Don't worry professor, I was an accident too

>Don't worry professor, I was an accident too
What were other jokes that went way over your head as a kid

Other urls found in this thread:

None because I've no head.

Reminder the PPG reboot turned Robin into a literal retard that's mocked by the girls and thrown out of their house at night.

That never happened, r-right?
PPG was one of those cartoons that loved to put in adult-y jokes but never went full animanaics or ren and stimpy with it

Are the creators projected onto Robin?

>that "finger prince" joke on animaniacs

wait what

>Top 10 Finger Prince Jokes

>this shit again

>What were other jokes that went way over your head as a kid
Young teenager, but Gumball - The Third.
the whole episode is an analogy for a bored couple experimenting with a ménage à trois

>that episode of Rocko where Bev tries to solicit him for sex
>that episode of PPG that was a huge dick joke (there were two: one with Dick Hardly and one with the giant flaming cat)
>that episode of MLAATR that was a huge dick joke too (Himcules)

The one where buttercup gives the professor condoms.

Fuck off, Horseman.

which one was that

Mommy Fearest. The Professor gets ready for a date and Buttercup slips "some of these" into his suit pocket.

Just watched, still would have gone over my head.

yes i am permavirgin how did you know?

there was also one in the episode where the RRB came back, the whole bit where Him changed them so them getting kissed by the PPG wouldn't make them blow up anymore but instead get bigger

Damn I get it now


Anyone have that pic of a parody of

Shit, they risked it a lot with the 69.

But come on, any kid that could figure out that the number meant something is superhuman.

And anyone who already know, already knows.

I was an accident myself, so I always got it as a kid.

Wife and I just realized what this scene means a few days ago

"Don't Touch Yourself" on EEnE

>went way over your head as a kid
you idiot. kids were not even intended to get that joke.

That fishing pole with Barbie legs in Toy Story is a visual pun for a hooker, and the erector set spider with a dolls head is missing an eye making it a literal one eyed monster. Sid was projecting a tad.

>he looks like your boss

>That fishing pole with Barbie legs in Toy Story is a visual pun for a hooker

Holy shit that's clever

w-what does it mean, user?

i don't get it why this scene is adult joke..

>that episode of Rocko where he and Heff sleep at a love hotel

help out a brainlet
I never understood that joke, can someone explain to me?

Because she was not made with science accidentally like the PPGs, but by her dad nutting in her mom by mistake and being carried to term because they weren't planning for a kid but decided against an abortion. Not usually something you tell children.

its game unfaithful rich people play.

basically imagine a friendly lottery but with NTR instead

"Have you found any new...positions?"

Based Rattrap

That Evil Con Carne scene where Skarr mentions that he fed Dog #6 to the other five dogs.

finger prints -> finger Prince
as in put your fingers inside of his anus


Please, elaborate.

Let's just say it's a game of chance as to which house you're going back to.

Did you guys accidentally stumble into a key party?

I don't get it.

Just watched that for the first time earlier today. That episode was fucking insane compared to the earlier series.
>2x dog cannibalism jokes
>2x saying that running over a pedestrian is worth 5 points (or 6 points for the mounted police)
>alien probe joke , previous poster is referring to 1:02 and/or 2:28

>that episode where Rocko's car got impounded and it gets prison raped

The dues ex machina joke in Olive the Other Reindeer went completely over little Sapphy's that's me head. I literally just understood it yesterday.

I did, and got charged with car robbery, then the cops explained what was going on, while laughing at me. Probably my most autistic moment.

>but decided against an abortion
You say this as though everyone makes a conscious decision not to abort their child. It's not always a matter of deciding for or deciding against, because even when the child is an "accident" there are many mothers for whom abortion is out of the question.

>there are many mothers for whom abortion is out of the question
I've heard of having to have an abortion because carrying the baby to term will seriously harm the mother, but what kind of medical condition must a woman have that an abortion would be a problem but carrying the child to term wouldn't be?

I hate these "jokes that went over your head as a kid" threads. 9 times out of 10 they're jokes that I understood perfectly as a child. It's not that I had a messed up childhood and lost my innocence early or anything, I just read books and magazines a lot and paid attention to the world around me.

