
Just started watching season 3 of Wakfu. Can we talk about stuff?

Adamai is Frieza now. What the fuck.

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wakfu season 3 was a waste of time, would have preferred more dofus

>entire animation budget spent on character torso turnaround

So how do the gods even work in this series?

Theres a god with followers, and people believing in the gods gives them power. But then theres people running around that are the demi-god sons and daughters of the gods. And thent heres also some people that are the re-incarnations of the gods? And then theres people who were so powerful they became the new god and replaced the old one?

It seems like a clusterfuck. Like Tristepin for example. Hes the re-incarnation of the original Iop god? But then Goultard was the god for a while? And then Tristepin had the god power again, but then gave it up to go home and be a family man? Who took it over after that?

Still new to the shows. What the difference between Wakfu and Dofus? Just same creators? Or is the two series connected?

Dofus is a loose prequel to Wakfu, taking place a few (hundred) years prior.

What this user said.
Wakfu takes place a few hundred years after Dofus. You could watch the first season of Wakfu without ever watching Dofus. But past that Wakfu starts having lots of stuff link back to the Dofus lore. So its best to watch Dofus and its movie at that point, and then continue on to Wakfu Season 2 the OVA and Season 3.

They make up things as they go long and don't put actual thought into it.

Why didn't Oropo 1 v. 1 Yugo a month after he finished fighting Ogrest and absorb him? Oropo wasn't fading out of existence then and was still OP enough to curb stomp Yugo and pals without much effort.

>Eliotropes aren't going to be tied to the plot of Wakfu.
>Oropo exists and the Player Character's Eliotrope is confirmed killed by the time Season 3 starts.

You have the first part right. The demigod children are children born from whatever god or goddess, so I assume they just take on the class of whatever their god parent was. I can't recall if there were people who replaced gods. Only people who ended up becoming gods, like Sacrier or Pandawa.

Tristepin is the Iop god. So I assume he's a reincarnation or whatever. He gave his power to Goultard for awhile before he was born/incarnated as Tristepin, I guess. But took it back in the OVAs, but then gave it back up or something. I'd assume that Goultard has it again? I don't remember. I've only just started rewatching the series and I'm in early S2.

It's fucked, but that might be because I'm still a little fuzzy on things because I haven't seen anything in awhile.

it's funny because I don't remember if this actually made it into the season or not

Pretty much. Original Iop God was bored and decided to fuck around in mortal land. Loved it so much he decided to give up his godhood and passed it on to his demigod son Goultard. After OC Iop God's death (because hes a mortal now), he reincarnates into Tristepan sometime later. I don't know if Tristepan appeared right after OC Iop God died though. After witnessing his kids almost die, Tristepan's godhood powers automatically fucked off from Goultard and went back to him. He didn't like it so he gave it back to Goultard.

I always wondered. We know the gods just come down to the mortal world, fuck someone, leave them pregnant/get pregnant then fuck off back to Inglorium. Do they breed only with their followers? I mean, if for example Sram fucks a Feca girl, will the demigod child always be a Sram or there are chances to become a Feca demigod?

How do we know that all the siblings demigods from S3 and from the Dofus era are children of their god? Kerub even said that Ush was a child of a different thing or something like that. Maybe one god, other than Ecaflip, fucked a normal Eca and Ush poped out.

Never read the Monster mangas or the Ogrest one, is the god breeding explained anywhere?

>also links for everything before any of you ask

Dofus english dub: mega.nz/#F!ddQmgZKS!qMCvC8HfKTHuxHvCgB3zqg

>it's funny because I don't remember if this actually made it into the season or not

That scene was never put in S3. It was only showed in the trailer.

>Ruels french VA passed away this year


>I don't know if Tristepan appeared right after OC Iop God died though
I think they hinted at that in season 2 when they showed immediately after he died
like, those Iop warriors were supposed to be his kids or something

>Do they breed only with their followers
probably what mostly happens, but there's not really any proof that's what happened. Good example are Dally's kids, children of him & Eva, who doesn't worship her husband [spoier]but probably worships that dick[/spoiler]
>How do we know that all the siblings demigods from S3 and from the Dofus era are children of their god?
I think it's usually just taking them on their word, but there's usually some special power or something that they have from being a demigod (the immortality of the Eliatropes, Harenbourg's ice magic, etc)
>Kerub even said that Ush was a child of a different thing or something like that
he said different "litter", as in different litter of cats. I think it's more that Ecaflip regularly mates with mortals & has multiple kids in different generations (hence Atcham & Kerub being much older than Ush)

>like, those Iop warriors were supposed to be his kids or something
I meant other reincarnations. sorry, writing this before I had my coffee

But Ush was old too. He died in the Remington comics. He reincarnated and he was a teenager in the OVAs

and Kerub died & reincarnated in the movie
there seems to be a pattern here

>Tot at the end of S3: We only forgot about Harebourg
>Tot a few weeks ago: Harebourg died in the OVAs by Echo, lol


I asked Fabrice some shit about some characters and he didn't replied in a few days. Which is strange, he always replies within a day. I'm fucking sure they are having a conference to make the story up right now.


