Wish for immunity to 'Da Rules'

>Wish for immunity to 'Da Rules'
>Wish for the Muffin to regenerate after every bite
>Wish for the muffin to be usable only by you
>Wish for the muffin to be called to your hand at will

Timmy could have been a fucking god and he waste it

You just don't understand. NO ONE understands.

Timmy is a fucking moron as evidenced by the entire god damn episode

Timmy IS a god

there are so many times when he could have made loopholes to shit if he was even slightly power hungry he'd be the god not a god

Reverse the order of those wishes and you're right.

Doesn't it taste like shit doe

You’re fucking retarded

Well he could get another next year

yu idiot they could wish away your mouth to keep you from eating it.

Someone has to wish it first

>there are so many times when he could have made loopholes to shit if he was even slightly power hungry he'd be the god not a god
man if I got Fairy Godparents the first thing I'd do is ask for a copy of Da Rules so I could memorize them, then I'd be able to rules lawyer my way to almost anything I want

Juandissimo I wish the muffin was sand
what now, pinkshit?

Still wished for Immunity from the Rules. Nothing stops Timmy from smiting this little shit regardless.

I used to watch this when it premiered... But nigga could have the power to cure CANCER of all things, but he's just crass. Senseless, mindless, stupid. Then again, that muffin tasted like shit.

But he could wish for the muffin to taste better.


Yeah, what does it matter that it tastes like shit, it lets you wish for anything you want with every bite no matter what Da Rules say, you can wish for a Billion Trillion Dollars, or for the love of your life to be instantly in love with you, or to be the greatest football player ever, or even kill your greatest enemies, with that "shit tasting" muffin, you can be a FREAKING GOD, so , who gives a rat's ass if it taste bad when you can have the world on string?

>Not wishing to have Da Rules memorized

That's the one limitation of the muffin.

wish for it to taste better

There was a secret wish Timmy made off screen. To have the Fairly oddparents show run forever on Nickelodeon.

That's literally the one thing it can't do

Wish for it to be able to do that

timmy just gonna snort that shit anyways

that will come later, first I want to see how much of it I can comprehend on my own

yeah you caught me

Honesty that is a waste of bite imo. So what if it taste like crap. You have the literal power of a God.

Also do they specify that you have to take a good sized bite from the Muffin? Or can you nibble a little bit off to make it last longer?

>make it last longer

You get ONE rule-free wish. You take a bite and make a wish and you personally can't use it anymore. After that, it's just a shit tasting muffin to you.

No, Timmy used it more than once in the episode. He made the first bite, and he used his last bite to revert all the damage done.