WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN: The Sup Forums Movies of 2017

Would you have preferred any of this to what we got?

I'm confused. Isn't' this what we got?
What point are you trying to make here?


>There were plans to include Liev Schreiber's Sabretooth, who would be running an underground casino in Oklahoma City. Logan would seek him for help protecting Laura, but the idea was eventually scrapped.

>There were plans to include Mister Sinister as the mastermind behind Laura's creation and the virus that wiped out mutants, but the idea was scrapped to keep the movie self-contained and grounded in reality.

>In early drafts, Logan and Xavier's goal is to help Laura reach an "underground railroad" for mutants which would include former members of the X-Men, with Kitty Pryde as their leader, but the idea was scrapped to keep the movie self-contained and focused on Logan and Xavier.

>Early drafts featured flashback detailing what happened to the X-Men during Xavier's breakdown, but this was scrapped as director James Mangold felt that the incident was better left to the imagination.

>Millie Bobby Brown auditioned for Laura before Dafne Keen was cast.

I liked all these marvel movies

Power Rangers.

>Max Landis wrote the first – and very different – draft of the script: Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini and Kimberly are recruited by Zordon and Alpha-5 to protect the Power Coins from Rita Repulsa and her followers Goldar, Scorpina, Squat and Baboo. Rita is the former Black Ranger who was corrupted by Lord Zedd into betraying her comrades and helping him conquer the intergalactic empire of Eltar. Due to a mix up, Kimberly becomes the new Black Ranger, while Zack ends up as the Pink Ranger.

>In Landis’ draft, Jason is a troublemaker, Zack is his estranged best friend and a straight-laced football player, Trini is a control freak honor student, Billy is an introverted everyman, and Kimberly is Billy’s ex-girlfriend and an anti-establishment, edgy punk rocker. In the end, Jason and Trini hook up, while Billy and Kimberly get back together. After Rita is defeated, Lord Zedd turns Kimberly’s criminal ex-boyfriend Tommy Oliver into the Green Ranger in order to destroy the Power Rangers.

>In early drafts, Goldar's fragments are scattered across the world, and the Rangers must go to different locations, such as Russia, to retrieve them before Rita, but this was scrapped due to budget restraints.

>In early drafts, Lord Zedd is featured as Rita's master and Zordon's archenemy, but this was scrapped to keep the movie self-contained.

>KJ Apa, Austin Butler and Mitchell Hope auditioned for Jason before Dacre Montgomery was cast.

>Stefanie Scott and AnnaSophia Robb auditioned for Kimberly before Naomi Scott was cast.

>Daniel Zovatto, Ross Butler and Brian Marc auditioned for Zack before Ludi Lin was cast.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

>Director James Gunn added Ego as Star-Lord's father before learning that the characters rights belonged to 20th Century Fox. The studio eventually traded Ego to Marvel Studios in exchange for changing Negasonic Teenage Warhead's powers in DEADPOOL.

>Gunn was advised against including a particular alien race, the Sneeps, because their name resembles the Icelandic slang for female genitalia. The studio eventually relented to their appearance.

>Early drafts included the Nova Empire. John C. Reilly and Glenn Close were approached to return as Daenerian Rhoman Dey and Nova Prime Irani Rael, but Reilly was unavailable due to scheduling conflicts, and was ultimately written out alongside Rael.

>Early drafts included the Collector, but Benicio Del Toro couldn't return to scheduling conflicts.

>Early drafts featured Adam Warlock as the Sovereigns' secret weapon, but the character was ultimately cut as he was superfluous to the narrative.

>Early cuts featured a longer segment on Earth including cameo appearances from Nathan Fillion as fictional actor Simon Williams and Gregg Henry as Grandpa Quill, but both were ultimately cut from the movie.