I mean it is already known they are making shit up on the fly, they already admitted it. It adds a certain dynamic which I really like and also lets them react to outside circumstances faster, but it also leads to a tangled, incoherend plots and bullshittery like Eliotropes.

Are they both in the wrong?

>Iro Sef plans to do more in-depth videos about the lore and more ingoing with the comic series
>can't speak french to understand him
>no english subtitles

>Let's try to kidnap the children we need to willingly work with us, then attempt to kill their father who no longer has his god powers right in front of them! I'll send a murderous psychopath with a poison fetish to kidnap their pregnant mother as well! My plan is flawless!

>expenting an autist to have a good plan

>Goddamn it, Toxine was a selfish cunt and killed people for her own interests
>better give her a nice punishment but keep her alive
>Harebourg literally wanted to save his people from a flooding and keep them warm
>fucking selfish cunt, better kill him

Here are the screencaps of the dialogues from the Siblings questline in Dofus. Not completed yet since the later quests are legit torture to complete


>ywn be blessed by Feca herself

>tfw havent played either the dofus or the wakfu games and wonder about all the delicious lore Ive missed out on

How do we know he was killed? He may have just froze along with his kingdom and Ereo secured his body in case ascending to godhood revives him or something.

>How do we know he was killed?

Here's your answer

You are missing the biggest parts of the lore. The animations barely show anything.

>they will never show the fact that Iop raped Lacrima and unintentionally caused Ogrest's chaos

I just dont want to have to grind out TWO goddamn MMOs to get the full story. Are the MMOs pretty dead now? Do you need big raiding partys to complete dungeons, or can you do it all alone?


Dofus got a monoaccount server a month or so ago, it was so full they had to make 4 more servers to ease the population. Wakfu is pretty alive, they got a recent update where you can see Arpagone and fight in a painful dungeon.

For Wakfu, you can multibox and use multiple characters if you pay some shekels for a booster. You'll only need parties for some later hard quests.

The Siblings questline in Dofus (and pretty much the entire game and the quests) are available only for subscribed players. The sub is worth it since Dofus has more lore than Wakfu. It's just $5 a month. You will meet more demigods that are part of the Siblings and some that are against them.

Wakfu has its fair share of Siblings quest too. In here Kali will actually have moments of shine. And you help Mishell collect animal eggs that Oropo will later destroy.

If you want more info about the games, visit the /akg/ thread on /vg/

Forgot to add that the Zinit quest in Wakfu are only available for players that have active boosters BUT they are free until Dec 31 because holidays.

But don't worry, they will make them free later once more content gets put in the game. They done that before.

Reminder that Yugo is the same height as a 12 year old girl

He is JUST tall enough to rim that ass

To be fair, I also have the same height as a 12 years old girl
I'm 20 and a guy

hope you enjoy life as a sissy

Strange, he is slightly taller in some scenes like this one.


>Kali pulling out wheel chains and using them as buzzsaws

GAMAKNA #5 is on

More spoilers and shit ahead


>Kali won the 2nd place at the hardest boss battles


>started as a hobo wizard
>died a fag

what a way to go

>all of Eniripsa's animation in Krosmaga are her spreading her legs or making kissing taunts


You know, for a show that is basically an ad for a mmo and everything here is canon to the games, they sure don't put the spells each class uses in the show. If they drow us in iop cum so much why don't they make Pinpin use some of theoverpowered fire spells Iops have in game?

>Duny in charge of making a tl;dr

Is this English-audio-only version the only source for Dofus in 1080p?

Has anyone bothered to remux the french audio and subs from the HDTV rip into this?

Yes, the english dub is the only 1080p we have.

A few guys tried to remux the french audio into this on on the last thread: archive.is/JmHvr

>Kali will never pull out wheel chains and using them as buzzsaws in S4 because they will ran out of episodes

I guess the Drhellzerker spell counts?

i cant read this

When are the Sufokians coming back?

When Adale will touch girl puss
Don't think he is into girl if his ship is filled with busty foggers.

>the Siblings blew up every single god statue in Astrub
>Iop was so angry that he came into the mortal world and he destroyed one of their towers

Bunch of terrorists

>inb4 angry Sup Forums rant on Tot's blog

When are robos gonna appear outside of games?

>Pinpin and Flopin sucked on those cow tits
>Flopin probably still does it


Reminder that Elely will definitely grow up to share a body type with her mother.

But will also Flopin?

Of course

He already got Eva's hips and his ass starts to grow

You know there's a difference between being thicc and wearing tight pants right?

But the hips are still standing

Just give him some time. His meat will grow. He is like what, 9-10?

