together good stories about an ethnic hero than he was about bashing whitey and virtue signalling.

>Ms Marvel is literally the only time it worked,

Well yeah, but-

>and then they fucked it all up by derailing her book with events.

-but that. Exactly.

Ms. Marvel, Totally Awesome Hulk and Nova were written just fine

Boohoo America exists and I saw some pages of Whor making cringe-inducing strawmen, therefore literally everything from Marvel is SJW nonsense

The funniest critique of Iceman I've seen here was that to write the adventures of a morally good character Marvel screwed up by hiring an immoral man.

Iceman was kind of decent, even if I still dislike the idea of making him gay (and the execution was one of the worst things Bendis ever wrote).

Since you bring up Straczynski, his first comics were pretty shit until he got the hang of the medium and then he wrote some really good stuff. That’s a good reason to keep Coates around.

>Implying anyone but Sup Forums ever gave two shits about the Avengers

Could replace them all with gold Lamborghinis and they'd still be shit, you just wouldn't be as outraged

Fake poster from Sup Forums spotted

Eat shit, Avengers has been my main book for more than 20 years. That 7 year Bendis period was the dark age.

JMS is a better writter than 90% of comic writers by B5 alone. B5 did storytelling that has never been replicated

Post marvel titles from 2017 that didn't shit on their legacy and were actually kind of good but flew under the radar so no one talks about them.

Oh hey, Marvel Interns are back.

>DC uses diversity and progressivism as a spice to sprinkle on top of already solid stories, like cinnamon on top of your oatmeal.
Lets see how long that will last now the Bendis the Trojan Horse will poison and kill everything from within DC.

>Marvel saw the stunt hiring of Ta-Neshi Coates for Black Panther worked
What? Ta-Neshi's Black Panther run is absolute trash. Not surprising given the fact that they hired a black supremacist journalist to write a comic book.

Doesn't matter, he pushed units. That's all the execs care about.

It took Coates almost a full year to find his footing in terms of monthly pacing and necessary exposition.

Ms. Marvel became unreadable trash sometime before Civil War II started. Totally Awesome Hulk is still good. Nova was interesting but sadly it got cancelled.

>black supremacist
If you knew anything about his journalism you would nkt say that. He is extremely critical of blacks as well.

Why the fuck does Sup Forums worship Preist and hate Coates? Oh right, they don't fucking read

>If you knew anything about his journalism
yeah, it's almost like comic readers only care about reading comics or something

Is Totally Awesome Hulk the closest thing to a Marvel New Super-Man?

Because Priest is actually a really good writer. Coates is not.

>If you knew anything about his journalism you would nkt say that. He is extremely critical of blacks as well
I read Atlantic all the time, this is completely untrue. His dad was a Panther and Black nationalist. He's a bit more rational than that, but he cites his father as his primary political influence. Direct legacy there.