>Early cuts featured a sixth post-credits scene in which Gamora and Mantis hearing the screams of one of the Ravagers who were pierced by Yondu's arrow and has presumably been forgotten and screaming in agony throughout the third act of the movie. This was deleted as test-audiences didn't get the joke.

>Early cuts featured a minor scene of Drax loudly slurping soup to his teammates' annoyance which was cut for time.

>Matthew McConaughey was approached to play Ego, but ultimately declined, and Kurt Russell was cast at Chris Pratt's suggestion. Liam Neeson and Gary Oldman were also considered.

>David Bowie was slated for a cameo as one of the Ravager commanders before his death in 2016.

Wonder Woman

>WB originally planned to release the movie after JUSTICE LEAGUE.

>Michelle MacLaren was originally slated to direct, but dropped out due to creative differences. Catherine Hardwicke, Mimi Leder, Karyn Kusama, Julie Taymor and Tricia Brock were also approached before Patty Jenkins was hired.

>WB studied two alternative scripts, one set in the Crimean War and one set in World War I, before ultimately choosing the latter.

>Jenkins was initially adamant that the movie be set in World War II as per the comics, but was convinced otherwise by Snyder.

>Liam Hemsworth and Alexander Skarsgard were approached for Steve Trevor before Chris Pine was cast.

>Nicole Kidman and Cate Blanchett were approached for Queen Hyppolita before Connie Nielsen was cast.

>Eva Green was reportedly approached for Doctor Poison before Elena Anaya was cast.

>Sean Bean was reportedly approached for Ares before David Thewlis was cast.

>The original script was reportedly heavily reworked by on set after the poor critical and commercial reception to BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE.

>The original ending where Diana abandons humanity for 100 years after Steve Trevor's death was scrapped after negative feedback from test-screenings and a more hopeful ending where Diana remains protective of the human race was added in reshoots.

Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)

>Michael Bay initially declined to return, but was ultimately persuaded to return for one last time. He'll remain attached to the franchise as a producer from then on.

>Mark Wahlberg is also leaving the franchise after this movie, with Josh Duhamel's Lennox expected to take over as the lead characters.

>A Writer's Room overseen by Bay and the producers was created to develop an elaborate "Transformers" cinematic universe and map out future sequels and spin-offs of the franchise, which appears to have been disbanded following the movie's underperformance at the box office.

>Prior to the creation of the Writer's Room, a crossover with the "G.I. Joe" franchise headlined by Dwayne Johnson was in development. "G.I Joe" is now slated for a reboot that'll integrate it to Paramount's prospective Hasbro Cinematic Universe, which also encompasses such properties as "Micronauts" and "M.A.S.K.".

>Bonaventura once again merged two separate pitches, one about a corrupted Optimus Prime returning to Earth amistd all-out war between humans and Transformers, and one about the secret connection between the Transformers and Arthurian lore, to produce the final script. Bonaventura has since existed the series.

>Early drafts featured Optimus Primal and the Maximals.

>Jean Dujardin was approached to voice Hot Rod before Omar Sy was cast.

>Stephen Merchant was approached to voice Cogman before Jim Carter was cast.

>Stanley Tucci was approached to return as Joshua Joyce, but the character was removed in further rewrites. Bay then offered him the role of Merlin.

>Tyrese Gibson was approached to return as Epps, but was forced to decline due to scheduling conflicts. He's already in talks for TRANSFORMERS 6.

>Also in development are Travis Knight's BUMBLEBEE spin-off set in 1983 and starring Hailee Steinfelf; and TRANSFORMERS: ONE, a prequel exploring the beginning of the civil war between Autobots and Decepticons.

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

>Ted Melfi was in talks to direct the movie, but dropped out to direct HIDDEN FIGURES and was replaced by Jon Watts. Drew Goddard and John M. Daley & Jonathan Goldstein were also approached.

>Asa Butterfield, Charlie Rowe, Judah Lewis, Matthew Lintz, Charlie Plummer, Liam James, Chandler Riggs and Timothée Chalamet auditioned for Spider-Man before Tom Holland was cast.