It occurs to me, Iops don't have noses. Are they all mouth-breathers?

They breath through their tear ducts

>canonically the mentally inferior race/class of the krosmoz


Don't bully them pls

>Oropo spergs about justice and how the gods shouldn't play with the lives of the twelvians
>his brotherhood does whatever they want to the twelvians

What did he mean by this?

Justice lies in the eye of the beholder.

He's either a hypocrite or a retard.

Look into the Dofus questline. He is a fucking retard


It means he is a retard

>He is a fucking retard
He never had a god to represent his people in the first place, so he could not understand the role they played for the other races. Maybe jealousy played a bit of a role.
Is Yugo indirectly at fault for everything bad happening in the animated series? He was responsible for Oropo existing, who was responsible for Nox tumbling down towards insanity, a role which Yugo arguably played for Quibly to some extend.

Oropo is the one true God of the Krosmoz. He doesn't answer to your morality or the morality of the "Gods" and twelvians.

If I remember right everything Quilby did was Quilby's fault. And the fault of him not resetting like everyone else.

Gods are for faggots. We robo now.

Oreo was just a Eliatrope's proxy to genocide humans n weaken gods

Third time's a charm

Shiet, what happened to her? Last time I heard the fight against the Mechasms weakened her so much that the twelve gods bullied her or some shit.

Why bully your creator??

While him not being reformatted properly during reincarnation was the reason he stated himself, he was visibly distressed when Yugo was going to lock him up in the white space again. So I assume that all the centuries he spent here did not contribute to improving his condition. Yugo could have at least shown merci and kill him, so that he finds some peace until his next rebirth. And then maybe trying to heal his mental wounds step by step. He is Yugo's subject after all.

How would things got for the siblings demis if Oropo never existed? All the hate for their parents seems to be engineered by Oropo. He surely developed a small cult for himself. Do you think he brainwashed them?

I mean, maybe Echo hated her mother since she is a mixed freak and Eniripsas have more sensible emotions so there is room to believe some of them hated their genuinely hated their parents

So if the Eliotropes are all gone, are theys till a playable race in the Wakfu game? Or does the game take place before the series now?

Status quo

Demis are lazy fags

Game takes place a few years before the series. You can hear Yugo crying in Alibert's in and Amalia's father mentions her little princess when you talk to him.

You do some preparation for the siblings also. Mishell used me all this time. Fuck demigods

Both Dofus and Wakfu MMOs take place before the animated series; Eliotropes were still a thing in Wakfu MMO. It's only in the animated timeline did all the Eliotropes but Oropo get wiped out.

>Oropo was sterile.
I can imagine why he hates Yugo and the Gods. He couldn't fucking breed Echo despite all the sex they had for centuries

At the very end there yeah that super is Yugo's fault. But everything about Quilby and his condition before that was out of our Yugo's hands.

Something doesn't make sense for me. Didn't Oropo said that he was supposed to be dead long time ago but the Eliacube is the only thing keeping him alive?

My question is, when was he suppose to die? I know only after Wakfu Manga since the cube was still in Balthazar's possession and that takes place after S2.

If we go with his explanation that the energy from eliotropes that are gone "increasing their life expectancy" and that fact that he is the last one, it means that he got such an ammount of energy that will expand his life hundreds of years? So by the time of the OVAs his hundreds of years were to be ended. Does that mean that there were no Eliotropes in the world since the Dofus MMO? I mean, even if your character in the Wakfu MMO was an elio, that means your energy would make him live longer than the OVAs and even S3.

>can't breed Echo

A nightmare indeed

Oropo was dying by the time s3 started after merging with the cube and became a God he no longer had to fear fading from existence.

Despite this even when fading out, Oropo was already busted in terms of power. He solo'd the Siblings + Yugo's crew before touching the cube just by using some stupid gadgets he made.

When was he supposed to die if he never fused with the cube and let his life go normally? At which year/time/point in the series

He would've died sometime after the tower explosion. Don't forget he was also maintaining an entire dimension he created while fightinf everyone. So had Oropo died before merging with the cube everyone would have died out in space or when his dimension disappeared into none existence.

>He would've died sometime after the tower explosion

He said he would've been dead if he never had the eliacube with him which means he was supposed to die before S3 if he didn't get the cube sometime after the manga.

Where can I watch season 3 (and the required ovas) ?

Here are the links

When Tot remembers they exist so better learn french to bother him about it.

>they see Count Harebourg on the first floor of the tower, locked in an ice chamber
>lol I guess this is the Xelor floor
>never seen again

I know she's fucking hot but what the fuck is up with her forehead proportions. She has the forehead of an infant.

>inb4 Oropo's cum had to be kept somewhere

The only timing that makes sense is that Oropo opened up Emrub with one of the stolen Dofus during the OVA and took the Eliacube. This doesn't answer how Oropo lasted that long since the Eliotropes were supposed have been totally erased from history years before during Season 1.