Previous Thread:

Previous Thread:
The road ends today!
So storytiming what's out.

This is-
The Kamandi Challenge Thread #2

And here we go...



























This page always gets me.



















Uh oh!
And seems like #12 hasn't dropped yet. So it'll be a while before this thread gets concluded.

And just as I say that, it drops.

It's TIME!


You cunning devil, you.

And here we go...

Hahaha, nice!


Kamandi you lucky son of a gun!


Hahah, ah well.







bump. still catching up in the previous thread












An Epilogue






Sorry, wrong page


There we go, right placement






Some Parting Words...

Rest in Peace, Len Wein and a Great Centenary Kirby.

As always I hope someone out there enjoyed this.
It was a heck of a challenge.

See you around, and have a great New Year.

>the conclusion is left to gail simone

>kamandi doesn't care at all about royer's death
Bad characterization


I didnt really like this challenge. Will I enjoy the original Kamandi?

That was fucking great. Thanks a lot OP. How would people rank the different issues of the challenge? I would go something like this:
1. King (Issue 9)
2. Giffen (Issue 8)
3. Palmiotti/Conner (Issue 3)
4. Tomasi (Issue 2)
5. Orlando (Issue 6)
6. Abnett (Issue 1)
7. Williams (Issue 11)
8. Tynion IV (Issue 4)
9. Pak (Issue 10)
10. Simone (Issue 12)
11. Willingham (Issue 5)
12. Bennett (Issue 7)

OH boy

Yes. This challenge wasnt very good except for King's issue.


I still can't believe Len en Bernie died so close together.