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Sabine has to get finished with Leia, first

Sabaphra smut user here. I really wanted to write this and get it done on Christmas as a present for you all but unfortunately some mental health/depression stuff came up and ruined my motivation and mood. I'm trying to write it and get it done.

what's going on here?

A experienced, dommy /ss/ mommy guiding a young man through the pleasures of the flesh is definetely the purest form of love.

Sorry you've been having a rough time, user. This time of year can bring all kinds of pressures and stresses so take some time and be kind to yourself. We'll all still be here shitposting when you're ready.
In the meanwhile, here's some Ayys being lewd to cheer you up.

Are you threatening me master /ss/fag?

hey user, take your time, that stuff is hard to get through, but things will be better

Why is TOR so awful, bros?

Sabine bringing another victim to her mistress's ever-growing pleasure harem.

EAWare can't help themselves

>tfw this is Ahsoka's first appearance in the canon comics

after the last jedi, i don't want to do anything related to star wars ever again. or at least for a very long long time.

>T-t-they didn't give The Emperor a backstory!
>That makes Snoke a well written character!

People who say this are idiots.

1. Yes they did.
2. The Emperor doesn't need a backstory. He's The Emperor. That's all you need to know. He's the emperor of the bad guys. That's a backstory that sets the stage for the character. What is a Snoke? Who is a Snoke? Why did he inherit The Emperor's throne? These are huge questions that need to be answered, because this is a continuation, not a stand alone. As it stands now, Snoke is a huge wasted amount of time for the audience. He did nothing, we learned nothing, and he impacted nothing. If they edited him out of every scene he's in, no one would miss anything relavent. That's how you know he's the worst written character in the series.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind some Sableia. Or Leiaphra. Or all three at once
Something to make Han jealous

Most importantly, how is he so wise in the force and the dark side if RoTJ was the extinction of the Sith? The Emperor didn't come encumbered with the responsibility of explaining where his powers came from. He just had them and there he was. But Snoke is coming into a situation where there's a definite break.
Plus, the Emperor in his purely OT context and Snoke aren't really comparable if only because Snoke is now coming into a series of six pre-established films with lore the audience will definitely know. Even a line of explanation would've been enough. Flesh it out in a novel later but give us something. Anything.




>yes they did.
Okay, tell me what the emperor's backstory was before watching the prequels
>he is currently in charge of the empire
>he was the one who corrupted vader
>he is a very bad man

I think that Snoke had no reason to exist, that's why I'm glad he's dead. I don't think he's great, but I think people that are like "wtf we had to know more about him" are being silly. You can draw the conclusion that he as a powerful force wielder on the level of palpatine took charge of the imperial remnants and at some point he contacted Kylo and corrupted him. I don't think you need to know a lot more for him.


Never played this. Nothing I ever read on here makes me want to. Is there anything at all that's redeeming, that I'm missing out on, or is it all solidly trash?

I wonder if this will be the last scene of Solo.

The Imperial Agent story is pretty cool
Some of the waifus are decent



>six pairs of breasts
How obscene!


Based Wedge

I'm not even going to pretend I meant to type just "six breasts," I'm just retarded.

I think it would be a pretty neat way to end it since it firmly puts Han where he was at the beginning of the first movie without overselling it

>Okay, tell me what the emperor's backstory was before watching the prequels
You just listed it. And that's 100% more backstory than Snoke.

He's in charge of the Empire, but we need to know why. Not for Snoke's own character, but for the integrity of the setting. We had six movies about the creation and destruction of the Empire, and suddenly, without explanation, it's back. This. Is. A. Plot. Hole.


Who was Jedietty?

Just let her try. Not gonna go well for Aphra.

no it isn't. in the ot, we got very little about the emperor other than what you could insinuate, and I don't think that's all that much more than what you got out for snoke.

i think I just preferred that they killed snoke rather than keep "i'm you but stronger" emperor around

This guy.

Phasma's heart swoons at your post!

Do not bully.

does Aphra have the best booty in nu-canon?

The Nebulon C was nice, but I'd like there to be a time in the new canon where they aren't jobbing to Star Destroyers.


Don't tell Razorfist.

>The galaxy almost 4000 years ago
>The galaxy 32 years ago
KOTOR was always iffy.

She's not half bad in the chest department, either.

I ask this a lot in this thread but never get a good answer: who would you cast as a live-action Aphra? The requirement is it has to be an Asian girl.



Under Disney Star Wars will always be about empire, rebellion, Star Destroyers, X-Wings, Tie Fighters till the end of time.

