Sup Forums RPG

Thoughts on the new Souls-inspired Diablo-esque open world Action RPG Sup Forums game? What is the best class for a new player? Who is your main?

What if I don't want to play as one of Sup Forums's resident plebfu's because I've cultivated an actual taste in this medium?

Well then you wouldn't be on Sup Forums in the first place. And yet here you are.

If all you can do is spout blind, wild assumptions, don't you think it's easier to just shut the fuck up and let your shit thread die?

Buy the DLCs you fucking poorfag

Can OP make one for X-23?

Post examples of your patrician taste in videogames and cartoons

"VIdeogames aren't allowed to show their titular character on the cover of the videogame."

>PB's strength is 1

Exodia will destroy them all

Here is the template. Show me your character

Im on a phone so I cant edit pics

Strenght 3
Health 5 (Healing factor)
Dexterity 4
Intelligence 3
Wisdom 2
Charisma 2

fighter or hunter, She has Wolverine claws and healing and enhanced senses

Samurai Jack expansion pack featuring featuring Samurai Jack and Ashi



Thank you

Avatar Korra
Elimentalist / Summoner
Strength 4 fit and uses elements
Health 3 is a normal human female just fit
Dexterity 4
Intelligence 1
Wisdom 1
Charisma 1

sexy factor 6


lol, perfect

That episode was shit so it doesn't have much impact.

Strength 3
Dex 5
Int 4
Wis 2
Charisma 4


Nerf when

>normal human having more than 2 in strenth

Strenght 5
Health 5
Dexterity 5
Intelligence 3
Wisdom 2
Charisma 3


Here's a template that's not for ants.


Here is another one

What is the God Damn origin of this?

I literally made a day ago!

In a gravity falls thread?

Yes, a failed gravity falls thread, but it's good that other can use it for other things.

Hugh Neutron
Strength 4
Health 3
Dexterity 6
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 3
Charisma 4

There are like 3 templates in this thread. You can do it yourself


I'd rather have a dystopian survival system based on d6 pools.
Diablo is just horrible at telling meaningful stories by virtue of its perspective alone.
If I can't have my characters talk for half an hour about nothing in particular and have that say something about them, I'm not playing a role.
Fuck your waifus, Imma go build the future of humanity, harnessing the resources of East Borca.

Nice one

What were the ratings for the characters?

It failed, no one wanted to play it, but here's what I posted because you seem in to it.

>tfw your character is skilled as all hell, but socially retarded

>those stats
Here is a proper Pearl


Jacks charisma I think should be a little lower. He's a likable guy but comes off as awkward.

I mean his whole childhood was aku training aside from the first seven years so hes probably a bit of a sperg

I'd say Pearl has at least a dexterity of 4.

Basic SU expansion pack



>Wisdom: 1

GF girls are ugly as fuck

>titular character
The protagonist of Call of Duty is called Call of Duty?

normal human 2, fit UFC fighter 3

ST 4 (Vampire)
Health 2
Dex 2
Int 2
Wisdom 1
Charisma 6

Batman would be strength 2 human, works out and knows how to fight 3, add prep time and gadgets and he is a 4

Does this refer to strength with tools/weapons, or just muscular strength?

Why is there no magic/special stat?

Training and firsthand seeing his father slay a man, covered in blood.

2 things.

That isn't how it works. Batman is a low SRT, high DEX/INT character. A rogue.


There isn't "magical" stat in the classic rpg system.

You know how easy is to tear muscular tissue that has no skin around it?
It's basically spaghetti without the skin holding it up.
Also you only need to apply around 5kg of force directly to an exposed heart to squash it.

What a shitty dlc

garnet has future sight so she only gets 2 wisdom?

>has future sight yet allowed things like Greg's abduction and dumb Ruby's treason
2 wisdom is actually too high for a gem

Garnet has "Probability Sight" not Future Sight. She's just able to quickly determine the path that any action would result in. So really she should have higher INT and lower WIS

>She's just able to quickly determine the path that any action would result in
And she never chooses the most convenient, safe path because MUH FEELS. All gems have low WIS and low INT



I mean she's just a kid

Every time I shoot the game crash.
How do I fix it?

Also, is there a better tank than Obélix?

Designated tank

Has this been done yet?

Ed's up there, but he's pretty weak to mesmerize and fear effects

>Eddy is as bad as Steven

Vilgax if you are into evil parties

El Goblino

Dark Elf heritage (+15 Dexterity)
Can resist fire, you can't kill it with flamethrower
Second amendment rights

Extremely low intelligence
Can commit suicide if Trump loses in the 2020 elections

Threat level: Low, can be extremely ferocious when someone disagrees with him in a politic discussion

He should get a bump on charisma, we are talking about the guy that talks people who hate him into his schemes countless times and also put the kankers on their place by just yelling

Nerf when?

Best melee build comin through.

>1 INT
He isn't that dumb

He has street smarts user and calls bull shit when he sees it. That's why his WIS is pretty good.

You and I know damn well he isn't the book readin' type.

>Dem spinach buffs
Popeye is a fucking god when he has that up. I'm just glad it has a long-ass cooldown or else he'd fuck up just about every other fighter class' viability.

>Not Max strength

*blocks your path*

>not putting Minus 1 intelligence and wisdom

ALMOST perfect.

>Best melee build vs best mage build
Battle of the century right here

>being retarded


This one is 100% wrong

Casters always win in D&D

Steven has a dex of at least 2.

>Starts dead

>no jump good skill

So being bitchy is considered charismatic now?

That is a Gwenfag for you

>double d
>more strength then eddy

He punched out Rolf that one time, he's just insanely uncoordinated and frail as fuck

>not taking negative stats
>not being your own tank/healer
>not playing the best cleric

>Trying to say your class is better
>When these three as a party would be borderline unstoppable

You can't have negative stats