>Michael Keaton initially declined the role of Adrian Toomes due to scheduling conflicts, but Marvel Studios was able to accomodate to his schedule. Michael Shannon was briefly approached for the role, but declined. Mark Hamill was also interested.

>Watts originally envisioned Nick Fury as Peter's mentor.

>In early drafts, Zendaya's character Michelle was also Peter's apartment neighbor. Further revisions made them just classmates.

>In early drafts, Tony Revolori's character was named "Manuel". Further revisions made him into Flash Thompson.

>In early drafts, Toomes would've been one of Peter's teachers and not Liz's father.

>In early drafts, War Machine and Vision would make appearances, helping Iron Man save the collapsing Staten Island ferry.

>In early drafts, Happy would tell Peter that Tony told him to tell Peter something about how "with great powers comes great... Whatever" when they meet in the bathroom.

>In early drafts, Peter would accept Stark's offer and reveal his secret identity to the world.

>Early cuts featured an extended sequence of Aunt May rescuing a young girl in peril while secretly being observed by Peter.

Nigga what?

these ARE the movies we got

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

>Originally, Lancelot and Tequila had larger roles that were reduced due to delays caused by scheduling conflicts with Otto Bathurst’s ROBIN HOOD, also starring Taron Egerton.

>In early drafts, Tequila and Whisky were named “Johnny Walker” and “Jack Daniels”.

>Vinnie Jones was originally cast as Poppy Adam’s enforcer, Julius, but all of his scenes were cut.

>In early cuts, Merlin survived the explosion and attended Eggsy’s wedding sporting robotic legs. Test audiences felt that it undermined his sacrifice, so Merlin’s death was made permanent.

>Director Matthew Vaughn consulted with James Gunn from the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY franchise to ensure that their 70's/80's throwback soundtracks didn't overlap.

Thor: Ragnarok

>Reuben Flescher, Rob Letterman and Rawson Marshall Thurber were approached to direct before Taika Waititi was hired.

>Christopher Yost and Craig Kyle's wrote a story treatment with a darker tone, which was revised and made into a proper script by Waititi and writer Eric Pearson.

>Charlize Theron was approached for Hela before Cate Blanchett was hired.

>Jaimie Alexander was slated to return as Sif in a "pivotal" role, but was forced to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with her TV series BLINDSPOT.

>Anthony Hopkins originally declined to return due to poor experiences filming THOR: THE DARK WORLD, but was won over by Waititi's unconventional approach for the project.

>Early drafts featured the dark god Perrikus as the main villain rather than Hela.

>Early drafts featured a romance between Thor and Valkyrie, Heimdall's death, appearances of Beta Ray Bill and Erik Selvig, and a smaller role for Korg.

>In early cuts, Thor and Loki would find Odin living as a deranged hobo in the streets of New York after his retirement home was demolished and he'd die in a seedy alleyway, whereupon Hela would arrive to confront Thor and Loki. Test-audiences responded negatively to Odin's death and the scene was scrapped in favor of Odin sharing a tender moment with his sons and meeting a dignified end in the fjords of Norway.

>In early cuts, Thor and Valkyrie would remininsce about their first encounter in a "1980's Asgard" with Asgardians wearing "shoulder pads and Farrah Fawcetts". Young Thor would've been an acne-ridden chubby outcast, while Loki would've been an emo goth listening to "Asgardian death metal".

>A deleted scene features a woman sneaking out of Valkyrie's room at night, alluding to Valkyrie's bisexuality.

>An alternative post-credits scene features the Grandmaster and his assistant Topaz as stowaways on the spaceship bound for Earth.

OP formatted the thread in kind of a shit way. Should've mentioned they were going to dump the "early script" versions of everything.