Minus Alimony

Huh? I'm not talking about medical conditions, just people who are opposed to abortion and wouldn't consider it in the first place, even if the baby was the result of a broken condom or a pill that didn't work.

>read books and magazines

once, I read some aliens tie in book. Two characters had sex in it. I told my dad and he tore it in half and threw it away.

I didn't tell him about all the other books I had with sex in it

Yeah, well I wasn't able to watch cartoons as a child so I can't contribute much either.

Doesn't mean I can't enjoy the thread.

Then an abortion isn't out of the question. They're just making the conscious decision to not even consider it.

I'd thought they were mints when I saw the episode.

>little Sapphy
You might as well start name/tripfagging if you're just going to tell us your name like that, user.

That's kind of like saying that every day you make the conscious decision to not consider raping anyone, user.

That's the case for most people on most days. Obviously excluding the days were someone decides to rape.

Not Sup Forums but on the radio
>Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
>Neither, it was the rooster

My dad cracked up at that one, so little 8 year old me would use that as a staple to get adults to laugh. Had no idea what it actually meant.

Are you saying that every morning (or whenever you wake up) you think to yourself "I won't even consider raping anyone today"? That's what a conscious decision is. Most decisions based on things you find morally objectionable are unconscious; that is to say, you don't even consider the alternative.

>My dad cracked up at that one, so little 8 year old me would use that as a staple to get adults to laugh. Had no idea what it actually meant.
This reminds me that there were a lot of jokes that only made sense to adults but to children just seem like a non-sequitor, LOLRANDUMxD joke. I guess that's exactly what this thread is about, but I sometimes still found them funny because they seemed like funny, crazy anti-jokes.

No, but it's also stupid to think you'll never rape anyone or have an abortion. You don't know what the future holds for you. Never say never.

As a man, I'm fairly confident I will never have an abortion.

Just wait until feminism in the 2040's. You'll probably end up having one.

Not him, but it could be a nickname or something. Who knows?

>Remember dog six!
Good lord why is Skarr so fucking perfect.

Swinger party mate. Take a pair of keys, go home with the person who owns them and have a good fuck.

>that "oooh" when she puts the goggles back on

Grey will never not sound hot.

Hey those episodes are pretty groovy

I still don't get it

I thought this was Beavis before she turned her head

This is from an old Cartoon Nework bumper

And from the same one, I wonder if they are referring to what I think they are referring


>69 Yodelinda Valley
Good one.

The chicken did not orgasm when the rooster impregnated it.

What show is that?

hmm maybe

69 your deli in the valley?

No matter how much feminism advances I'll still be a virgin though.

>Look for Prints
>I found Prince
>No, Fingerprints
Dot then assumes he said to Finger Prince, aka shove her fingers in his ass

(You) want a medal?

hola, Juanito

Yodel in the valley. Yodeling involves moving your tongue a lot, and the valley is... well, you do the math.

>pregnancy is a medical condition
>pregnancy entails medical risks

abortion is in question, user. at any time a pregnancy can have several different things go wrong. grow the fuck up.

>That episode where they were stuck in traffic and she started imagining having sex with Hector

your dad sounds like a fucking dipshit

>that episode where they go to Rockos uncles? ranch and they put Heffer into the cow shed and attach the milking machine to him.
>he has a tearful goodbye with it at the end of the episode

>I'm your biggest fan! What do you say to that?
>I'd say puberty was inordinately kind to you.


Pinky and the Brain. The Brain impersonates a country western singer and meets Dolly Parton.

Dont get it

Ms. Keane also got a double mastectomy.

Kek this

>69 = dual oral sexual intercourse
>yodel in the valley = euphemism for cunnilingus

I read this wrong somehow and thought you said TTG instead of PPG at first.

>Who buys you clothes?
"Our dad."
>Then who takes you to school?
"Our dad."
>Then who cleans up the house?
"Our dad."
>Where's your mother?
"We don't have a mother "
>Genuinely concerned look

PPG had a lot of jokes like that.