Mortal Kombat should be integrated into the DC Multiverse

Mortal Kombat should be integrated into the DC Multiverse.

We need a new MK vs DC

>the DC Multiverse.
how would earth ever lose mortal kombat in the DC universe

Because it wouldn't be allowed to pull from those other earths, just like the hall of heroes can't pull from Earth-0 and Earth-33

I disagree, Mortal Kombat works too much by it's own rules to co exist with anything really, even other fighting games.

MK vs KI when?

If they didn't allow Batman and Superman to be gibbed then, they wouldn't let them be gibbed now.
Injustice guest characters only

MK is competing with DC in terms of retarded retcons and reboots.

Fuck off, Boon

>Xbox/PC exclusive
>Fatalities done at Spinal
>Aganos (not as important as Spinal but still)

Yes just Red Hood can take up Sub-Zero’s offer to train him to be a Lin Kuei

Doesn't it already? What, with the various crossovers.

That'd actually be pretty sweet.

Nah, just merge it with the Injustice Regime universe

Nah, MK is fine the way it is. It can crossover with DC occasionally but it shouldn't be part of the DC multiverse

No it shouldn't. Keep it its own thing.

The Grandmaster Kuai Liang Sama is too good for Defeated Comics.

New MK comic when? I don't want to wait until MK11

DC would need to buy MK comics rights, I don't think ED Boon would limit their options since he's always trying something new to get money like a cartoon,live action series,movies etc.


>DC would need to buy MK comics rights, I don't think ED Boon would limit their options since he's always trying something new to get money like a cartoon,live action series,movies etc.

DC is owned by Warner Brothers, so is Netherrealm Studios. Both DC and MK are already owned by the same company, DC wouldn't have to buy anything.

This, that’s why mk characters appear in injustice

Sub-Zero would be a cool cameo character in a couple comics

>get out of here

I want to see a comic where it is explained that during Bruce Wayne's training to become Batman he goes to train with the Shirai Ryu
After the clan is wiped out he goes to investigate and ends up running into Scorpion
Scorpion of course thinks it's the Lin Kuei because of Quan Chi's meddling but Batman thinks it's someone else
Turns out Quan Chi had the League of Assassins take out the Shirai Ryu
So Scorpion and Batman have to take on Ra's and Lady Shiva

I'd like to see a brutally violent where the League of Shadows finds itself in conflict with both the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu, with Batman trying to stem the tide of bodies.

REAL question: Shao kahn adopted kitana because he wanted a heir, then he created MIleena when he thought Kitana was unfit to rule and then he adopted reiko , so my question is, why doesn't he just a have a normal fucking baby he cann pass outworld o with his own powerfull dna? Is not like he doesn't have a shitload of sex slaves laying around

Maybe he can't get it up

guy is old as hell.
soul suckin, no matter how dark and powerful, can fix old man limp dick.

Because he is a Shokan, not an Edenian, and he wants to rule Edenia and he created Mileena before Sindel was ressurected, I don't know

Is Asia in the MK world still in ninja/samurai times? I never got that part.

>comic tells a much better story than the game
>ends on a cliffhanger that will probably never be followed up on
>Vogel will probably still be the writer for MK11

According to the comic, it's as up to date as the rest of the world.

na they got the guy that made the comic on it

He didn't want an heir, he just thought it'd be cool to raise Kitana as his bootlicking assassin

Kitana started thinking for herself, so he made Mileena with monster DNA so she'd be equal parts loyal, vicious and sexy

Let's not pretend that Shao Khan actually thinks of these girls as his heirs. Have you seen how he lets them dress?

Who the fuck is Reiko again?

why are Americans so obsessed with every piece of fiction being part of the same thing? What make you angry at having various worlds?
Is that how you are trained to spread the globalist imperialism logic i the mind of children?

More like nerds are obsessed with crossovers.

Shao's gay son.

Some Quan Chi henchman turned Kahn general who liked to dress up as Shao Kahn in the old continuity, turned into a skin puddle in the new continuity

>tfw E3 2018 is in a couple months, Injustice2 looks like it's slowing down
It's around that time, I want a new Mortal Kombat to play and a new MK comic to read

He does refer to mileena as his "true daughter" so it's kind of a dick move for him to adopt reiko as his heir after that


I know what you're thinking, but no, this still wouldn't kill the Joker.

Are any of the MK comics worth reading? Where do I start? I've never even played any of the games.

it's gonna happen eventually.

they foreshadowed it too much in injustice 2 for it not to happen


Just read the Mortal Kombat X comic. The earlier ones aren't really worth your time desu

Also, Bionicle.

And then they should do MK vs. Bionicle.

Imagine doing a fatality on Tahu and ripping off his head- and then he just goes over and puts his head back on when it's over because he's a fucking lego

Doubt it, there's just no way of pleasing everyone, I don't think anyone really wants MK vs DC 2

I know I certainly I don't. MKvsDC was just so terrible.

Gods... you're fucking pathetic.
MK is fucking good in this state, don't make craps ideas...
PD: When Midway was active, the MK comic series are godlike.

This guy's right, actually. The lore of the Elder Gods and One Being can't coexist with the Bleed, the Fourth World, Multiversity, etc.

Kahn's not a Shokan, he's an ex-God.

He used to be the Raiden of Outworld but renounced his godhood to take the throne.

>He didn't want an heir, he just thought it'd be cool to raise Kitana as his bootlicking assassin

That's the reboot.

You're one of like five people in the world who knows Bionicle, bro.

Don't lose hope, the MKX comic writer was the Narrative Lead for Injustice 2 so he maybe taking on the same role for MK11.

MKX looked good but the colors were really muted compared to MK9, I hope MK11 goes in a different direction.

He - or rather, the fact that the guy he replaced, Brian Chard, is gone - is also the reason the intros at the beginning of each fight are WAY more boring and canned in I2 than they were in X.

Reminded me a bit of the first Injustice desu

Eh, the Injustice prefight dialogue wasn't that bad minus the reused lines

technically bionicle is already part of the dc muliverse since the comics were disrtibuted by dc
Suprisingly enough Sup Forums has its fair share of bionicle threads