Justice League

>JUSTICE LEAGUE was originally a two-parter. PART ONE centers on Batman assembling Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg to fight Steppenwolf, who revives Superman as his enforcer. In PART TWO, Darkseid invades Earth following Steppenwolf’s defeat, and the heroes must restore Superman’s mind in order to defeat him. The plot was condensed into one movie after the negative reception to BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE.

>Zack Snyder’s rough cut was poorly received by WB executives, and Joss Whedon was hired to revise the script. Whedon later took over directing duties after Snyder stepped away due to a personal tragedy, and massive reshoots were required to salvage the movie.

>Early cuts featured a darker tone that was alleviated in reshoots.

>Early cuts featured a larger role for Cyborg that was streamlined in reshoots.

>Early cuts featured several scenes setting up the standalone THE FLASH and AQUAMAN, including appearances by Kiersey Clemons as Barry Allen’s girlfriend Iris West and Willem Dafoe as Arthur Curry’s mentor Nuidis Vulko. These and others were deleted to meet WB’s demands for a 2h running time in order to maximize profits.

>Adam Driver and Penn Badgley were considered for Barry Allen before Snyder offered Ezra Miller the role.

>Michael B. Jordan was approached for Cyborg before Ray Fisher was cast.

DESU, including Sabretooth would've been great. Not necessarily in the way they planned out, but in some way.

Kingman and JUSTice League were garbage.
The rest of it was perfectly fine by me.

>tfw no wonder man

>>There were plans to include Mister Sinister as the mastermind behind Laura's creation and the virus that wiped out mutants, but the idea was scrapped to keep the movie self-contained and grounded in reality.

Richard E Grant

"self-contained" in this context means "not setting up sequels" which was reportedly what Bryan Singer wanted


Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

>In early drafts, Finn and Poe went to Canto Bight together. Rian Johnson found their dynamic to be boring and created Rose to add an element of conflict.

>Early drafts featured Lando Calrissian as the Master Codebreaker.

>In early drafts, Finn and Rose would actually reach the Master Codebreaker, who ropes them into infiltrating Canto Bight’s most luxurious hotel to steal the fortune of one of the guests, a wealthy warlord. They end up being caught and chased by the police to the rooftops, where they are arrested. Finn and Rose are imprisoned, while the Master Codebreaker is turned over to the warlord – seemingly for execution. It is then that Finn and Rose meet DJ in jail.

>Early cuts featured Luke's third lesson, in which he misleads Rey into believing that the caretakers have been slaughtered by marauders to prove that faith in the Force couldn't protect them. This is what causes a despondent Rey to abandon Luke and reach out to Kylo Ren alone.

>Early cuts featured Finn reuniting with his Stormtrooper cadets aboard the Supremacy and trying to convince them to defect and come with him to be free. Distracted by Finn's tempting offer, the reluctant Stormtroopers would've been mercilessly gunned down by Captain Phasma, leading to her duel with Finn.

>Early cuts featured more direct references to Rey and Finn's relationship.

>Tatiana Maslany, Olivia Cooke and Gina Rodriguez auditioned for the role of Rose Tico before Kelly Marie Tran was cast.

>Joaquin Phoenix was approached for the role of DJ before Benicio Del Toro was cast.

No amount of could/woulds/shoulds/ifs/shalls would have saved this one.

>cutting Vinnie Jones from anything.

Snyder's Justice League was going to be even shittier than BvS.
He just can't stop doubling down on "Muh Dark Tone". Miller is, if anything worse casting than Eisenberg. I don't even know WHAT they were going for with Mamoa.
>Larger role for Cyborg
Yeah more boring scenes of him fucking about with his powers to pad out a half-film.
>Early cuts featured several scenes setting up...
Yeah we get that it was going to be an origin story for everyone who didn't get a stand-alone movie. He was probably even going to show Crime Alley a-fucking-gain.
>Better actors were approached.
Color me shocked they didn't bite on this turd sandwich.

Seriously fuck off with Star Wars movies.