My god, it was there all along.

I know

hence why her lack of good lewds is baffling

Vader confirmed patrician taste


All his girls have been top-tier

What is the population of Coruscant? It better be in the trillions.

Nobody but dummies would fall for such cheap waifubait

I see you're another literally too stupid for Star Wars types.

The Emperor doesn't need a bavkstory, because he is in the beginning of the story. "There was an evil Emperor..." is a fine backstory, because it's a part of the greater myth. It's also a title and archtype, so you gleam what kind of person The Emperor is from his name alone. The myth ends when the Emperor dies. The hero is triumphant. But we don't get that.

"The Emperor died, the Empire defeated... Well except not really, a newer and badder Supreme Leader of the First Order (who?) who also leads the Knights of Ren (who? ) has rebuilt the Empire (how?)."

But the real question is "Why did the hero fail?" The Empire lives, a Sith(?) lives, and Luke, the hero, has exiled himself. This is a clear violation of the story we were told. It's bad writing. It reads like fanfiction. It's careless.

Wrong. Ahsoka's an ugly bitch


>donald glover as lando
what do you think?

i don't know a lot about him, he's seemed kind of chill, maybe a little bitter in a lot of the things I've seen him in. Lando is constantly this jovial guy, I like him, I just haven't seen him in a role that screams "this guy could totally be lando." anyone know anything more about him?


>who would you cast as a live-action Aphra? The requirement is it has to be an Asian girl.

Awkwafina. She's gonna be in Ocean's Eight alongside like every major character actress in Hollywood and also Rihanna.

Too bad no dick will ever play in that body.

>implying Aphra didn't grow on me as we saw her more in Vader 2015 and her own comic

hi there Sup Forumsourist

It's a meme to hate him, I think Childish Lando will be fine. I'm more worried about Han.

Hmmm, I think twelve people.

He played Troy in Community who was a very suave, jovial character. Famously there was an episode ("For a Few Paintballs More") where he and Abed were both roleplaying as Han Solo.

i mean I think the "hey, we're doing the OT again complete with new emperor ok" was terrible, and that's part of why I like that snoke is dead.

all i was arguing was that we literally didn't get more about the emperor than we did Snoke, and I don't care about getting more because I really fucking hate the idea of Snoke.

Good luck with that in a Chinese market dude

Is she the new Mara Jade?

>: who would you cast as a live-action Aphra? The requirement is it has to be an Asian girl.

Asian as in ethnicity, nationality or both?

If we're going just by race, then pic related. I know a couple people have mentioned her already.

>Sup Forumsourist
>implying I haven't been here longer than (You)
Just because I don't annoyingly post about my waifu nonstop 24/7 doesn't make me a fa/tv/irgin

*gets captured by Star Destroyer in Aftermath*

She looks the part, but can she into English? I thought she didn't speak it well. Maybe I'm confusing her with someone else.


Donald Glover has already been groomed by the Disney cabal, so it's no surprise he's in another movie. He doesn't fit the part at all, but when has that ever mattered?

Yeah but if you are going to make snoke:why not have a backstory?

>anyone know anything more about him?

Glover wrote,directed, and starred in his own tv show, Atlanta.
Every episode had a different format and frequently changed wildly in tone and perspective.
He probably could have made a better Han Solo movie than any version from Lord & Miller or Disney/Howard.

It took a while for Aphra to grow on me. She initially bugged me when she was introduced in the Vader comic, but I was surprised to find myself hyped when her own comic was announced. When she came out from under vader's shadow, then I couldn't get enough of her.




fair enough but rian didn't make snoke

i think that rian didn't really wanna play with the setup jj gave him so he trashed some of it. i think that it's fair to blame rian for not making a good movie with what JJ gave him, but as someone who hated how safe TFA was, at the same time I don't blame him.

Same, at first I didn't like her but she started to grow on me. Seeing her interact with the OT characters in Vader Down and Rebel Jail was when I officially started liking her a lot.


Stop liking a shitty dyke version of Indiana Jones who shat up the Vader comic every time she appeared

My beef with him is that hes too distinctive. Its like tom cruise playing a sw character. He could be someone but the whole time you think; its tom cruise.

not yet

I'm sorry sir. It's time for you to leave.

she was in old canon so as muchas I agree she doesn't count


I've seen you sperging out about her for days now

how embarassing

I wanted to read Darth Vader, not the Vader n Donut Steel Show.


She would need a CGI ass.

*inhales deeply*

I can see that, good point.


>implying Aphra wouldn't be on top

Nigga got pipes