>exchange for changing Negasonic Teenage Warhead's powers in DEADPOOL


I always knew FOX were morons

They were never going to use Ego anyway.

Honestly, there's a good chance it was going to be even worse.
I think Whedon's patchwork IS the good timeline (except for the one where WB just stayed away from EU's and made a recast Batman movie to apologize for Man of Steel).

>mark hamill as the vulture
I'd watch it

Keaton is 4x the actor Mark Hamill is.

Primary thing I would have changed about the Power Rangers reboot is Rita.
1 thing they got right with her was her evil and her competence, I haven't seen the film but I heard she murders the shit out of a lot of people.
HOWEVER, her design in the film is a fucking atrocity.
Complain all you want about 'over designed" or "boob armor" but the Ranger Suits felt like authentic sci-fi modern updates. The details and texture added so much.
But Rita is plastic & cheap as fucking hell.

I would have gone with something closer to a more green version of pic related, Rinko would be a better casting choice also.

Hell this official concept art piece was a hundred times better then what we got.

5/6 ain't bad...

what a garbage movie

nathan fillion as wonder man would have been cool.
gary oldman and liam neeson would have been weird as ego.

tfw no dr poison who loves getting her tots out

>>Liam Hemsworth and Alexander Skarsgard were approached for Steve Trevor before Chris Pine was cast.
>>Nicole Kidman and Cate Blanchett were approached for Queen Hyppolita before Connie Nielsen was cast.
>>Eva Green was reportedly approached for Doctor Poison before Elena Anaya was cast.
Made the right call with these...
>>Sean Bean was reportedly approached for Ares before David Thewlis was cast.
Made the wrong one with this and I say that as someone who did like Thewlis.

>>The original ending where Diana abandons humanity for 100 years after Steve Trevor's death was scrapped after negative feedback from test-screenings
So that footage actually exist?
Release that shit NOW you stupid fucks.

Justice League goes right back to the idea that she did just that.
Bruce takes the piss out of her for it, in fact.

>>Christopher Yost and Craig Kyle's wrote a story treatment with a darker tone, which was revised and made into a proper script by Waititi and writer Eric Pearson.
God damn these mother fuckers to hell.
>>Early drafts featured the dark god Perrikus as the main villain rather than Hela.
That definitely would have been cool if they handled his design as faithfully as the Destroyer with slick reflective blue metal. But I am very happy with Hela's sexy ass.
>>In early cuts, Thor and Valkyrie would remininsce about their first encounter in a "1980's Asgard" with Asgardians wearing "shoulder pads and Farrah Fawcetts". Young Thor would've been an acne-ridden chubby outcast, while Loki would've been an emo goth listening to "Asgardian death metal".
Thank you Christ in heaven for not letting this god damn bullshit happen.

>Snyder's Justice League was going to be even shittier than BvS.
>He just can't stop doubling down on "Muh Dark Tone"
That is only shitter if your a broken pathetic child who goes into a fit of crying on the floor if they dare to handle the material seriously you stupid fucking bastard.

>Made the wrong one with this and I say that as someone who did like Thewlis.

They should have played both, Thewlis as the disguise and Bean as the real face

All for the best, based Mangold.

I say this as someone who loves Ellen and Millie.

>>>In early cuts, Thor and Valkyrie would remininsce about their first encounter in a "1980's Asgard" with Asgardians wearing "shoulder pads and Farrah Fawcetts". Young Thor would've been an acne-ridden chubby outcast, while Loki would've been an emo goth listening to "Asgardian death metal".

That actually sounds pretty funny.

Chandler would've been interesting as Peter. Keaton was great and I'm glad they could accommodate him, but this now means the universe's Norman Osborn will be overshadowed by the fucking Vulture. Thank fuck they didn't go with the butchering of Ben's quote and identity reveal ideas, whoever suggested those needs to be fired.

>In early cuts, Thor and Loki would find Odin living as a deranged hobo in the streets of New York after his retirement home was demolished and he'd die in a seedy alleyway, whereupon Hela would arrive to confront Thor and Loki.

So that's what this shit in the trailers was.

Executives are brainlets as usual.

>>>Eva Green was reportedly approached for Doctor Poison before Elena Anaya was cast.
>Made the right call with these...


Sabretooth with adamantium instead of x-24 would have been good imo but I can see why they didn't want to remind anyone of the first wolverine

>Bowie was planned for a cameo
It still hurts lads

>Early cuts featured Luke's third lesson, in which he misleads Rey into believing that the caretakers have been slaughtered by marauders to prove that faith in the Force couldn't protect them.
I mean it doesn't sound good but it's better than not having a third lesson at all despite Luke mentioning it, and not having a purpose for the caretakers except for one stupid joke. The film already had a problem following up on TFA, now it has a problem on following up on itself.

Anyone who isn't a newfag knows that from the "What could have been" in the title. You all need to lurk more.

>We could have had AnnaSophia Robb's sweet ass in tight Power Rangers costume
Life is unending suffering.

Lando should have at least made a cameo as the real code breaker.

i am glad that they scraped that shitt

Look at how mad this guy is. BvS was great.

>In early cuts, Thor and Valkyrie would remininsce about their first encounter in a "1980's Asgard" with Asgardians wearing "shoulder pads and Farrah Fawcetts". Young Thor would've been an acne-ridden chubby outcast, while Loki would've been an emo goth listening to "Asgardian death metal".

While most of the cuts seemed ok, this one does take the cake in stupidity.
Glad it was deleted, though.

It's a comedy movie.

Yeah, but that scene would have been way outta the norm with what we got
And also, who the fuck would they have even casted for that teen Thor and Loki without them getting into a cursed casting?

LOL a male pink ranger is hilarious fucking make it happen.

Extra points if he’s manly and enjoys the pink deco.

>I don't even know WHAT they were going for with Mamoa.

Game of Thrones audience like with Trask, Jean and CIA

The earlier draft with the Codebreaker would’ve been a slight improvement. Give us a reason for DJ.

Also Rian is a fucking idiot, Finn and Poe being bros would’ve made the movie better, Rose sucked and should’ve never existed.

I don't imagine it would have been any better.

>implring the Vulture won't be the Osborn of the MCU

Screencap this. Its going to happen. You'll get an Osborn, but they'll shape Toomes to be the Osborn that was responsible for Siege.

Wasn't a big enough (or sexy enough) role for her.

Thor & Loki wouldn't have been children in the god damn fucking 80s.
They are thousands of years old, Loki was found at the end of the Asgard/Frost war and that was in the Viking era.

What's the problem? 5 of those 6 are "acceptable" or better.

Neeson would've been top fucking tier if he used his real accent and pulled a Good Cop/Bad Cop switch

>Watts originally envisioned Nick Fury as Peter's mentor.
That's better than fucking Tony Stark. Comic Peter would never look up to Stark like the movie version.

>>Adam Driver for Barry Allen
what the fuck

Not to be that guy, but there has never been a cape movie thats kino. Nolan came close.

>>In early drafts, Finn and Poe went to Canto Bight together.



>Jenkins was initially adamant that the movie be set in World War II as per the comics, but was convinced otherwise by Snyder.

Unironically the only good thing Snyder has ever fucking dreamt up

>In early cuts, Thor and Loki would find Odin living as a deranged hobo in the streets of New York after his retirement home was demolished and he'd die in a seedy alleyway, whereupon Hela would arrive to confront Thor and Loki. Test-audiences responded negatively to Odin's death and the scene was scrapped in favor of Odin sharing a tender moment with his sons and meeting a dignified end in the fjords of Norway.
Good change.
I really liked that scene.

Captain Underpants, My Entire High School Sinking Into the Sea, and Birdboy are better Sup Forums movies than any of these.

OP and his faggy thread also left out Valerian and Atomic Blonde.

Lego Batman and Wilson too

>Early cuts featured several scenes setting up the standalone THE FLASH and AQUAMAN, including appearances by Kiersey Clemons as Barry Allen’s girlfriend Iris West and Willem Dafoe as Arthur Curry’s mentor Nuidis Vulko. These and others were deleted to meet WB’s demands for a 2h running time in order to maximize profits.

This is hilarious in hindsight considering how much this movie fucking flopped.

Same. Odin didn't have enough screentime in Thor 3, but he was at least given a proper farewell.

>Liam Hemsworth and Alexander Skarsgard were approached for Steve Trevor before Chris Pine was cast

Chris Pine saved this movie from being a complete disaster, on the other hand this shit is completely overblown, and Gal Gadot isn't even in the same league as Tommy wiseau when it comes to acting.

Fucking this.
Unless the sequel is called Winder Woman: The Winter Trevor, I could not possibly give less of a fuck.

>and not having a purpose for the caretakers except for one stupid joke.
They served to explain how a temple survived in working order after, effectively, thousands of years. Luke would not have been able to maintain the structures.

Well, at least there's an actual reason that Channing Tatum's character did fucking nothing in the movie despite being in all the promotional material, but I'm still unbelievably mad about it.

There's nothing wrong with Rose as a character, it's just she's used in the wrong parts of the movie.

>AnnaSophia Robb auditioned for Kimberly

Is that you, Nick?
>> Guy who screamed at me in my LCS for saying Batman fighting Superman in their first appearance together is stupid

>>In early cuts, Merlin survived the explosion and attended Eggsy’s wedding sporting robotic legs. Test audiences felt that it undermined his sacrifice, so Merlin’s death was made permanent.
This is such bullshit. The movie stablished goddamn gel that heals bullet wounds TO THE HEAD and was used twice, and people felt that Merlin surviving wasn't appropiate?

>Kimberly is Billy’s ex-girlfriend and an anti-establishment, edgy punk rocker.
>Played by AnnaSophia Robb
Why God?! Why?!

Or he could just not be a retard and write properly.

I think the girl we got is cuter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Charlie Rowe would’ve been infinitely better than Holland. Hell, Ada would’ve been better than Holland. Just give him brown contacts. Holland sucked.

>>Adam Driver and Penn Badgley were considered for Barry Allen before Snyder offered Ezra Miller the role.
Why the hell didn’t they audition middle aged blonde chads? Barry is not a dark haired twink. Fucking hell.

Why are you fags so completely contrarian?
It's not the Ultimate U. It's not 616. It's a different universe.

Both are good actors. Neither look like the Vulture. Should’ve hired someone like Englund, Malkovich, Cromwell, or Kingsley.

>>Originally, Lancelot and Tequila had larger roles that were reduced due to delays caused by scheduling conflicts with Otto Bathurst’s ROBIN HOOD, also starring Taron Egerton.
Fuck you Robin Hood. Because of you my waifu is dead and based Tatum was out of most of the movie.

Not contrarian. Holland as Peter sucked. He’s a twink with a high voice and shitty attempted New York accent fanboying out on Tony Stark and can’t do anything without help. He sucks.

>He’s a twink with a high voice
because he wasn't cast in his late 20s like Tobey and Garfield


It'll be two years since we lost him next month.


>He’s a twink with a high voice and shitty attempted New York accent fanboying out on Tony Stark and can’t do anything without help.

Half of this is complaining about someone who is supposed to be playing a 15 y/o sounding like one and half is not liking the characterization of Peter which has nothign to do with Holland.

Being boring is something wrong


> wonder woman
> thor ragnarok
> logan
> guardians of the galaxy v2
> spiderman
> justice league

>before learning that the characters rights belonged to 20th Century Fox


carry on.